Prevention of Infections in a Clinical Setting With time, there has been a dramatic change in care delivery from hospital to ambulatory/outpatient setting. Steinkuller, Harris, Vigil, & Ostrosky-Zeichner (2018) affirm that in 2015, 93% of children and 83% of adults received health care from an ambulatory clinic. The layout of these clinics and crowded waiting rooms act as reservoirs for infections, which call for drastic measures to develop and implement programs to prevent infections in a clinical setting. Prevention Project Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) are transmissible pathogens that occur when receiving or giving care in healthcare facilities. As identified by the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.7 million patients acquire infections while receiving treatment, and nearly 9,800 die from this (Haque, Sartelli, MMcKimm, & Bakar, 2018). Caregivers are not exempted from infections, which increase the risk of transmitting to other patients during treatment. Increasing procedures complexity, demand, and patients in ambulatory clinics, results in a higher risk of infection transmission. Therefore, an outpatient infection control program is vital to reduce the risk. The proposed project for the prevention…

Medical Safety Goggles When it comes to harmful exposures to the eye, nobody is an exception. That’s is why it’s crucial always to protect yourself adequately. Ensure that you strictly follow the best hygiene procedures to avoid damaging your eyes. If you’re a scientist, construction worker, or a carpenter, never leave for work without medical safety goggle. Most importantly, aim for safety goggles that are lightweight, comfortable, and the ones that will not blur or fog your vision at any given time. Can I really find such goggles? You could be wondering. The answer is YES! There are a lot of them out there. What are Safety Goggles Safety goggles or glasses are some type of protective eyewear whose main purpose is to protect the eye and it’s surrounding from any dangerous debris, chemicals or water. They are mostly used is medical or chemistry laboratories, construction and woodworking. You can even find them in swimming and snow sports as well. Types Of Medical Safety Goggles Jorestech Safety Goggles Jorestech safety goggles are among the most beautiful goggles available in the…

Challenge with CSR Dow Jones Sustainability indices rank Colgate- Palmolive Co under the Household & Personal Products category as the Best Company. DJSI considers the results generated in RobecoSaM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA).  CSA invites over 35, 000 companies that are publicly traded annually to participate. The best-in-class approach is utilized in DJSI when selecting the best Company.  DJSI reviews the sustainability metrics to identify the industries that outperform their peers. The criteria allow all the publicly traded companies to participate in the assessment, thus an additional aspect for investors to consider while choosing Colgate. DJSI considers environmental, social, and governance (ESG), which is an aspect to enlighten investors when making financial decisions. DJSI allocates results to each Company participating in the assessment in the form of a sustainability score. Companies ranked top 10% of their respective production industries are published in the DJSI World. The diligence report utilizes the Dow Jones Sustainability indexes and the Global 100 reports to assist in deciding on investing in Colgate-Palmolive. Colgate-Palmolive is an American multinational company that produces consumer products headquartered in Midtown…

Nursing Case Studies ASSESSMENT TASK 1 – Case Study Scenario You are a nurse working in a surgical ward and are assigned to the care of Mrs. Smith, a 79-year-old female who has recently undergone surgery. Mrs. Smith has been on strict bed rest for five days, and on the assessment, you notice a grade one pressure injury on her right heel. As Mrs. Smith will be confined to her bed for at least another week, you want to take precautions to make sure the pressure injury does not progress further. You are aware that a specific type of mattress is best for preventing pressure injuries but can’t remember which. You do some research to determine which bed you should prepare for Mrs. Smith – a standard mattress, an air mattress, or a foam mattress? Pressure injury results from a breach of the integrity of the skin due to unrelieved pressure from soft tissues compressed between an external surface and the skeletal framework for an extended period. Besides poor blood circulation, friction, and ischemia of the muscles may also contribute…

HANDWASHING WHEN DEALING WITH BABIES Description Handwashing, when dealing with babies, is critical to prevent newborn babies from contracting illnesses, mostly from adults (Health, 2017). As such, I practiced handwashing when dealing with babies in the maternity ward, which was a critical exercise in maintaining a healthy status of the young ones.  I was not directly involved taking care of the babies but ensured that all the surfaces were clean and disinfected. Hence, I scrubbed my hands with soap for about 20 seconds with running water and later rinsed myself with a clean towel. Moreover, the other personnel in the ward, such as nurses, were directly involved in taking care of the infants. Thus, they regularly washed their hands relative to provided procedural guidelines provided in the healthcare department (Health, 2017). Handwashing initiative, while dealing with children, resulted in zero infant’s death likely to be caused by poor hygiene. Feelings Before the event in the maternity ward, I never thought it was a requirement to wash my hands while dealing with the young ones. However, as I entered the ward,…

Hand Hygiene             Research on hand-washing hygiene is a contentious issue in the healthcare sector. Healthcare-related infections have been drawing increased attention among healthcare workers, patients, government, and insurance companies, raising concern on the role played by hand hygiene in such cases. The concern on hand hygiene is not only raised because of the associated impacts such as mortality and increased costs of management but also because most of the complications are preventable if hygiene is considered. Most infections are transmitted when health care workers attend to patients with contaminated hands and also risk being infected. Also, infections may be transmitted from the patients to the healthcare workers, or from a patient to another patient due to poor hygiene. The issue of hand hygiene creates controversy in that the level of hygiene is an issue of concern because not clear guidelines are set on the level of hygiene that should be maintained. Poor hand hygiene is responsible for several infections acquired from the healthcare facilities and should be improved to avoid cases of infections that would be prevented. Significance of…

Brussels, the European Union. Introduction The European Union is a collection of former European states and began as a customs union and free trade area. Currently, the EU exists as a supranational entity with legal, trade, border, and security entities. The association does not manifest characteristic of either a federal state since the management relies on a byzantine bureaucracy in Brussels. Positive attributes of the association are strengthening the prosperity and stability in Europe following the fall of the Second World War and berlin wall. The union, however, is suffering from slowing economic growth, falling behind emergent financial and manufacturing giant’s china. The EU model is reliant on the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951 structure, which sought to entrench trade-in the form of a stock market without increasing human capital costs that limit the success of democracies. The paper focuses on historical elements of the European Union, assessing free trade benefits, border and security implications by immigration, and the future of the union following the centralization of political power and customs bureaucracy in the association. The Union The…

The amalgamation of the flexibility of work with location independence The amalgamation of the flexibility of work with location independence is still a dream for many. And why it wouldn’t be? Who doesn’t want to work without stepping out of their comfort zone? Everyone wants that. With technology advancement, everyone today can embrace the concept of working remotely with utmost dedication. Moreover, valuable insights and vast knowledge about the entire concept is being nurtured more and more with our penchant for working remotely.   Working remotely means working with the flexibility of location independence. Since everyone working in a remote company might be the residents of different countries. Hence,communication in a Remote Company has to have a perfect detailed set of guidelines, and Evernote has been following up these sets of instructions for their remote employees. Let’s take the insights into the communication process that they follow and get some valuable learning from them, which will make a better remote work environment for us and enhance our productivity.   Developing a Communication Policy for Remote Teams   “If your house…

Best Motion Sensor Trash Cans To Promote Safety And Hygiene Trash cans have become a must in the malls, institutions and even in the houses. However, there still lies an inconvenience to this, and that is to bother about opening the lid of the can by touching its handle. To get rid of this hustle bustle, motion sensor trash cans have become extremely useful. It lets you put in the trash within the can by detecting the presence of your hand near it. Also, there are a few trash cans that are voice activated, which in turn, detects your voice and opens the lid. Why do you need a motion sensor trash can? Trash cans have become an important deal in terms of home decor. I know although you might agree to my statement, but at the same time, you might be wondering that when did this actually happen? Well, tracing back to the history of these trash cans, we need to revisit the old days of 20th century, when these garbage cans were first introduced in the New York.…

Central sleep apnea (CSA) Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a respiratory disorder that causes difficulties in breathing during sleep, and it affects about 30% of people with congestive heart failure (CHF). Also, heart transplant, which cures CHF and CSA, has proved effective in some patients and ineffective in others. As a result, this study aimed to test whether the normalization of heart function effectively abolished CSA. The materials and methods applied in this study included patients selected for heart transplantation assessment at a university hospital. A computerized system (polysomnography) monitored and determined signs of respiratory discomfort during sleep among the sampled patients. In addition, urine volume and renal function were also examined from overnight urinary norepinephrine excretion (UNE). Results showed that 13 patients with severe CHF and who underwent a heart transplant were included in this analysis, and the control group consisted of 9 patients. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in CSA symptoms after transplantation, marked by a shortened cycle length (about 65 to 31 units). The apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and UNE also dropped significantly due to normalized left…

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