DRUG TREATMENT FOR A PSYCHIATRIC DISORDER Introduction Schizophrenia disorder is a brain syndrome that interferes with the manner in which people feel, perceive and think under normal conditions. The hallmark symptoms of Schizophrenia disorder is psychosis. A symptom which entails experiencing hallucinations (voices) and fixed beliefs which are false in nature (delusions), Schizophrenia symptoms have been categorized into four domains. The first domain being the positive symptoms; which are basically psychotic and characterized by experiences of auditory hallucinations, false beliefs (delusions) and disorganized behavior. The second domain is characterized by negative symptoms causing a decline in emotional ranges, speech poverty and general loss of interest in almost everything the victim does. The victim has a tremendous inertia. Cognitive symptoms mark the third domain of the disorder. Generally, the symptoms cause deficits in the working memory of the victim as well as the concentration ability. The victims usually find it hard to comprehend subtleties and nuances of relationships and the interpersonal cues. The last domain is the mood symptoms which is characterized by the manner in which victims of this disorder…

 Bipolar Disorder (BD) At least one percent of the world population suffers from Bipolar Disorder (BD). According to Grande et al. (1), affective disorders have different severity from unipolar, Bipolar I up to Bipolar II. However, women are more prone to Bipolar II. In their study, Grande et al. (1) aimed at examining aspects of BD such as its causes and prognosis, discuss cases of interest such as BD during pregnancy and survey trends in the treatment of BD. BD is also called manic depressive illness. It is an extreme mood disorder that manifests as mania, hypomania, and depression. Mania and hypomania are characterized by increased movement and elevated moods. In both, occupational and social functioning may or may be weakened to the extent of hospitalization or may not be weakened completely. For hypomania, episodes continue for four days. Diagnosis of BD using phenomenology-based methods is controversial and has several limitations. It involves interviews with patients and their relatives. BD starts with episodes of depression. Bipolar depression begins early and may develop together with psychosis. Patients with BD are very…

              Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology Student Name Institutional Affiliation Professor’s Name Date     Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychology             Pediatric psychology involves the utilization of different approaches to guarantee effective diagnosis and treatment. Multi-sourcing, which includes the deliberate reliance on diverse information sources, enables the clinical child psychologist to receive different perspectives of the child’s life. The approach is particularly beneficial in that it will guarantee a final treatment plan. Multi-method, which is the utilization of different methods of data collection, is the right way of ensuring that concrete forms of data are collected throughout the assessment period (De Los Reyes, Augenstein, & Aldao, 2018). Multi-setting, which acknowledges that issues related to children are specific to certain situations, necessitates that child psychologists assess all these aspects. The approach is crucial because it allows the psychologist to effectively offer satisfactory solutions to the pre-existing conditions while adapting to the dynamic life of the child. Treatment of mental problems in children borrows heavily from theories utilized in the treatment of adults. For instance, in…

Name: Institution: Course: Master Respiratory Therapy (MRT) Date: Personal Statement Research indicates that the US is among the world states that record a high degree of respiratory diseases such as lung infections, heart diseases, among others. In this light, the US Affordable Care Act has escalated the need for skilled respiratory therapists that will play roles in areas such as departmental managing, respiratory care specialist fields, case management, and research coordinators. With my degree as a registered respiratory therapist, I decided to enroll in masters of a respiratory therapy program to acquire advanced practice respiratory therapist skills and credentials. Masters of Respiratory Therapy is the first recognized advanced practice for a clinical master’s degree in respiratory care in the whole US nation. The degree is designed to equip me as an advanced respiratory care practitioner with skills in clinical specialties in a broad operational setting. The program also assists in my long-term career goal as an advanced practice respiratory therapist. As a graduate of MRT, I will be legible to obtain accreditation for advanced practice in respiratory care, thereby allowing…

Iodine and Thyroid Disorders in Ghana The Ghanaian government started a Universal Salt Iodization program initiated alongside other complementary actions in response to the 1994 iodine deficiency among its 3% of the population. Iodine is one of the essential micronutrients required in our bodies. It is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine, and thyroxine. The thyroid hormones undertake the regulation of multiple metabolic pathways. Various studies show that a lack of enough consumption of iodine may result in several biological impacts. At the same time, too much of it in the body system induces the hyperactivity of the thyroid glands. Research shows that a third of the household ensure that they adequately utilized iodized salt, exposing showing that the majority of the Ghana household are either affected by excessive or deficiency of iodine consumption (Abu et al. 2018). The paper will aim to examine the prevalence and effects of thyroid disorder among the Ghanaian population. Thyroid disorder ranks second to diabetes among the world public health problem. It presents multiple devastating consequences presented by the endocrinological disease commonly…

Major concepts of Personality Disorders Socioeconomic class and schizophrenia Schizophrenia occurs more often in lower socioeconomic groups. A survey jointly conducted by American psychiatric professionals and sociologists found that the prevalence of schizophrenia is inversely proportional to social class, and the ratio of low social level to high social level is 9: 1. It is speculated that this may be related to the weak economic level, poor living environment, lively activities, occupational insecurity, and other psychological and social stress loads are related. Based on its genetic qualities, it is prone to disease. The parenting environment plays a role in the onset of schizophrenia. Some people find that patients with schizophrenia often have stricter family education methods and intense inner conflicts(Kring& Johnson, 2018). Most of the above situations occur before the onset of illness, and most of them have adverse experiences in childhood, such as father’s alcoholism and parental divorce. Being an illegitimate child, lacking family care,  and being sexually assaulted at an early age are all risky health trends. Parents with strange personality or suffering from mental or neurological diseases,…

Behaviours Associated With Cognitive Disorders Cognitive disorders are often associated with certain problematic behaviours. These behaviours can either be observed in the patient by the caregivers or can be reported by the patient. Common behaviours associated with cognitive disorders include hallucinations, agitation and disinhibition, and identity confusion. Hallucinations are sensational and experiences that are not understandable to others, given they are only real and vivid to the patient experiencing them, and they can result in positive and negative consequences. Hallucinations are classified into the auditory, visual, olfactory, and tactile categories. Auditory hallucinations include the patient claiming to hear voices and other sounds like murmuring and whispering that cannot be verified by anybody else. With visual hallucinations, a person sees objects, people, and patterns that are not present,  for example, seeing snakes crewing over the bed when they are not there. Olfactory hallucinations are characterized by a sense of taste or smell that is not present. This behaviour can be potentially dangerous for a patient who believes he is being poisoned as he might refrain from eating. The tactile hallucinations involve…

“How to choose wig density, wig density” a solution Introduction to wing density and its need: People with partial or complete baldness had to face different ways of body shaming, and also people categorize them in a particular manner. Some people called them oldies etc. or whatever they like to call. Due to some pressure which they are continually facing, their brain starts thinking in a particular way, some people become thick-skinned, and all this has no effect on them, and many starts to look for remedies. Given below are some common questions which arise in the mind of that kind of person. What is wig density? Why wig density matter? How many levels of density in the market, the most typical frequency? Density and length, recommendation Wig density recommends for the full lace wig. Wig density recommend for lace front wig Wig density recommend for 360 lace wig How to choose your best wig density What is hair density in wings? When we talk about the hair density, it means how thick or thin hairs can be on a…

The Last Night of the World The central theme in the article is the acceptance of death. All characters in the play acknowledge that the world is coming to an end and choose to accept it. However, the reason for the worldwide death is unclear. That is why the story is in the form of a modem-day fable. The fascinating part of the theme is that the couple decides to spend their last night just like they would spend any other night. It is clear that the world is ending in the next 24 hours, but no one bothered to do anything in the few remaining hours (Bradbury, Ray 2). The couple finds comfort in a regular routine. It is a notable choice to deviate from the daily routine of living, but it also indicates the reason why death is coming. Death is occurring because of too much routine that leads to a lifestyle that leaves a person “dead inside.” This is a mechanized life of rigid fixed schedules and expectations. The neutrality also has political consequences that albeit other…

critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder The final assignment for this class will be a 10-page critical review of the drug treatment for a psychiatric disorder (broadly defined to include psychological and neurological disorders as well). The review will use peer-reviewed sources to evaluate the current drug treatment modalities for the selected disorder and determine the adequacy of those treatments. The paper will be evaluated on the inclusion of the following information: Introduction Evaluate the disorder in terms of symptomatic and behavioral presentation. Include the time, course, and progression of the disorder. Evaluate and explain special features of the disease epidemiology. Theory Evaluate the predominant theory or theories regarding the biological basis of the disorder. Explain the disorder in terms of pertinent neurotransmitter and receptor theories and describe the pertinent evidence of their involvement. Analyze the neurotransmitter systems in terms of the involved receptors and the use receptor agonists and antagonists in the treatment of the disorder receptor.[unique_solution] Include information on the anatomic changes to the central nervous system as appropriate to the topic. Treatment Evaluate…

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