Modelling concept example Student’s name Institutional affiliation               In psychology, modeling is a social cognitive learning concept where an individual learns a given behavior through observation and imitating (Richardson, Dale & Marsh, 2014). This concept utilizes the use of live or symbolic models to demonstrate the desired action to an individual with the undesired behavior. This process is useful in the treatment of individuals with mental disorders such as phobias, stress, eating disorders, and the learning of social skills. An example of this process is used in the process of dealing with the fear of drug relapse. In this case, the patient was involved in a desensitization behavior process where a patient has introduced to the object or the situation he feared the most, drug addiction relapse. In the process, the patient observed a model confronting the situation of avoiding drugs that the patient feared and witnessed the model deal with the situation as the patient watched. The patient learned that fear is a situation that can…

Opioid Addiction             Research and statistics have established that more than 130 people die daily in the United States because of overdosing on opioids (Hser et al. 77). The greatest challenge with the control and management of opioids is that it involves both legal and illegal substances. The misuse of prescription pain relievers is something the government or the medical stakeholders in the country cannot control. According to Hser et al. (79), the problem began in the 1990s when pharmaceutical companies assured the country and the medical community that patients would never be addicted to opioids. The problem is slowly becoming uncontrollable, and the key medical stakeholders are losing a grip on the matter and hence a great study area. Research Questions What transformations in the medical community will help reduce or resolve the problem of opioid addiction? How can the government and the medical community minimize deaths through control and reduction of opioid addiction? What alternatives can help resolve the problem caused by the failed 1990s assurance by pharmaceutical companies that patients would not be addicted to opioids?  …

Addiction to prescription pain medication Title of Paper: Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Signs, symptoms and Treatment issues   Paper content that must be included: prevention and treatment approaches to prescription pain medication abuse. Compare/ Contrast various treatment approaches to the problem of prescription pain medication abuse. Analyze the signs symptoms and  predisposing factors associated with the misuse of prescription pain medication. I uploaded a interview I conducted with a friend who was an ex addict. Please review and incorporate in my paper in the second half.[unique_solution]   All journals must be professional and scholarly, as well as books. All material should be from 2012-2018 Addiction to prescription pain medication Title of Paper: Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Signs, symptoms and Treatment issues   Paper content that must be included: prevention and treatment approaches to prescription pain medication abuse. Compare/ Contrast various treatment approaches to the problem of prescription pain medication abuse. Analyze the signs symptoms and  predisposing factors associated with the misuse of prescription pain medication. I uploaded a interview I conducted with a friend who was an ex addict. Please…

The Rose (1979) And Wishful Drinking (2010) Movie Comparison             “The Rose” and “Wishful Drinking” are films that look into the lives of celebrities and the extent to which pursuance of fame and money leads them to alcohol and drug abuse as well as mental illness. An example is when Bette Midler in “The Rose” gets into alcohol and drug abuse due to pressure from her business manager to take part in many tours (Rydell, 1979). “The Rose” and ‘Wishful Drinking” look into Bette Midler and Carrie Fisher, whose celebrity strains lead them to drug addiction that pioneer mental illness like bipolar disorder and depression. Movie Summaries The Rose released in 197 and Wishful Drinking released in 2010 are movies that provide some account of drug addiction as it relates to celebrity life. “The Rose” reflects on the life of Janis Joplin, an American songwriter and singer who passed away from an accidental heroin overdose in 1970 (Rydell, 1979). The movie reveals troubles that Bette Midler undergoes as she gets immersed in the rock star status. Midler goes out of…

Yalom’s Essential Elements Yalom was an expert when it came to handling issues concerning existential psychotherapy. He came up with eleven therapeutic factors that can lead to a change and healing in group therapy (Corey, 2008). These 11 processes aim to create awareness in a group of individuals who are going through tough times in their lives. He also wanted members of group therapy to realize that together they can motivate each other. The essential group processes of Yalom therapeutic process that tends to turn the lives of individual dealing with different issues is paramount. Additionally, a summary of Teyber provides insight and response to conflicted emotions. Instillation of hope Many clients who attend therapy sessions for treatment feel defeated by life.  The majority of the cases are overwhelmed by failures to manage the use of drugs and other substances. They have a feeling of lack of a better place to be and no chances or opportunities for a better life.  If a person with a similar experience joins a group of individuals fighting the same problem, they have a…

Why the U.K doesn’t have Problems with Vaping Introduction In this article, the author (Matt Ridley) takes the reader a century back when the United States passed a law prohibiting alcoholic drinks. In the author’s assessment, the prohibition failed to achieve its desired results. Instead, it pushed the alcohol manufacturing industry into an unstructured system where unsafe products manufactured tax-free using violent methods that resulted in higher profit margins for the dealers. I agree with the author when he concludes that countries stand to gain by regulating, legalizing, and imposing a tax on alcoholic drinks as opposed to banning them. Electronic cigarettes use (Vaping) According to the author, e-cigarettes are banned, or their usage is limited in several countries. A study by Pepper et al. (2015) established that the proponents of e-cigarettes argue that nicotine has mild effects on the users as compared to the other chemicals that emanate from combustion during smoking. Majority of the users of these cigarettes do so in the hope of quitting smoking.  However, I disagree with this view based on the fact that smoking…

  Culture Identify any two sociological concepts per chapter — one from the first part of the chapter, one from the second part of the chapter The two sociological concepts identified include Functionalism and feminism. Functionalism: describes the doctrine that enshrines what makes something a desire, thought, or based not on the internal constitution, although singly on its function or the particular role played especially on the cognitive system. The functionalism concept includes aspects such as norms and values. Norms explain the expected or typical behavior patterns linked to societies, social roles, or specific contexts. On the contrast, values include the primary and lasting beliefs and ideas concerning what is desired and not desired. Society and culture are, in most cases, applied interchangeably, as they possess distinct meanings. Culture is explained as the shared beliefs and behaviors of individuals, whereas a society includes a group of persons who share a culture and community. The experience we have on cultural differences is impacted by our xenocentrism and ethnocentrism.  Cultural universals include traits or patterns that internationally common across all societies.  The…

Addiction Treatment Programs Addictions are very common. People are addicted on several things. Addictions are a major problem in society. The addicts are severely affected to an extent of them not being able to develop themselves well. Addicts are very much disturbed. The addiction does not spare on the kind of people it affects. Actually, it has affected a very large population of individuals. It has affected both the elderly and the young. Being an issue, addiction has to be taken care of seriously, there are several forms of addiction which range from different influences.  Individuals are sexually addicted, others are addicted with money, hard drugs and alcohol. Rehab centers have been set aside to help the addicts out of the addiction. The centers serve to correct the behavior of the drunkards and pump sense into their mind that alcoholism of the use of hard drugs is very wrong. The centers are funded by the government while others funded b non-governmental organizations. After the rehabs, teenagers are advised to go to schools while the adults are allowed to start working…

Cultural competency Cultural competency refers to a person’s ability to understand, respect, and to be open to different cultures. Cultural competence comprises of three main components. The components are awareness, attitude, and knowledge. These components help people to understand more about culture minimizing cultural conflicts. The attitude in cultural competency refers to the ability to evaluate your inner beliefs pertaining to particular culture. As people interact with different cultures, they find some cultural practices which may be hostile. However, this does not mean that a person should dislike the culture but rather creating awareness about the culture and understanding that cultures are different. People should develop positive attitudes towards different cultural practices. Knowledge refers to the level in which a person understands the cultures of different people in the world. Knowledge is very crucial when it comes to interacting with people with diverse cultures. Some of the practices that are acceptable in our culture may be unacceptable in other cultures. As a result, people must conduct researches about the cultural practices of the people they interact with. Skills refer to…

Technology addiction                                          Introduction Technology is the most crucial area of the industry. Technology is shaping the world today also making the path for the future generations (Gifford, 2013). It has become part and parcel of our daily lives. Cars, gyms, computers, phones, hospital equipment are just but a few examples of who technology has been incorporated into our daily lives which help people live comfortably. However, technology has very many negative effects on the lives of human beings(Kelly,2014).  This paper will elaborate more on addiction as a negative impact of technology. According to (“Essays – Tristan Harris”, 2018) technology hijacks people psychological vulnerabilities. In his article, Mr. Harris states his second hijack as “put a slot machine in a billion pockets.” A study by Qualtrica and Accel found out that millennials prefer digital communications and that they look at their phones 150 times a day. This is stated by Mr. Harris is due to the presence of an intermittent variable reward (Gifford, 2013). For all tech designers and developers to maximize addiction they need to link a variable reward with…

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