What are the reasons for you to dredge your pond? The reasons to dredge a pond are multiple. The most common reason for dredging is that the pond looks better than before. You will get a wider and deeper pond after dredging, which adds to the visual appearance of the place. Besides, it is great for the health of the aquatic life living in the pond, especially the fishes. The vegetation growing under your pond will also get adequate oxygen. The temperature variation at different depths gets maintained well due to dredging. So, dredging a pond comes with many advantages. Signs that a pond needs dredging Changes in a body of water are most noticeable, and only a few transitions can happen without your notice. People might consider dredging a pond simply because of the fact that it will look better, but there are times when dredging a pond becomes a necessity. There are certain signs that tell you that your pond needs dredging, and three of those signs are: Decreasing width and depth: Shrinkage is the most important sign…

 factors attributing to people’s addiction Addiction refers to the use of substance or engagement in behaviour with the rewarding effects that provide a forced incentive that creates a repetition of the activity regardless of its negative consequences. Addition involves the use of drugs or behaviours, such as gambling. Disorders resulting from substance use and gambling are complicated conditions that lead to the affection of rewards, reinforcement motivation and the brain’s memory system. With addiction, there is impaired control over usage and abnormal usage. Addicted individuals will continue persuing an activity despite the physical or psychological harm it causes them. An individual’s tolerance to an addicted substance increases with the adaptation of the body to its presence. Addiction is a multi-faced that may happen from the confluence of biological, psychological and environmental factors. The biological factors attributed to people’s addiction include genes, physiological factors and gender. Despite the variation in the estimations by scientists, genetic factors have been found to contribute to nearly half of the risk to the development of substance used disorder. There is a variation in the vulnerability…

medication-assisted treatment is a good approach In my view, medication-assisted treatment is a good approach and should be put into practice. They are helpful approaches because the drugs that are used, for example, methadone and buprenorphine, easily trick the brains of the individuals in question to think they are abusing illicit drugs. Hence, the possibility of them resisting reduces, and they are likely to cooperate to consume them than when they see common medicine, which they already know is meant to reduce their illicit drug dependence. We should be offering people who are opiate dependent such substitution treatment so that it can help them abstain from abusing illicit opioids, which have diverse repercussions on a user’s health. Once the health of an individual is at stake, their life cannot be any better. These treatments are useful because they are used in combination with behavioral therapies and counseling. All these are important as they contribute to making one become a whole individual again in all dimensions; physically and mentally, among others. I think the approach of safe injection sites will reduce…

Is drug and alcohol addiction a choice or disease To many people, more so those with an understanding of how the human body operates, it is clear that the body is meant to function in a given manner. The approved way of body functioning is usually changed when one is addicted to alcohol or any other drug; hence it does not function normally. This is one of the reasons any addiction is generally referred to as a disorder or a disease. Therefore, it is not based on the individual’s choice to be an addict but the overall orientation of the body that is changed when one uses alcohol or a drug for a long time to the point of being an addict (Heather, 117). The first reason why addiction is not a choice but rather a disease of the disorder is that addiction changes how the brain works, or responds to situations involving rewards, self-control or even stress. The second key reason is that the effects of addiction are long term in that they can persist even when a person…

Psychedelic Treatment for Addiction The use of psychoactive psychedelic drugs to treat addiction may appear paradoxical, but it is not an entirely new phenomenon. The psychedelic psilocybin (magic mushrooms) and Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD or acid) have been used to treat alcoholism as early as the 1950s. However, unproven efficacy and public perception of these hallucinogenic drugs have limited research into and the use of psychedelic substances in the treatment of drug addiction. The opinion of the use of experimental drugs to treat addiction is changing due to powerful personal testimonials and scientific research into the field. Certain psychedelic drugs, specifically Ibogaine and Ayahuasca, have been shown to treat addiction. This paper will compare the success rate of the usual standard of care treatment options for addiction to the newer psychedelic treatment options of Ayahuasca and Ibogaine. Background Substance addiction is a chronic mental disorder that leads to a compulsive utilization of a rewarding substance that has harmful side effects. Scientists believe that addiction results from coping mechanisms for early childhood pain, trauma, or emotional rejection (). Genetics also plays…

Opioid use, addiction, and overdoses Opioid Use, Addiction, and Overdoses: Read pages 177 – 189 in your text. Opioid use, addiction, and overdoses have increased to alarming rates in the United States in recent years. Millions of Americans are affected by the opioid epidemic every day. Read Volkow et al.’s (2014) article and pages 1-4 in Brown’s (2018) article before discussing the following questions: For this week’s main post, answer the following questions. Be sure to include factual, properly cited information in your post. What are some ways that opioid addiction is affecting the United States? What are some forms of treatment available to those suffering from opioid addiction? If you had a friend or family member suffering from opioid addiction, what sort of help would you recommend they seek? References: Brown, A. R. (2018). A systematic review of psychosocial interventions in treatment of opioid addiction, Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/1533256X.2018.1485574 Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O., & Martini, T. (2019). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior (15th ed.).[unique_solution] Belmont, CA: Cengage Learning.…

Drug Addiction Drug addiction is a chronic condition characterized by a compulsive behavior to seek and us psychoactive drugshttps://studygroom.com/the-origin-and-the-behavior-of-the-shark-family/ despite their harmful effects. Initially, most people voluntarily decide to use drugs. However, repeated use of the drugs alters the brain structure and functions, leading to addiction. Drug addiction deprives a person of self-control and the ability to resist the intense urge to use harmful drugs. In most cases, brain changes are persistent and long-lasting, making it difficult to recover from substance addiction. Addiction alters the social behavior of a person, prompting them to be dependent on drugs to accomplish their daily chores. The alteration in expression is due to changes in the brain’s reward circuit, flooding it with dopamine. The reward center stimulates an individual to repeat pleasurable behaviors such as eating and singing. As for drug addiction, the reward center prompts the person to depend on drugs to perform daily duties. The way people think or talk about addiction influences can promote or challenge stigma against drug addicts. When we use noble and accurate language when talking about substance…

Unhealthy Family Roles in Addiction Recovery Introduction In most instances where an individual battles addiction, there are high chances that the family will bear the brunt of the consequences of their addictive behaviors. Such aspects could lead to change in family roles, heightened expectations, and increased straining by the other colleague to ensure that the demands of the family are met while the other partner remains astray. The case of Marge provides a perfect example of how a family could descend to the chaotic assumption of the role, struggle to cope with the addictive behavior, and bear the consequences of such behavior and change of family roles. Unhealthy Family Roles by Marge’s Husband in the Media First, he was compelled to take up extra jobs to compensate for the wage void since Marge was no longer working and there was a need to meet the needs of the members of his family effectively. Such an aspect did not only result in overstraining but also ensured that he had little time for the family. Additionally, Marge’s husband unknowingly assumed the role…

Opioids Use Disorder Substance use abuse and prescriptions are on the prevalence in the country. Opioids which are generally used to relieve pain and relax the body due to their chemical composition are increasingly being misused and significantly prescribed by the physicians as well. The clinical implications of substance misuse are the impairment of health and various social function implication on the health of a person. However, multiple strategies have been implemented by the government through ramping up treatment availability while the physicians adopt the Electronic Health Records in prescribing opioids. The purpose of the study is to examine the applicability of the policies and use of EHRs to prescribing opioids in providing quality primary care to the patients. Through the study of opioid prescribing by physicians with and without electronic health records, the study seeks to find out how significantly have the physicians managed in solving the use of opioids epidemic. The adoption of  EHRs by physicians at quite an alarming rate provides the need for investigation on the applicability of the system. However the study through a sample…

Research Abstract;Does consumption of alcohol decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases? Does consumption of alcohol decrease the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases? The purpose of the research will be to determine whether there is a relationship between alcohol consumption and reduced development of heart diseases. The underlying research reveals that moderate consumption of alcohol contributes significantly to reducing instances of heart diseases. It is, however, worth noting that persistent intake of an excessive amount of alcohol may attract severe cardiovascular disease in addition to pressure, stroke, and obesity.  The data method will be composed of interviews, questionnaires, observations, documents, and records. The target population will include those who take both excessive and moderate amounts of alcohol. Additionally, their history of the development of cardiovascular disease will be reviewed as well. The results obtained from the research confirmed that those who took alcohol moderately had reduced heart disease risk by 25%. Besides, those who took small amounts daily had reduced heart disease risk with a rate ranging from 13% to 25%. On their part, those who had been consuming large…

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