

Influenza Introduction Influenza is a viral illness that affects the respiratory system. Similarly, the occurrence of the disease is a result of different types of viruses. The sickness is infectious and is spread among humans as well as other species. The transmission of the virus is a result of the exchange of infected droplets between different organisms. The disease is spread through coughing, sneezing, as well as communicating while close to an infected person. Further, the virus has the capability of surviving on non-living organisms. As such, the disease can also be spread through coming into contact with the illness carrying objects and transferring through contact with the eye or nose. Further, the disease can be spread to other individuals after a period of up to 1 week (Principal et al., 2019). Additionally, after infection, the recovery process takes several days. However, for individuals with underlying medical conditions, the infection may result in death. The primary indicators of the virus include fever, coughing, running nose as well as throat complications. Further, the disease is prevalent among infants, pregnant women, as…

Medical information Medical I information is an excellent tool in any particular medical field. Data can be obtained online or in books. In this age and era, much of this information is purely online. A little reliance on books is required. However, this does not make books obsolete. Online access to information makes it easier for any medical professional to know the fingertips. There are tons of online references, some of which are accurate and others which give vague information. Misleading information can also be accessed online. On choosing which reference material I will opt for my future carrier, I will prefer the online reference; medicines complete in particular will be my preferred point of reference. It has several advantages that surpass any online reference material. Several books have grouped to build an online library for medical references only. Since it is an online point reference, accessibility is not limited to computers only. The massive penetration of smartphones has enabled access to information stored in the mentioned site. A disadvantage is that it does not provide an application for a…

Texas has adopted a system of determinate sentencing It is essential to understand that Texas has adopted a system of determinate sentencing. Actions that cause death may lead to criminally homicide, and this carries serious penalties. When people in Texas lose their lives due to the actions of others, then it is homicide. However, not all forms of murder are unlawful, but a number are, and they result in serious legal charges (Bailey, 2017). There were 16,214 homicides in 2018. It means that there were five homicides for every 100,000 persons. Similarly, homicide was the third leading cause of death in Texas, particularly among people between the ages 15-34 years, and the fourth major cause of death among children between 10 years and 14 years. Several factors drive people to commit homicide, and these are negligence and recklessness as a result of using illicit drugs. Concerning negligence, an individual may cause the death of another through criminal negligence (Baay et al., 2012). It leads to criminally homicide. Generally, this is an action that deviates from the standards of common people.…

 controlling abuse of drugs among the youth Drug abuse is the repeated use of a certain drug such that it interferes with an individual’s health and social relationships. Drug and substance abuse is a global health problem affecting people regardless of their gender or race. Prevalence of drug abuse among the youth age group is alarming, and the trend has been attributed to peer pressure. Drug abuse has adverse effects on the users, family members, and society at large. Death is one of the harmful effects caused by drug and substance abuse. Various bodies have been formed in recent to control abuse of drugs among the youth. Drug abuse involves the use of both legal and illegal drugs. Cannabis is one of the most abused drugs in the world, and it has both mental and physical effects on users. Marijuana has a long history of human use. Marijuana is also referred to as cannabis or pot by its users. At around 500 BC, marijuana plant was being grown in Asia but only for medicinal purposes (Johnson, 138). At this time…

narcotic drugs and controlled substances According to Section 11364 HS, the terms narcotic drugs and controlled substances describe a category of particular drugs and other drug-like compounds. They include: Depressants Stimulants Opiates Hallucinogens   The most common narcotics and controlled substances in these categories are: Heroin Methamphetamine PCP Cocaine   After the enactment of Proposition 64 that permits persons above 21 years to possess recreational marijuana for personal use, marijuana is not included in HS 11364. Therefore, possession of items that you use to smoke marijuana is not a crime. However, if you use those tools for both marijuana and illegal drugs, you may face criminal charges for paraphernalia possession.   Certain categories of people are exempt from legal action under HS 11364. They include: Law enforcement officers or any other person working under their direct supervision People with licenses from the California State Board of Pharmacy to transfer, sell or prescribe needles, hypodermic syringes or other objects designed for use in drug injection into the body. These people include dentists, doctors, podiatrists, pharmacists, veterinarians, retailers, wholesalers, and manufacturers.  

Factors That Influence the Calculation of The Life Insurance Premium Life insurance is a contract between the insurance company and the policyholder. The agreement states that a person is required to pay a premium of particular agreed money on the agreement frequency of payment. In case the insured dies, his/her family is provided with financial support. Different factors determine the amount of premium that you will pay on the life insurance coverage.   Your age significantly determines the amount of premium. Typically, younger people will pay fewer premiums. If you do not have the life coverage, you should apply it now because the older you get, the more you will dig from your pocket. Most of the insurer charges the same amount throughout your life.   Insurance companies offer different coverages. Each of them will cost a different amount of money. The more comprehensive it is in terms of coverage, the more you are going to pay for the premium. The whole life insurance policy, for instance, has no expiry. You will, therefore, pay more for this type compared to…

      Client Termination     Student’s Name: Institutional Affiliation Course Code and Name Instructor Due Date                                                                       Client Termination Termination Summary   Client Termination Summary   Name of Client: John Doe                                          Period of therapy: 2 Months Client’s Age: 25 Years                                                             First date of consultation: October 17, 2019 First date of therapy: February 20, 2020                    Date of ending therapy: April 20, 2020 Total sessions conducted: 8                                        Number of sessions missed: None   Nature of the Termination This counseling program was terminated on a planned schedule. The client was fully cooperative and faithfully attended all sessions. We had agreed on when the program would end and he availed himself at the intended date of termination. Presenting Problem 25 year old John came to my office complaining of anxiety and depression because of losing his first child. He said that these conditions were affecting his…

Abuse of prescribed psychoactive drugs Mutlu, E., & Asicioglu, F. (2019, September 20). Abuse of Prescribed Psychoactive Drugs. Anatolian Journal of Psychiatry, 20(2), 195-202. doi:10.5455/apd.53469 Introduction Emre Mutlu and Faruk Aşicioğlu carried out research on the abuse of prescribed psychoactive drugs in the year 2019 in Istanbul, Turkey. The hypotheses of the study were, first, abused psychoactive drugs are benzodiazepines, ketamine, opioids, biperiden, quetiapine, pregabalin, and gabapentin. Secondly, the abuse of drugs can be detected in blood samples. Thirdly, there is an illegal distribution of the drugs in raves. The methodology used was that one thousand seven hundred and ten files ranging from the year 2012- 2019 arrived at the 5th specialization committee headed by the Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine. The council evaluated the files concerning form, type, and amount of abused drugs and the frequency of detection of the drugs and narcotics in biological samples and at crime scenes. The results were that 614 cases abused benzodiazepines, 362 pregabalin, 310 gabapentin, and 242 buprenorphine, and 24 cases used other drugs. The use of one psychoactive drug was detected…

Negative effects of war on drugs in America             War on drugs is an initiative led by the government and was started in the 1970’s by the government of the United States to fight to stop unauthorized drug use, their distribution, and the whole drug trade through increasing and enacting penalties for the drug policies offenders. It’s the longest war existing in America, and since Nixon started the modern war on the drug it has been over 40 years, and yet drugs stopped to flow in American society. The war comes with harmful consequences that destroy many issues that people care about, and they hold so much value on.             The American war on drugs has led to the rise of racial injustices issues Lim, Y. (2018). Although the rates of drug use and drug sales are equal in all races, the African – American is arrested 13 times more than the white people and even 57 times in other states. Again, despite the Latinos and the African- American making 27% of the American population, on the drug arrest rate…

Why Canada Should Not Legalize Some Drugs Legalization of drugs such as marijuana in Canada will be a national disaster. The federal government’s plan is to legalize marijuana. There is a deadly crisis that is underway, although the government is still adamant in legalizing marijuana and making it freely available in Canada. This looming crisis is nothing but an opioid crisis (Fischer et al, 2016). If the federal government has to look for sources of revenue for the government, then I believe that legalizing marijuana is not the solution. There a million of untapped resources in Canada that can as well act the sources of government revenue. Legalizing drugs like marijuana is meant to risk the innocent lives of the Canadian people. Furthermore, some vendors in Canada are already marketing marijuana openly in anticipation of the legalization. Regretfully, the federal government cannot resist the song of revenue and so health and success take the back bench. Legalizing marijuana in Canada will do the country more harm than good. Most population especially the youth will engage in the marketing of such…

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