How to Decrease Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is one of the many problems that has become prevalent in current society. The number of overweight children keeps on increasing, with approximately 10% of the children between four to five years being overweight (Bullock et al., 2017). Female children experience high obesity levels as compared to their male counterparts. According to Ogden, 31% of the children in the US had weights that were considered unhealthy (Ogden et al., 2016).  Before looking into ways of reducing childhood obesity, it is necessary to find out what causes obesity.   Obesity starts when a child begins to gain a lot of weight during the early periods of development that extends to late periods of child development (Hussein, 2017) Traditionally; there were practices that helped to deal with the issue of obesity. However, medical practitioners have questioned such practices as they claim that they are not effective (Ziegler, 2016). One of the significant causes of obesity is the consumption of foods that have a high content of calories (van der Val et al., 2019). Much of the…

existence of the one true God   The ontological statement is amongst the most compelling reasons for the presence of a perfect Creator. Although there are several various versions of the claim, both appear to demonstrate that denying that there is the best possible being is conscience-contradictory. Therefore, it is an underlying reality on this particular line of reasoning that this living being exists; and that this being who is the one true God. It’s worth trying to find the meaning of God to answer if he exists. But also this brings in the discussion as to why he allows evil to happen in the world, and if it’s for a greater purpose or if there is more to it. Despite there being arguments with people with arguing against Gods existence or for it; there are many types of reasoning’s and arguments to prove Gods existence. Moreover, if the ontological claims prevail, presuming that God does not exist is just as much a paradox as alleging about other allegations. The degree to which we obviously know and accept the divine…

Addiction to video games for children Introduction Every action performed by a kid seems to be of great importance to him or her. However, the persistence of execution of the act by the child proves the importance and health of the action, which may lead to addiction. For instance, the idea of Video games plays a great role in the persistence of execution and causing addiction among children. Thus this essay aims at discussing addiction to video games for children. The idea of video games date backs in 1970, which captured the imagination of Americans whereby simple graphic pictures that seemed to be primitive compared with the current complex multifaceted games in which most children and teens have become gripped. Currently, the addiction to video games has grown too wide enough to compare with compulsive gambling, whereby the whole mission is aimed at winning, which service as the main motivator in continuous playing. Contrary to earlier days when the video games were only available on the arcade machines which had limited access, today video games dominate a great percentage in…

HOW TO OVERCOME AN ONLINE GAMBLING ADDICTION Online betting can be fun until you become too indulged. According to a recent survey, at least 2.6% of the entire American population is deeply engrossed in gambling. The study goes on to state that the majority of these individuals (about 10 million US citizens) are suffering from hardships due to betting addiction. If you need to quit from online gambling, kindly consider these helpful tips: Understand the severity of the problem Quite simply, you can’t rectify something that you know nothing about. To keep away from gambling completely, you need to learn about the issue and admit that you are a gambling addict. Gambling is a mental health disorder similar to a variety of other addictions. You might be ailing from a gambling disorder if you: Gamble to manage stress Experience a powerful urge to gamble with vast sums of money Spurred conflict or lost relationships due to gambling Lied to your loved ones about having a problem in gambling Feel restless when not gambling Gamble to get a financial breakthrough The…

Addiction Recovery Recovery is a process of change where an individual enhance their wellness and health, strive to attain full potential and live a self-directed life. Recovery of addiction is not an easy process and requires determination and self- belief. There are a couple of factors for individuals seeking recovery from addiction. The first factor is the readiness to change. For any addict, the first step is the willingness to change. No matter how other individuals want you to change, without willingness, it won’t happen. The second factor is support. Being in recovery is isolating and terrifying. The individuals ought to be surrounded by family or friends who understands him/her, stand by their site and encourage them as they go on through the recovery process.  The third factor is the structure. Routine and structured environment is very crucial for a successful recovery. Having a constant routine to follow daily is very important. The fourth factor is productivity. Individuals who engage in meaningful and productive activities tend to be sober most of the time and undertake recovery successfully.  The valued activities…

Benefits of Drug Addiction Counseling Therapies Counseling is one of the essential sessions in any drug and alcohol rehabilitation center. Many people think that after detox, one can be healed from drug addiction, which is not the case. Though detox is a way of removing any harmful substance from the body, counseling takes the major part in the recovery journey. The counseling sessions help one to overcome the habit of drug abuse completely. If you are a drug addict or you have a relative who is affected, you must be keen on the kind of rehab center you register. This is because some of the rehab centers do not offer counseling therapies. There are different counseling services that you can find a rehab center like cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, motivational interviewing, and family counseling. For you to undergo these, a specialist must know your level of addiction. Here are some of the benefits of drug addiction counseling services. Drug addiction counseling services act as motivation. Quitting drugs and even alcohol indeed is one of the toughest things in…

Environmental factors affecting organizations Environmental factors are issues that the organization cannot control how they happen and how they can affect them (Farrell, 2018). Examples of environmental factors that affect business organizations include economic factors, technology, government policies, among many others. Today these environmental factors are becoming rapid and are consequently impacting organizations. Through the new and emerging technologies business organizations have adopted new and improved methods of doing their activities. Additionally, organizations have obtained automated and reliable ways of coordinating all their operations smoothly. In a similar vein, these emerging technologies have also catalyzed the growth of competition. The second environmental factor affecting organizations are economic factors. Changes in the economy, like inflation and change in economic policies, significantly affects organizations. In the case of inflation prices of products goes up, and this reduces the buying power of customers.The other factor that affects organizations is government policies and regulations (Farrell, 2018). When the government sets strict business regulations organizations to find it hard to operate, and this puts them at risk of closing down. Additionally, the government can also…

Johnson’s Model in Marge’s Case Introduction Johnson’s model is grounded on the assumption that the intervention of the close family members and relations could accelerate the need for an individual to seek intervention for the drug or substance addiction that plagues them (APA, 2017) The intervention assumes the tough love approach where, in the presence of a professional addiction adviser or any other health practitioner, an individual gets confronted about the effects of the substance abuse. The main purpose of this approach is to catalyze an individual’s need to seek medical intervention as opposed to the dominant assumption that addicts must reach a rock bottom for them to seek medical intervention. The People who might participate in the Intervention In the case of Marge, the husband and the close friends could be the ideal group of people that could be involved in the intervention. The Johnson’s model hypothesize that for the individual addict to feel compelled to seek medical intervention towards sobriety, the people who have borne so much brunt as a result of the behavior and the ones that…

DRUG CONTROL APPROACH I think that this approach used to control heroin addiction and opioid dependency is quite effective. The drugs being used are reliable and do not enhance addiction. Methadone and Buprenorphine are just the right drug prescription to be utilized by any heroin addict or opioid dependency victim. Yes, this medication should be offered to opiate-dependent patients. This treatment will be beneficial to them because these drugs are potent pain relievers, and they stay in the body for a long time before the patient receives another dose.  They block opioid intoxication and withdrawal. They also reduce drug cravings and drug sickness.These drugs are useful because they are strictly given out and used under a doctor’s prescription. Buprenorphine cannot be misused because it has a leveling effect in the body in that in case of an overdose there will be no impact felt in the body (Treatment, 2018). Therefore cases of an overdose on this kind of treatment are sporadic. The side effects of these two drugs are not that severe, and they include symptoms such as constipation, nausea, and…

Drug Treatment and Safe Injection Sites Drug Treatment In my opinion, the use of other approaches apart from pharmaceutically prepared drugs to deal with the treatment of heroin addiction and severe Opioid dependence is more efficient and more useful. Use of pharmaceutical drugs is not the best thing because these drugs are chemicals, and the body is likely to get used to them. Once the body gets used to them, then opiate dependence continues as usual. I suppose that these substitutes should be encouraged to be used on the addicts because the pharmaceutical medication can lead to addiction, but it is not easy natural approaches to affect the health of an individual. These substitutes are much useful to an individual. Drugs such as methadone and buprenorphine have side effects, both known and known to the users. Therefore, they are ineffective and should be completed with substitute treatments to assist the opiate-dependent people in stopping and never using Opioid again. Safe Injection Sites I think the safe injection sites are excellent approaches to responding to the problems related to the injection…

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