Psychotropic drugs Psychotropic drugs are medications that boost or inhibit the actions of neurotransmitters to remedy mood disorders and psychosis. Psychotropic drugs help improve social and mental functioning and include mood stabilizers,antidepressants, and antipsychotics. Some of the reasons for non-compliance to antipsychotic drugs include fear of resulting side effects such as weight loss. Also, fear of drug dependence, social stigma, and perceptions of being cured are other reasons for people not taking medication. Proper diagnosis for symptoms that need medical intervention and testing prevents drug non-adherence and relapse in mentally ill persons. People should also understand the side effects and benefits of the drug prescribed to them. In case of relapse, people should also seek help from qualified psychiatrists.   Individuals may fail to take medications if they are expensive and not covered by insurance. To solve the issue of medical cost requires additional resources from the hospital. People may also forget to take medications. To help the mentally ill remember, guardians should assist in addition to set alarm clocks on. As a result of stigma, people with mental illness may…

Non- Stimulant ADHD Drugs When it comes to the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, the typical choice, seems to be stimulant drugs. However, several non-stimulant drugs can also serve that purpose. The body systems of individuals are different, and so some might not respond to stimulants. They might have to deal with more side effects or have a health history that does not work well with stimulants. On this note, numerous non-stimulant drugs are appropriate for children who live with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Atomoxetine Atomoxetine (Straterra) is often the most considered medication for children who have the record of being unresponsive to stimulant ADHD drugs. It falls under a class of ADHD drugs referred to as selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors and is not seen as a controlled substance since it has a low potential for abuse. When compared to stimulants, Atomoxetine n to have a more prolonged onset of action, meaning that the drug takes several weeks to provide an optimal therapeutic effect. Guanfacine XR Guanfacine, also known as Intuniv, is a member of a group of medications…

War on drugs policies: disparity in sentencing between crack and powder cocaine During one of the most significant drug arrests in US records, the US government confiscated 16500 kilograms of cocaine valued over $1bn from a container in Philadelphia (US Dept. of Justice, September 2019). The fight on crack and powder cocaine is far from over.  This war against drugs has contributed to divisive laws and regulations, like mandatory minimum sentences (Gelman, Fagan, & Kiss 2007). Mandatory minimum sentencing implies that an individual guilty of a crime must be sentenced for a fixed time instead of leaving the duration of the sentencing to the judiciary. Mandatory punishment has resulted to overcrowding of jails and has led to racial inequalities of sentences (Wallace, 2014). The fine for having 500 g of powdered cocaine was historically equivalent to having just 5 g of crack (Kleiman et al., 2011). The Fair Sentencing Act (2010) narrowed the gaps in sentences to 18:1, but the inequalities in punishment still exist, and the legislation is not retroactive. The sharp disparity in statutory drug laws has a disproportionate…

Drugs storage and maintenance Drugs should be stored well and in different places according to the diseases that they cure. They must be locked well in an excellent conditioned place. Medications should be out of direct sunlight and in a place where the temperature is between 59 degree and 86 degrees. There are procedures and protocols regarding the handling, storing and monitoring of drugs. There are three common interlaboratory variabilities, lack of systemizing of laboratory procedures and workflows starting with sample collection and handling, lack of use of appropriate reference materials for example isotope and bad habits of storing medicine in the laboratory without following the rules and regulations that is validation and training of proper personnel. To increase the quality and interlaboratory comparability, the procedures should be well supported in the laboratory (Seger, Shipkova, Christians, Billaud, Wang, Holt, and Marquet, 2016). When drugs are in a health facility, they have to be preserved very well. Medicines should be stored in their containers because if they are misplaced, or their containers are changed, they can reduce their effectiveness hence leading to…

Choosing the Best Pharmacies for Inhaler Drugs Everybody has a desire to keep a healthy life. In most cases, each household keeps the health issues a priority, and that could be excellent. At times you can experience difficulties in inhaling, and that could be unfortunate for you. If you happen to have inhalation ailments, you will have it difficult to breathe as healthy. Some pharmacies can supply you with the drugs you need for inhalation when you need them. When you have a patient for inhalation problems, you can buy medicines online or from retail pharmacies. Choosing the right pharmacies can be a challenge for some people. The following are the factors that can be followed to reach the best pharmacies. First, you need to consider the license the pharmacy has. All pharmacies have to be registered underbodies that are specified for drug regulation. It will help if you select a licensed pharmacy as that could be a way of getting quality drugs. In most cases, you will not have a wrong prescription and dosage if the pharmacy is accredited.…

Effect of cisplatin, pacletaxel, and metformin as an anti-cancer drugs against breast, colon and liver cancer cell lines. These are the areas to be covered and highlighted in details as per the supervisor. – Mechanism of action of these drugs (cisplatin, paclitaxel, and metformin) – Metformin and other re used drugs or natural product efficacy as anti-cancer agents. – Cell cycles – Apoptosis and its markers – Autophagy and its markers – Genetic markers I need a comprehensive, professional literature review of the above topics using as many as possible of references/ citations as part of a PhD thesis; 20-25 references. [unique_solution]Minimum of 25 pages length. Field: Medical Biochemistry, PhD thesis. Please see attached proposal. – Mechanism of action of these drugs (cisplatin, paclitaxel, and metformin) – Metformin and other re used drugs or natural product efficacy as anti-cancer agents. – Cell cycles – Apoptosis and its markers – Autophagy and its markers – Genetic markers I need a comprehensive, professional literature review of the above topics using as many as possible of references/ citations as part of a PhD…

Over-the-counter Drugs In my opinion, prescription and over the counter drugs are very addictive, and in most cases, they are abused by the users. Drugs such as the painkillers (Opioid) are prescribed to ease someone from pain, but some people use them for the wrong purpose. In cases where the doctor correctly prescribes the painkillers, they become beneficial. However, there people who prescribe for themselves until they become very ineffective, but they cannot do without them. Other commonly used over-the-counter medications are stimulants. These drugs are prescribed to increase the activities of the nervous system. They can also be used to treat asthma, obesity, and respiratory problems. When the prescription is done in the right way, they are very safe. However, some people abuse stimulants for their beneficial reasons hence leading to addiction. Another commonly abused type of medication is the sedatives, which are the depressants of the central nervous system. The doctor can prescribe the sedatives to relieve anxiety and help in the sleeping problems of the patient. However, if bought for the wrong purpose other than having the…

Right drug and dosage In order to ensure effective measurements and calculations carried, the allied health professionals should adhere to the following steps. The health profession should first ensure that the routine of the medications such as orally, topically, and nasal administration are upholding. Another vital area to be considered in the medical profession is the accurate calculation and right medication. And lastly is the monitoring of the drugs given to the patient. Medicine practitioners should ensure that the right drug and dosage are prescribed to the appropriate ailment. However, the health practitioner should avoid possible sources of errors that are caused by similar names or similar packaging of drugs on the shelf. Some medications also require testing to ensure therapeutical standards are maintained. Finally, the health practitioner should also ensure that the prescribed medication is timely and fully taken according to the set dosage. In case the health profession has any doubt in his calculation, he should recheck it or incorporate another core worker. Liquid medicines rely greatly on the information provided by the allied health professionals to the…

  MSC DRUG DESIGN AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE/ MSc BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE/ MSc PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE/ MSc PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCE BMS11105 DRUG DESIGN AND CHEMOTHERAPY 2020   LABORATORY PRACTICAL WRITE-UP TEMPLATE   1. Background: G-quadruplex is units of the noncanonical structure attached to the telomeric deoxyribonucleic acid of every human. They function to increase the structure of the deoxyribonucleic (Hu et al., 2017). Moreover, G-quadruplex is useful in biological synthesis individually as building blocks or as elements used to perform various functions (Kolesnikova and Curtis, 2019). The synthesis of G-quadruplex with higher-order is also crucial for the research and manufacture of cancer drugs with limited side effects to patients. Else ways, telomerase is a repetitive ribonucleic protein at the three ends of every telomere. More specifically, a telomere is a point repetition on every chromosome of a eukaryote (Telomeres and telomerase 2020). Derivatives of anthraquinones have proved useful for researchers due to their ability to treat cancerous tumours, inflammations, malaria, viral and bacterial diseases (Nor et al., 2013). Furthermore, researchers realized that substituting amino with anthraquinones can cure cancer in human and other mammals.…

MILLENIUM DEVELOPMENTAL GOALS IN KENYA Question 1 The UN nations developed the Millennium Developmental Goals to eradicate poverty, preventing diseases, reduce neonatal and maternal mortality, and promote gender equality and equity by 2015 (MDG Gap Task Force, 2011). I will discuss improving maternal health, which is MDG5. Maternal health indicators in Kenya include maternal mortality ratio and antenatal care coverage. Tremendous effort has been made over the past decade to promote optimum maternal and neonatal health. The country has established several facilities that deal with women’s reproductive health issues. Services offered in the hospitals and the community include antenatal and post-natal services, family planning, health education, PMTCT and ARV therapy, and counseling and testing services. The antenatal coverage is reported to have increased and is attributed to the elimination of in 2013 through the Linda mama initiative. This has lowered pregnancy-related deaths resulting from the use of unskilled birth attendants. Since 2013, maternal and neonatal mortality rates have reduced due to increased use of health facility services, although they still encounter several challenges. Maternal mortality rates lowered from 741 in…

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