2020 update – In which states can dental therapists (RDH, RDA) practice? Millions of people in the U.S face considerable barriers to obtaining the critical dental care they need to attain good oral health. In fact, more than half of the U.S citizens go without any dental care and some struggle with untreated dental illnesses that eventually can have detrimental effects on their general health. One notable obstacle to dental care is the fact that there is a scarcity of dental providers in some parts of the country. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA} has listed about 5000 areas in the country where there is a shortage of dental care providers. Usually, shortage areas are most common in lower-income neighborhoods and rural areas. Communities of color are particularly affected by these shortages. This is because; they are more likely to reside in low-income neighborhoods where dental provider shortages are often experienced. Layered on top of this, some ethnic and racial minorities are highly underrepresented in the dental workforce. This, in turn, makes it challenging for these ethnic minorities to…


Care Plan

Care Plan Diagnosis PES Format Domain   Nursing Diagnosis: Cardiac Output Risk for Decreased   Related to: Tension that comes from various activities that patient caries out or even the occupation of the person in question   As evidence by The patient is noted to have some problems breathing and can even go into shock if not well managed.                                                   Outcome/Goals Include Time Frame   STG: Patient will be able to carry out their actions effectively without pressure in the short run                           LTG: Eventually, the patient will manage to live a longer life and even enjoy the experience that he will be having at the time.     Interventions Individualized/Specific   STG#1: Check the functional level of breathing.     STG#2: Check the heart rate of the patient to ensure that they are okay and without any form of pressure     STG#3:Present…

Why Costa Rica is the best place to get your dental implants done? Do you wish to get suitable dental implants in Costa Rica, including other dental treatments? Well, dental tourism is on the rise in Costa Rica with the rising cost of the treatment in other countries. People are opting for dental implants from Costa Rica, and there are plenty of reasons for it. As per statistics, it can be said that almost 1 million people are traveling overseas to Costa Rica to avail of affordable dental treatment. This makes the destination a cheap rated one for the dental tourists across the world. Apart from the cost, the scenic beauty and the rick historical importance of the place attract travelers to the place every year. However, it has been estimated that the cost of teeth implant and other treatments are almost 80% lower compared with the charges offered in the UK. Before you finalize your decision to opt for dental implant service from the above-mentioned place, let us take a glance at the benefits that the dental treatment offers.…

Philosophy of Nursing Statement Nursing has always been my passion ever since I was a little girl. Growing up, I spent days and weeks at the pediatric hospital because of my asthmatic condition. The best memories from my stay there are from the nurses who catered for me with love and dedication. My passion for nursing begun as a result of this experience. At the age of sixteen, while at the hospital, I witnessed the suffering of children in the oncology unit and resolved to be the best nurse I could be. I have continued to improve my skills through learning and opportunities to improve knowledge, in my quest to be the best care provider. From 2009 to 2015, I worked at the community hospital, where I gained experience in catering for the hygiene needs of the patients. Since then, I have gone to work in the oncology department and in pediatric nursing, where I learned how to deliver compassionate care. I am currently working in the health department as a community health nurse. My philosophy of nursing is patient-centered,…

Budget cuts Discussion Question Question 1. If you were a governor, would you make budget cuts across the board or use some special criteria (suggest some good ones) to pick and choose? Budget cutting has become one of the common and unpleasant tactics used by governors cross United States to confront some of the financial problems facing their states.  Budget cuts allow governors to do more with less. As a governor I would not cut the budget across the board but instead use specific criteria including: freeing state hiring opportunities, Reduce retirement costs, Provide incentives for early retirement, Renegotiate labor contracts, Use technology to reduce fraud, abuse, and overpayments, and  Sell or Lease Government Assets and Enterprises.  The reason why I would use these criteria is because across-the-board cut would penalize the leanest and most efficient agencies. For instance, across-the-board cut will also impact Medicaid agencies which would affects millions of people who seek Medicaid services during difficult budget times like the one the state is currently facing. Besides, Medicaid is partially funded by the federal government. Question2.  Depending on…

Unknown Benefits of Wearing Cologne   For many years, cologne has been in use. The primary purpose of this fragrance is to make men smell better than others. A lot of men also wear perfume to look attractive to the woman. Today, the crone is used to make the natural scent to be more appealing. The smell of most of the cologne ranges from the musk, spices, and the soap-like smell. Wearing a cologne will make a man to be more polished and put together. Using a cologne makes the other people know that you care about your hygiene and appearances.   Wearing a cologne will make you to be concentrated. Some smell sends a signal into the brain, which makes you focus. Smell like citrus give you focus; eucalyptus is helpful when you are exhausted mentally. If you apply a cologne with a mint smell, it will help you maintain the memory. You should make sure that you have done enough research on the kind of scent that you are opting.     Wearing cologne will add a smile…

The COVID-19 Pandemic. COVID-19 is a coronavirus strain. Coronaviruses are a specific subset of viruses that use RNA instead of DNA as their genetic material and are covered in spikes on the surface of the virus that attack cells. COVID-19 is, however, a novel coronavirus. This is because before December of 2019, the world was only aware of six coronaviruses, thus making it the seventh, with very little information available on it. The virus causes a range of respiratory symptoms ranging from dry cough and fever to fatal viral pneumonia, with a majority of people developing mild symptoms. However, certain people develop severe symptoms among them, health workers with low immunity (since they get a higher dose than ordinary people), the elderly, and those with pre-existing medical conditions. Despite causing mortality, COVID-19 is comparatively less violent compared to the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) – another coronavirus that broke out in 2003- with death rates of around 2% against reported cases, compared to 10% of SARS. Vaccines are currently under development. However, they are far from being administered as research…

Risk Management Tools The risk management process involves identifying, analyzing, and mitigating certain uncertainties during the process of decision making. Risk management process encompasses five critical stages that include; identification of risk, risk analysis, evaluation of the risk, risk treatment, and risk monitoring activities. Risk management process in health care facilities employs the use of several tools that help in improving communication, promoting patient safety, and initiating quality assurance plans. Some of the tools applied in the risk management processes in the health care industry include; SBAR, PDCA, Lean, DMAIC, and ISO 9001. Health care industries should use these tools effectively during the risk management process to mitigate some of the serious risks that may arise. For instance, the risk of having some of the patient concepts missing during reporting is avoided by the use of the SBAR model. The use of SBAR, PDCA, Lean, DMAIC and ISO 9001 tools in risk management processes is important in health care industries since, they improve communication, ensure patient safety and assist in formulating quality assurance plans. Risk management process in the health…

Victimization Prevention and CPTED Introduction Victimology is the study of psychological effects on victims and their relationship with offenders and the criminal justice system (Fisher & Lab, 2010). The importance of victimology includes its role in realizing the investigative and forensic objectives. In forensic victimology, the study on victim’s exposure to injury consists of situational and lifestyle exposure. In criminology, a victim is defined as a person injured individually or directly by an offender. Victimization refers to any crime related issues that have perceived negative impact on the wellbeing and safety of individuals. The crime-related problems include fear of retribution, sexual aggression, aggression, violence at schools, and fear of crime. Victimization Prevention and CPTED Victimization prevention refers to the assessment of risks, performance of security audits to identify points of vulnerability to minimize to a target’s attractiveness to criminals (Daigle, 2013). In Victimology, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED) refers to the use of multidisciplinary approaches in the reduction of crime through management and utilization of built environments as well as urban and environmental design. The CPTED involves designing physical…

Discussion Post: Dr Martin Makary Leading From Home What were the main points of this speaker’s presentation? The speaker’s main point is safety for the people through the prevention of the spread of Covid-19 virus. The speakers are aimed at educating people the sense of curbing the spread and the measures that can be taken to help solve the current situation globally. The speaker other significant point is that the society should take the initiative to protect the group that is most likely to be affected by the virus; old individuals. This, therefore, reveals the need to stay home and isolate these older adults from the public. This will be beneficial not only to the family but to the nation and the entire world, according to the speaker. How will you apply this information in your life? I will use the information gained from the speaker in adopting the right health approaches to minimize the chance of contracting the virus. I will as well use the knowledge to remain disciplined even in future, knowing that it is not only for…

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