LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY AND REFLECTION Name Course Date                           Introduction Personal Leadership Philosophy (PLP) is a guiding principle that consists of the values and beliefs of a person. These values can help one solve different types of challenges in life. These principles can assist one in decision making. PERSONAL LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY Leadership priorities As a senior nurse leading the junior nurses, I have several priorities that I consider to be very important. My leadership priorities are time management, communication, patient satisfaction, excellence in nursing, and satisfaction of the staff. To have the ability to improve the experiences of patients, I need to understand all the factors which influence the nursing environment (Messina and Wilde, 2017). As a nurse, I also prioritize making other nurses satisfied. As a leader, the junior nurses expect me to be honest and also to be a good time manager. They expect me to provide the necessary materials to foresee excellence in nursing care and patient satisfaction. On the other hand, I…

What is Lifestyle? Hey friends, I am back with a new article. I hope so you all may like it. Let me ask you a simple question. What do you mean by the word LifestyleLifestyle? Yes, you all use a simple word in daily conversations. Now, the thing is that how many noticed it. Some of you started using Google to find the meaning. However, most of you left the discussion. Do not worry, friends. I have done some research related to LifestyleLifestyle. Additionally, there are some internet-based details too. Let me start with an exciting discussion. Lifestyle depends on the interests and culture of an individual or group. On the other hand, I want to introduce with you the person who coined this term Alfred Adler (Austrian Psychologist). Mr. Adler made a brief description of human behavior. Moreover, the world lifestyle also associated with two things tangible or intangible factors. Tanglibe word means demography. On the other hand, Intangible something includes the psychological aspects such as outlooks, preferences, and personal values. Analysis of LifestyleLifestyle has done on social issues…

PROFESSIONAL HAIR CUTTING SCISSORS Product Description: Who will not love to have a silky, wavy, bouncy, and smooth finish after a haircut? The answer would be no everyone would like to have a smooth and healthy finish after a haircut. For a perfect haircut, scissors are the essential tool. Scissors must be designed in such a way that it precisely used and gives an excellent finish after the haircut. Haircutting scissors should have a sheer finish.   Product Highlights: It is mutable and easy to use on the elderly, children, babies, men and women It is tailored with golden tension and adjustable screw for changing the tension and tightness It has one straight scissors, one comb, and one thinning scissors It has a 49-degree blade angle, which is helpful for a haircut. It has an anti-skid design that is used for sharp and safe cut. It has a non-slip handle and will not cause strain to your fingers, and it is easy to cut your hair. How to use? Learn to hold sheers in a proper way to get a…

effective wound care for post caesarian patients The most critical component of post-cesarean care is the management of the C-section wound to minimize infection. Post caesarian wound care entails hospital care and home-based care. Post caesarian patients typically stay in the hospital for between three and five days. Upon discharge from the hospital, home-based follow-up care continues until the patient attains full recovery. This project explores effective wound care for post caesarian patients, with an emphasis on the benefits as well as the financial and logistical implications of wound care. The target population for this wound management project is the post caesarian patients. However, post caesarian wound care is a collective responsibility of the health professionals(nurses, midwives, and physicians), the patient, and the patient’s family. The first step towards an effective post caesarian wound care program is to educate the patient on the various methods of wound care as well as the essence of wound care. The patient and their families have the role of ensuring the wound is managed appropriately following the standard wound care procedures recommended by the…

Quantitative Analysis Assignment Summary Data Analysis Form This is the form you need to use to describe the findings (or results) of your quantitative analyses of the patient safety data set. For each finding, you are given specific instructions on how to use the Excel program to analyze the data that will give you the results you need for this Assignment. When you have completed the analyses and described your findings on this form, you then need to submit it using the Week 5 platform for assignments. Analysis 1: What is the mean age of patients in the patient safety data set? _54.8____ years Instructions: Open up your patient safety data set using the Microsoft Excel program. At the top of your screen, click on “Formulas.” Highlight Column B, starting at line 2 and ending at line 52.. Click on “Autosum,” and then click on “Average.” You will find the mean age of patients in the data set on line 52 for Column B.   Analysis 2: What percentage of patients were reported to have fallen during their hospitalization? __38___…

Natural Disasters in the United States Part 1 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a disease that affects the respiratory system. The coronavirus was first found in China and has spread throughout the world, including the United States. There is a lot of information unknown about this virus. It spreads fast through coming into physical contact with a person carrying the virus. The city, federal, and local governments are preparing hard for this pandemic. The extent of its preparedness is evident in its capacity to detect, prevent, offer quick response, and offer professional care for the affected patients. Having hefty budgets and action plans for rapid response is paramount. Besides, preparedness requires advanced laboratory techniques to test the disease and monitor any infection that is likely to occur (Gates, 2020). The governments have made hospitals and stations for isolation available and of quality that are easily accessible. There have been considerable investments in purchasing equipment, constructing healthcare facilities, and carrying out scientific research about the disease. The strategies taken by the governments will help control the number of sick people and…

Coronavirus prevention Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that causes respiratory illness. Individuals infected may develop mild to moderate symptoms such as fever, difficulty in breathing, dry cough and tiredness. These symptoms can take up to 14 days to manifest. World health organization (WHO) and Public health authorities have come up with necessary protective measures against the new coronavirus. Maintain social distance. It is safe to keep a distance of at least 1 meter between yourself and anyone coughing or sneezing.  Small liquid droplets containing the virus may be sprayed from mouth and nose through coughing if you are too close to an infected person. Avoid crowded places and non-essential gatherings. Limit contact with people at higher risk, such as those in poor health and older adults. Washing hands frequently. It is advisable to regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub to kill the viruses that may be on your hand. Practice respiratory hygiene. These involve covering your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or using tissue which is disposed…

The mental health of aboriginal people in Canada. Introduction The aboriginal peoples around the world have experienced marginalization, a rapid change in culture, and global economy absorption without regarding their autonomy.[1] In many communities, the discontinuity in culture has been linked to high rates of violence, alcoholism, and depression, with a significant impact on youth. The aboriginal people constitute 4 percent of the Canadian population, with 11 major language groups.[2] There is a substantial linguistic and cultural difference among many groups. There are also enormous differences in lifestyle, perspective, and values within the urban population of aboriginal people. Despite this diversity, most groups share common economic, social, and political predicaments. The shared common predicament has made people forge a collective identity among diverse groups. This paper seeks to explain in detail the peoples of Canada’s mental issues, which comprise the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis.[3] The paper explores the history of systematic suppression and dislocation and its range and level of the problems it causes on the people and individual and ongoing collective transformation and the revitalization of identity and…

Fire-Fighting Accidents caused by fire are always tragic when they occur. Under normal circumstances, fire involves the release of energy from the combustion of materials. The fundamental component of fire is oxygen, but other materials tend to combine with oxygen to burn at different temperatures. Fire in its normal state is an essential component in the maintenance of the ecological balance. However, the adverse effects of fire are seen when accidents are caused by fire. Fire accidents are mostly accelerated by catalysts that cause excessive combustion above levels which can be controlled by the existing control measures. The oil and acetylene industries, for example, are always at a higher risk of being hit by fire tragedies. Oil is highly flammable, and thus exposure to fire may lead to a fast spread of the fire. The accidents in fire stations are always in the form of explosions as oil tanks succumb to the heat caused by fire and the flammable nature of oil. Acetylene, on the other hand, is a hydrocarbon that is used as fuel and thus is also flammable.…

Bringing Healthcare to the Homeless Introduction There are many issues affecting peoples’ lives in the world, one of them being homelessness.  In recent years, the number of individuals experiencing homelessness has surged and this has been blamed on the concurrent cuts in social and housing services.  For instance, in London, 6,437 persons were rough sleepers during 2012/13, representing an increase of 62 percent over two years (Lamb & Joels, 2014).  Homelessness has a negative impact on an individual’s physical and mental health.  Some of the health concerns prevalent among the homeless are drug and alcohol-related problems, poor hygiene, effects of cold weather, and nutritional deficiencies.  In most cases, the physical and mental health requirements of this special population are usually managed inadequately in primary care.  Given the daily concerns of finding shelter and food, the homeless populations do not always regard health as an immediate priority.  This calls for a targeted health promotion directed at the homeless persons. This paper will present an outline of a health advocacy campaign that will provide strategies and probable solutions to help bring healthcare…

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