long term and short term effects of most of the drugs on the brain Introduction To start with, one of the major concepts that I chose is the bystander helping. Classically, this refers to the onlookers of violence, and it also entails the role that they can play in curbing the issue of violence. Another concept is the implicit personality theory and implicit attitude. This refers to specific biases and patterns that an individual uses when they form an impression which is founded on a limited amount of information of an unfamiliar person. Also, another major concept is the issue of drugs and the brain. Typically, this refers to the keen study of the effects that most of the drugs have on the brain. This will include both the long term and short term effects of most of the drugs on the brain. Lastly, I will also be using the concept of observational learning. Observational learning refers to the learning that occurs as a result of observing the behavior of other people. It is a class of social learning that…

reasons why someone is drawn to using drugs to the point of becoming dependent on them Based on the readings, there are many reasons why someone is drawn to using drugs to the point of becoming dependent on them. Amongst them are health issues where you find that individuals who experience severe pain like those who have cancer or post-operative patients are usually prescribed morphine. Sometimes they consume high doses and, in the process, develop high dependence on them6. Also, environmental and social factors contribute to dependency on drugs where, for example, some individuals who have mental illnesses are homeless and or incarcerated develop dependence. You find that abuse of medication is more common amongst such people, which raises the probability of dependency7. Additionally, dependency on drugs is caused by the benefits that are associated with the drug in question. Psychoactive drugs have been believed to directly act on the reward system of the brain as well as regions governing emotion, memory, and learning5. Evidence showing that the brain is changed by administering drugs repeatedly exists, and this makes people…

Social media and drugs Social media and drugs on the independent third party, many companies have to address misinformation on their products. The reason to address is due to the increasing domination from the social media, medical device and pharmaceutical companies. They use this media as a way of promoting and creating sensitivity of their products. Most of the companies have not yet start misinformation guidance as they are waiting for FDA to give a direction of using social media. Back 1996, the FDA has been providing social media guidance promises. However, the agencies have gradually kept quiet about device and drug companies through promotion and advertising on the internet. The FDA authority was expanded in various ways. This happened when President Obama signed a law concerning drug and food Administration safety. The passed law gave the FDA duration of two years to provide direction on the use of the internet in promoting medical products. The issuing of the three social media guidance draft highlighted; ways to submit social media promoting content to the FDA for review, another was to…

Should alcohol be legal when other drugs like marijuana are illegal but less harmful? For decades, illegalization of marijuana has led to people’s perception that the drug is illegal and that it should never be legalized .This study mainly argues on whether legalization of alcohol outweighs the illegalization of other less harmful drugs like marijuana. The harm of a drug can be analyzed by analyzing on its addiction potential, its harm to the user or the drug’s use impact on the society. Mainly, the focus is centered on the fact that alcohol is more harmful, yet legalized. Despite all the myths on the use of marijuana, it can highly be considered to be less toxic, less harmful and less addictive. Despite the legalization of alcohol, the study will highlight its effects and impact as well as the harm which arise from its use. Alcohol consumption can be associated to harm such as damaging of families and accidents. Compared to marijuana, alcohol consumption could lead to unconsciousness, or rather aggressiveness and being violent which could result to reckless driving. Due to…

                Marijuana Law   Student’s Name Affiliation Professor Course Date       Marijuana Policy New Jersey’s chapter on Drug Policy Alliance effectively seeks to terminate the war on al drugs and advocate for the promotion of drug policy performances. This particular policy aims to dissect and understand public-based opinion on the legalization of marijuana, regulations, and statewide taxation. With the plan at hand, it got discovered that 60% of the majority in New Jersey strongly supported the legalization of marijuana, regulations for adults aged 21 plus, and taxation (Sharkey & Disler, 2018). However, there are no specific differences when it comes to supporting on legalization of marijuana considering the presented bill in New Jersey. Ultimately, it can get recommended that the DPA should effectively promote fund utilization based on education as they target individuals in opposition to the specified legalization. The state has equipped its residents to a ballot that would allow them to vote in favor of marijuana legalization. The bill to legalize marijuana has witnessed massive support from people who…

                          American drug war Author’s name University of affiliation     The so-called war on drugs will have been and will continue to be an immense failure. The war on drugs is a widening enterprise that has deepened its roots in the politics and social norms of the United States society. Billions of taxpayers’ money are used in America trying to prevent the flooding of substances demanded by many Americans, and yet illegal drugs are available at all times. The wars on drugs have cost society much more than the drug abuse itself. Over sixteen Billion dollars were spent by the federal government to fight drugs in the year 1998.out of this money, ten billion dollars was used to pay for measures that can be used to curb the supply of drugs. This war on drugs shows the worst example of how the government of the United States is close-minded and immature.it clearly lacks bravery, foresight, and sophistication. The film shows that war on drugs is one of…

What Are The Best And Safest Nootropic Drugs?   If you consume nootropics, it will make you more alert, happier, and more productive. It would help users to build good habits. But if it doesn’t work, it may cause adverse effects like insomnia, make you feel tired, and a headache. There are more chances of having a dangerous potential overdose. Various people have experimented with Nootropics for several years, but for some, it worked, whereas many people didn’t have a pleasant experience also.   Some of the best and safest Nootropic drugs   Noopept: It is another synthetic drug, and you may also go for noopept powder buy as a supplement. Once you intake noopept powder, it will show its effects in some time. It would last for hours. Various studies have shown it works very fast and boosts levels of chemicals such as BDNF and many more.   Modafinil: Generally, it is a prescribed drug and used to treat narcolepsy. Narcolepsy is the condition that causes drowsiness, which is uncontrollable. It also stimulates the effects of Cocaine and amphetamines.…

What Is It Like To Take Nootropic Drugs Regularly?   You will be interested to know a pill that may boost up your thought process and memory, and make you more productive. It looks like an ultimate life hack, but you are not alone. All these pills would work well, but their work is complicated. Nootropics are smart drugs that make you more brilliant, like Bradley Cooper’s Character in Limitless.   What should you know about Nootropics Drugs like Noopept Powder?   Initially, when you start taking drugs like nootropics, you won’t feel anything. Many people quit them and contact their absence soon. It is because your brain works better and finds the need for drugs naturally, whereas many people get boosted cognitively after taking a pill or medication. It could be both a bad or a good thing. It makes you more than what you are.   Before starting the nootropics, it is recommended to begin with the basics and get rid of food, which reduces cognitive performance. It is much easier. Also, it is recommended to go for…

Christ-centered theory The concept of nurse caring and its underlying principles are evolving each day. The primary duty of nurses is seen as caring for the patient physically, in other words, treating one’s ailment to the point of recovery. However, new theories have come up on what the nursing profession should entail, one of them being the Christ-centered theory. The present-day nurse caring theories are based on scientific and philosophical findings. The new theories focus mainly on holism, which is the viewing of an entity as a whole and not a collective result of its parts. In this case, human beings are thought of as more than just their physical and mental aspect, but also their emotional and social well-being. In the nursing field, holistic thinking is applied, as they are taught not to treat just the physical ailments of a person, but focus, also, on the patient’s spiritual and emotional wellness. Nurses are taught to always be readily available for service to all manner of patients regardless of how the nurse fee (Carrie, 2011). This suggests that nurses should…

Comparison and Analysis of Mission Statements Introduction Mission statements are important navigational tools that companies must have if they are thinking about the future. They not only enable organizations or businesses to identify the purpose and importance of what they do, but they also enable them to identify the goals that they must commit themselves to pursue. Once the goals have been identified and strategy developed, business organizations or companies can build themselves from the ground up and ensure their stability even in the midst of challenges ahead. In other words, mission statements are the bedrocks of organizations because they ensure that they remain strong even in the midst of challenges. This essay critiques the extent to which Deemah – a Saudi Arabian company in the food industry – complies with its mission statement. Deemah’s mission statement will also be compared to Alsafi Danone’s. Ultimately, the dangers of organizations having flawed mission statements will also be assessed, together with the impact of such flaws on performance. Analysis of Deemah’s Mission Statement Deemah is a company that manufactures exports and distributes…

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