Nationalism and the Genealogical Imagination: Oral History and Textual Authority in Tribal Jordan. Berkley: University of California Press  Ethnography is the science that that deals or elaborates about different people and their cultures, including their customs, their daily habits, their similarities as well as their differences in their co-existence. Andrew Shryock is one of the most famous individuals renowned for their zeal and profound work in explaining the cultural anthropology (branch of ethnography concerned with the study of the human culture and its development) of various communities. Among the most celebrated fields of his work includes the Yemen, Jordan (which is the field of interest in this study), Arab as well as Muslim communities. It would be Knowledgeable to say that his research or fieldwork has been oriented towards the Middle East region, particularly the Muslim community. Shryock’s work has focused more on the history, the traditions, the relations as well as the modernity of various ethnic groups focusing on the political and socio-cultural beliefs making his work on the best sources of ancient anthropology and a reference point of…

The attitude of gratitude in Addiction Recovery Drug addiction can destroy both the users and people in their lives. At drug addiction treatment in Arizona, we handle the main factors that lead to addiction while at the same time seeing that we remove and relieve our patients off the pain, shame and stigma they are subject to in their daily lives, therefore according them a fresh start. The attitude of gratitude in Addiction Recovery Recovery from addiction is a journey. It is important to concentrate more on positive things to be grateful for as negative thing only intensifies the risk of relapse. This is why we include practices that will guide you throughout your journey to becoming drug free. Acknowledging, and appreciating the many little things that have and can contribute to your happy and healthy living is one of the key factors in addiction recovery process. Usually showing gratitude appears in many different forms. We encourage our patents to see an opportunity in any situation they are in the following ways: Gratitude Journal keepingneed to get a notebook and…

                  REFLECTION OF PROJECT AND ADVOCACY EVENT Name Affiliation     I decided to focus on the need to provide private housing to drug addicts in need of treatment. I decided to focus on the topic due to the need to provide favorable conditions to speed up the drug addict’s recovery process. The provision of a safe environment plays a major role in addressing the post-rehabilitation mental issues. I found it challenging to handle the drug addicts due to the post-treatment effects. As such, it was hard to provide quality housing facilities since most of the individuals tend to be unruly, thus curtailing their rehabilitation prospects. However, it was encouraging to learn that the government is much willing to support drug addicts. As such, competent measures have been laid down to ensure quality services are provided to speed up their rehabilitation process. The project made me feel differently as a citizen since I am obligated to support the drug recovery process. Hence, the project made me realize the need to participate in…

            Overcriminalization Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Number Course Name Due date             Overcriminalization In many countries, the level of crimes has gone high. This can be attributed to the fact that; some laws and policies are not observed. In my home state, various laws are not taken into consideration adequately.  The criminal justice field is vast, with many regulations, but some have been overridden. In my state, there is a law that stipulates high penalties and failure to offer bonds to anyone engaged in criminal activities (Cottrol & Mocsary, 2016). The law also pinpoints that in case of giving a bond, it should be under strict terms. However, that has not been observed. Judges and magistrates have treated even major criminal activities as minor thus, issuing little penalties as well as weak terms. That has made it difficult to tame criminal acts because individuals don’t fear due to lenient terms. In other countries, such as Canada, some laws have gone absurd. They have a law that requires organizations to…

Addiction Studies A brain disorder categorized by incontrollable engagement in satisfying stimuli despite having hostile consequences. Addiction disorder affects the reward structure of the brain, arising through epigenetic and transcriptional mechanisms, chronically evolving from high-level exposure to an addictive stimulus (Whittaker 113). The associated compulsive behavior attenuates, thereby decreasing the aversion sensitivity. Hallmarks of addiction include habitual patterns, impaired controls, coupled with delayed deleterious effects. Overview of the make-up of the group The summary of the group included adolescence individuals, families, and couples who were suffering from drugs and alcohol addiction problems. The group was heterogeneous, where it comprises fourteen individuals with different interests, socioeconomic status, sex, background, and various drug addiction problems. The group helps its participants to explore and discover their social skills by encouraging experimentation and support for new behaviors. The vast diversity in membership creates a recreation for everyday life by being in interaction with a range of personalities. The group gives its members a place to belong, offers affection, and provide love. The group also allows having a therapeutic effect on others, thus maturing their…

Liposuction Liposuction is a surgical method of suctioning fat deposits from particular body parts such as the hips, abdomen, thighs, back, buttocks, and the upper Arms. It is done using a hollow instrument known as a cannula that is inserted below the skin to disintegrate the fat. The surgeon then uses a high-pressure vacuum to suck out the fat. Liposuction is among the most common cosmetic procedures in the United States, with about 260,000 procedures done every year.   Why Liposuction is Performed   People undergo liposuction to enhance the contours or shape of their body. It is done to eliminate excess fat from different parts of the body after they have tried exercise and diet without success.   Liposuction is not a weight-loss panacea. It is essential to know that this procedure has possible complications and risks, so it is crucial to talk to your doctor before deciding to undergo liposuction.   Although liposuction is considered one of the most effective and safest cosmetic procedures, you can dramatically improve its results by taking proper preparatory steps. Here is what…

Heroin, Morphine, and Opioids Drug addiction should be treated in better dimensions at health centers instead of using medication-assisted treatments using methadone and buprenorphine alone. Offering opiate dependant people such drugs may have some positive progress on drug usage. The use of pharmaceutical drugs has ensured people get clean drugs and also reduces the number of deaths. It should be supplemented with excellent health care and monitoring for drug addicts and help them overcome the addiction. The use of these drugs ensures that the use of injections is kept on the lower side, thus maintaining disease transmission through injections on the lower side. I, therefore, think it is an excellent decision to supplement opioid use by manufacturing these drugs, which can be taken orally for the treatment. However, their use should be strictly controlled. The main aim of safe injection is to deal with reducing the number of deaths that arise from the sharing of injection facilities, thus temporary clinics have been set to monitor and regulate drug usage. The safe injection is cost-efficient in ensuring that the budgets used…

To what extent does Max’s punishment fit his “crime”?   “Where the Wild Things Are” by Maurice Sendak is a tale of a boy called Max who is denied supper after he wears a monster attire and begins causing trouble in the house. Many people may argue that sending a child to bed without supper is not a deserving punishment since he will have a hard time sleeping in an empty, but in Max’s case, the punishment fits the crime. When Max goes to bed hungry, he finds himself having a strange dream in a place where he is able to be king. In a beautiful forest, Max meets big monsters, and he realizes that he can control the monsters. Max begins to shout at the wild things demanding them to do what he wants. This shows that Max is realizing the anger he feels towards his mother to the monsters. Max’s punishment fits the crime because he learns from his dream that the addiction of being in control or in power is not always satisfying. His dream about wild…

Inhalant and Process Addiction             Researchers believe that there are similarities and differences between behavioral and substance addiction. The similarities and differences are identified through the diagnostic symptoms of addicts. Process addiction can be stimulated by any habit that changes to an obligation. The victim becomes so committed to a particular behavior that they can not go for long durations without repeatedly engaging in it (Thombs & Osborn, 2019). Usually, it is a way of seeking psychological satisfaction. Substance addicts share the same traits, only that their source of addiction is drugs. Often, addiction is viewed as physical dependence characterized by symptoms such as withdrawal (Earp, Wudarczyk, Foddy, & Savulescu, 2017). A person must exhibit such symptoms for them be diagnosed with an addiction disorder. Behavioral addiction can occur with all negative consequences associated with addiction and hurt a person’s life. The main difference between substance and process addiction is the physical issues that people engaging in substance abuse get. In most cases, process addiction does not leave any physical evidence in the addicts. This is because process addiction is…

 Abuse and Abdication             Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is considered to be a   serious drug that is abused by most people, particularly the youths across the globe.  Most of the marijuanausers usually start to use the drug either formedical or recreational purposes; however, most of the users usually end up being addicted.  In most cases, the use of marijuana tends to affect people’s consciousness in different ways.  Some of the effects on consciousness include; first, it affects the memory in two different ways that include reducingthe availability of the automaticmemory images and also increasing the strength of the memory particularly when it is relevant to the existing central needs(Volkow et al., 2014). Secondly, it affects the attention process mainly by narrowingthe amount of content that one is able to focus or pay attention on. Marijuana addiction tends to have server consequences both to the user and the community. Some of the effects of addictioninclude; first, one becomes susceptible to abusing other types of drugs such as heroin, and cocaine. Secondly, one is likely to engage in criminal activities…

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