People of Greek Heritage The Greeks are an ethnic community and are native mainly to Greece and other regions around the Mediterranean Sea. Their cultural heritage can be traced as far back in history as four thousand years. The Greek culture has evolved over the years to what can be described as great prosperity levels that led to a cultural boom that was also reflected in various artistic and scholarly forms such as science, architecture, and drama. The pillars of the Greek culture are their traditions, religion, music, and language (Reinhold, 2012). The Greek Orthodox Church is an important aspect of the Greek community from where they practice their religion and holidays, which are also religion-based, for example, Easter and Christmas. In contemporary Greek culture, the church still plays a significant role in governmental affairs. Their families can be described as close-knit, and it is from their concept of family that social institutions have also evolved from. A typical Greek family, therefore, consists of a husband, a wife, and children. The Greeks culture is other than being religious is also…

The Film That Environmental Organization Don’t Want You to See According to the author, the documentary  Cowspiracy explores the relationship between animal agriculture and climate change.  Cowspiracy documentary describes the journey of the filmmaker, Kip Anderson, as he uncovers what individuals do not talk about: animal and agriculture, the most critical industry involving the safety of our planet. Primarily, the documentary educates the audience on the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption, and pollution, and greenhouse gases emission caused by animal agriculture.  Cowspiracy further shows that global warming pollution is not caused by the use of fossil fuels such as oil and coal, as scientists usually suggest. But, instead, the primary sources are animal agriculture. According to the documentary “ The Film That Environmental Organization Don’t Want You to See” show that  51 % of all greenhouses gases are by animal agriculture and this indicates that a global population of approximately seven billion human beings consumption has an impact to climate changes.  In the Film,  Keegan Kuln the filmmaker with his pair Anderson explores our eating habits which reflects how…

A Sourcing Strategy for High-Cost Dog Meat Introduction A sourcing strategy is a strategy in which the best candidates are identified by an organization with a need to obtain goods or services from such candidates. It is a supply chain management function or rather a procurement function in which the best candidate is identified through the use of some specific criteria such as the ability to perform outstandingly without failure. However, in procurement, sourcing entails contracting a business process to another person whereby the company which is sourcing does not in any way in the provision of such processes.  The purpose of this essay is to develop a sourcing strategy for a high cost of dog meat. Dog meat is considered a good diet in most countries like China and Taiwan because of its high nutritional value (Burton, 38).  As a red meat, the dog meat is believed to have some benefits such as rising body temperature and improving the blood circulation in our bodies. It also reduces the risks for cancer and dementia which are common infections affecting people.…

How quality bath salts benefit your health and skin Many of us don’t exactly know about the benefits of bath salt and often walk past the bath salt rack at a shop. However, for ages bath salt has been used for treating both physical and mental health ailments. It is one of the most natural and inexpensive ways to keep your body and skin healthy. Bath salt a commonly made from magnesium sulfate, sodium chloride, borax and sodium citrate, which easily gets dissolved into our pores and treats all our body ailments from inside. Moreover, a study also states that the nutrition and minerals present in our body are quite similar to the composition of a good quality bath salt, which means it is excellent to maintain our body equilibrium. What is a bath salt? Bath salt is also known as Epsom salt is magnesium-based salt, which is fine particles and water-soluble, mostly used for bathing. They are filled with natural minerals, which are great for beauty treatments, improve magnesium levels of our body and treat overall health. Besides, it…

The Art of Marketing The marketing process is usually involving and at the same time, challenging. As such, a marketing consultant must focus on marketing its product by using the four Ps of marketing since they have proven to be sufficient to all the people who have used this method before. Ideally, marketing is essential in that it aids in creating awareness of the products that a firm is selling. Typically, an analysis of the four Ps of marketing is likely to shed light on the essentiality of marketing. In this analysis, each aspect of marketing will be addressed exhaustively, enhancing the ability to understand the concept of marketing. Product: Tiang Shen Yu: The product is an essential component of the marketing mix. Most importantly, the product can either be a tangible or intangible item. The product must be created in such a manner that meets the needs of the consumers. Arguably, it is at the product that the quality is measured, and the impressions that the consumers of the product get are a reflection of the brand image. Since…

Marketing Mix: Product by Tiang Shen Yu             The 4ps of marketing mix all play an essential aspect of a business that plans on encroaching a new market. The product, in particular, carries the relevance of the company and the market research. A product is the goods sold or the service that is offered to the consumers. As such, a firm must ensure that the product is viable and can attract consumers, especially since it is the first time that the product is being introduced in the market. Arguably, when entering the product, the main aim of the seller should be capturing the attention of the consumers of the product. This can be achieved by creating an appealing package since the visual impression of the consumers determine the nature of the market in terms of the number of consumers that the product will attract. Ehmke, Fulton, and Lusk support that “Other product attributes include quality, features, options, services, warranties, and brand name”(1). Agreeably the seller has to focus on appealing to the potential consumers using all the options presented on…

Schüblig: The Delicious Traditional Swiss Sausage from Farmy Delicious by itself or served with vegetable and various recipes, schüblig is a versatile traditional sausage from Switzerland. It’s precious, unique, and puts a classy twist on typical meat. What is Schublig? Schüblig is a traditional sausage made with select cuts of pork and beef. It’s mixed with a blend of spices, non-fat milk, onions, finely ground, and lightly smoked to add aroma fusion. Traditionally, it’s consumed raw and uncooked in various food recipes. It’s also eaten grilled or boiled. The sausage originates from the German-speaking parts of Switzerland. In Europe, schüblig is served in different ways, depending on one’s preference. They can also be served in a sandwich or garnished with pickle relish, mustard, and ketchup. In Switzerland, schüblig is as popular as cervelat, and bratwurst sausages. They all have history and legacy in modern food recipes. Is Schüblig the Same as Bratwurst? Although they share the same popularity and recipe ingredients, bratwurst sausages have a German origin. Bratwursts are fresh link sausages made explicitly from pork and veal. Coriander and…

Seven-day meal plan to lower cholesterol A vegetarian diet is becoming incredibly popular among health freaks for its incredible health benefits. Especially if you are jostling with health issues like cholesterol, vegetarian food is best for you. But, eating a vegetarian meal randomly will not yield the desired results. Hence, a specialized meal plan to lower cholesterol by excluding the meals which induce the cholesterol levels in the body and including the eatable, which curbs the cholesterol levels, is the best way to proceed. If you are also looking for a reliable 7-day meal plan to lower cholesterol levels, you need not spend a fortune to seek a dietician advise. Here is a comprehensive 7-day meal plan to lower cholesterol and keep you healthy: Day 1 Breakfast: 2 eggs with a protein smoothie Midday Snack: 1 tbsp of peanut butter and a medium-sized apple Lunch: Bean Burrito Evening Snack: ½ cup of pumpkin seeds Dinner: BBQ with steak and cauliflower, Edamame and Quinoa Day 2 Breakfast: 2 scrambles Tofu with a protein smoothie Mid Day Snack: Homemade trail mix Lunch:…

How To Boost Immunity System And Avoid The Spread Of Coronavirus With the spread of coronavirus, everyone needs to boost their immune system. There are various ways that your body prevents a new germ from getting in.  In addition to skin, there is mucus (which is an important barrier) and microbiome. Under the writhing swamps of microbes and mucus, there are epithelial cells lined up in the body that makes it hard for germs to get through. They create antimicrobial products (antiviral compounds) that are quite hostile to coronavirus. How do you improve the immune system? Keep reading to find out. Eat Healthily To improve your immune system ensures that you eat a diet that contains a lot of fibre. You don’t have to be a vegetarian, but the more plant foods you eat, the better. You should know that microbiome likes pulses, fibre as well as fermented foods. Take Care Of Your Skin The skin microbiome is also essential, although there is less information about it. But you can avoid high doses of ultraviolet light since it affects your…

Restaurants and Eateries worth Visiting While in Vancouver Vancouver is Canada’s unofficial foodie capital. It doesn’t matter if you’re a connoisseur or fine with a McDonald’s happy meal. This city has something that can wet your pallet or fill your belly. There are too many fine eateries to mention in such a short time. You’re probably ready to go, so let’s waste no more time with explanations. Here are some eateries worth visiting while in Vancouver: Top of Vancouver Revolving Restaurant                       This restaurant offers you the best of two worlds. You can partake in fine continental dining and do a little sightseeing at the top of Vancouver revolving restaurant. At 167m, you have a truly unobstructed view of the ocean and the coastal mountains. You can play your favourite online casino games on your phone as the restaurant take 60 minutes to compile a revolution. There’s no better way to enjoy your meal and a panoramic view of the city. Vij’s Do you love authentic Indian cuisine? Then you should make a stop at Vij’s. This restaurant is so popular…

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