Benefits of Prosthetics and Orthotics One traumatic experience is during surgical removal of a limb. Most of these amputations occur due to diseases or sometimes due to very tragic accidents where one is subjected to loss of a leg or legs; fortunately, there is the invention of these artificial legs made of prosthetics and orthotics. They are made in such a way that they fit in perfectly and thus restore the functioning and appearance of a real natural limb. This helps one to maintain his or her self-esteem since there will be no big difference with the natural limb. One receives a unique treatment if he or she chooses to use these artificial limbs because only specialists do this type of exercise. There is a follow up where one does a serious follow up so as to ensure that the victim gets a prosthetic that fits his or her body type perfectly. The victim is advised to maintain very high hygiene so as to always remain in good health and maintain the artificial limb for quite a long time without…

How Laser Teeth Whitening Works Many people go for teeth whitening to improve their smile and boost their self-esteem. A report by Arizton found that the whitening industry across the globe is expected to generate revenue of over $6 billion come 2025. In the past, people whitened teeth using hydrogen peroxide solutions. This procedure was either conducted at home or at a dentist’s office. However, this process took time before you could see any real results. As more and more people went for teeth whitening, cosmetic dentists developed laser whitening to speed up the whitening process. Here is a guide on the steps involved in laser teeth whitening. Screening The dentist will examine you to determine whether you have gum recession. If your gums expose your tooth roots, there is a chance your teeth will not bleach evenly. In such cases, you will be better offer with other teeth whitening options. During this stage, the dentist will determine the patient’s oral health and whether they are suited for the procedure. Typically, laser whitening is not recommended for pregnant women and…

The Current Pandemic Situation In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A virus, later known popularly known as the H1N1, first emerged in the united states of America and quickly spread across the country and outside its borders. By the time the influenza was brought under control in august 2010, more than 18,000 people across the world had died from the virus, making it one of the worst pandemics in history. The 2009 flu was also the last pandemic the world witnessed, up until November 2019, when the first case of the now dreaded coronavirus outbreak was reported in the Hubei province of China. One month later, Chinese doctors started noting cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, in Wuhan, which is in the Hubei Province of China. Since its official outbreak at the end of December 2019, the COVID-19 has drawn a lot of speculations regarding its spread, impact, the vulnerable population, and its unprecedented cure that is yet to be formulated. However, one thing the entire world agrees on right now is that the…

Different Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures Cosmetic dentistry involves general mouth care to improve the appearance of the smile, mouth, and teeth. According to Dr. Travis Spillman, a cosmetic dentistry specialist at Spillman Family Dental in Rockwall, TX, cosmetic dentistry procedures primarily focus on the improvement of teeth looks and smiles. In contrast, general dentistry helps in treating various oral complications. In most cases, these procedures are used for aesthetic reasons but can have therapeutic benefits too. Here are the most common cosmetic dentistry procedures today. Inlays and Onlays They are also referred to as indirect fillings and are made in a dental laboratory using porcelain, gold, or composite materials. The fillings are molded in to place by a professional dentist. They are called onlays when the fillings cover the biting surface of teeth or involve one or two points of a tooth. When the fillings are bonded within the center of the teeth, they are called inlays. They also serve as alternatives for crowns, as they help to preserve and maintain healthy teeth. Charges for cosmetic dentistry are applied…

Current trends of Tuberculosis infection Tuberculosis is among the many infectious diseases affecting both already developed and developing countries in the world.1, 2,3 Research shows that infectious diseases are continuing to emerge and remerge every year. Internationally, various factors contribute to the emergence of different infectious diseases threatening human life. These factors that influence the spreading of new pathogens include aging, globalization, urbanization, tourism, and change of climate.4 Tuberculosis infection is an air transmitted disease that causes the effect on the breathing system of humans. Mycobacterium is a pathogenic organism that influences tuberculosis (TB) infection. The germ associated occurs and cause-effect when the microscopic agents of untreated TB form are transmitted from one person to the other through air spit, sneeze, and cough.1,2,3,5 Notably, the emergence and re-emergence of TB infection in the World are still high, and studies indicate there is an increase in the mortality rate of TB infected people globally.1,2,3 Particularly, the morbidity and mortality rate of TB infection in the United States has been decreasing for the past three years. Between 2016 and 2017, TB cases…

Guided Tissue Regeneration in relation to Periodontology 1:Guided Tissue Regeneration in relation to Periodontology[1] One of the most important roles of any body part is to carry out its functions properly.[2] However, somebody components fail to perform their tasks properly since they have a shortage in either the dimension or volume in terms of tissues or muscles. Therefore, there is a need to trigger the growth of the muscles in a given size or direction to enable the body organs to function as required.[3] One of the areas of the body where muscle regeneration and development are triggered to allow for the organs to carry out their duties properly is the teeth and bones. There is a process carried out targeting those muscles that are close to these organs. The muscles that are close to these organs are blocked and directed to in a specific dimension based on the area that has muscle insufficiency[4]. Image 1 When carrying out guided tissue regeneration, the process does not require the removal of body tissues or bones from any other body part.[5] The…

ways to prevent CAUTI Introduction   Healthcare associated infections (HAI) are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients (Edward et. al, 2016). Even though the percentage of the of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) grew considerably in the last several years, the battle against these infections has made the difference in decreasing the number of infected patients. Populations at risk are elderly patients undergoing surgery and patients with incontinence. Among other purposes, urinary catheters are primarily used for draining urine after surgeries and for urinary incontinence (Singha et. Al, 2017), which often is the port of entry for bacteria. CAUTI is becoming a very serious issue in the healthcare industry, and really problematic with patient-family relationship with the hospital. Some tragedy to prevent this HAI is for instance reinforcing hand hygiene in the healthcare setting, maintain infection control, and the use of the of some catheter coated with 100% silicone.   Search Strategy   This research was done using Frostburg University library data base. To research my articles, words such as, CAUTI and hospitalized and elderly…

MODES OF TRANSMISSION OF VIRUS CAUSING COVID-19 Modes of transmission of the COVID-19 virus Respiratory infections can be transmitted through droplets of different sizes: when the droplet particles are ˃5-10 μm in diameter they are referred to as respiratory droplets, and when then are ˂5μm in diameter, they are referred to as droplet nuclei.1 According to current evidence, COVID-19 virus is primarily transmitted between people through respiratory droplets and contact routes.2-7 In an analysis of 75,465 COVID-19 cases in China, airborne transmission was not reported.8 Droplet transmission occurs when a person is in in close contact (within 1 m) with someone who has respiratory symptoms (e.g., coughing or sneezing) and is therefore at risk of having his/her mucosae (mouth and nose) or conjunctiva (eyes) exposed to potentially infective respiratory droplets. Transmission may also occur through fomites in the immediate environment around the infected person.8 Therefore, transmission of the COVID-19 virus can occur by direct contact with infected people and indirect contact with surfaces in the immediate environment or with objects used on the infected person (e.g., stethoscope or thermometer).    Airborne transmission is…

Minimum coverage The bikini has created many stylistic variations. A regular bikini is a two-piece swimsuit that covers a woman’s crotch, buttocks and breasts together. Some bikini models cover larger areas of the wearer’s body while other models provide minimal coverage. Its variants String bikini A thong or stringkini bikini is simpler and more revealing than a classic bikini. It takes its name from the characteristics of the strings of its design. monokini A monokini, more commonly known as a topless swimsuit and sometimes called a bikini, is a women’s one-piece swimsuit equivalent to the bottom half of a bikini. Microkini A microkini is an extremely skinny bikini. [26] Designs for women and men generally only use enough tissue to cover the genitals, so it is often considered necessary to remove or cut pubic hair. trikini The high trikini essentially consists of two separate parts. Bikini scarf The bikini sling is also known under the name of “bikini with braces”, “thong with braces”, “bikini slingshot” or simply “slingshot”. It’s a one-piece suit that offers as little, if not less, coverage…

Things to Consider Before Getting Veneers   Changing a physical attribute that one is not very happy about can give enormous confidence that can help people excel in their personal and professional lives. This is why the cosmetic industry is such a rage right now. One such procedure that is very popular currently is getting a veneer. A beautiful smile not only enhances the beauty but at the same time, it also gives a boost to the confidence of the individual. People opt for veneers to camouflage the defects of their teeth, which eventually boosts their look. They are thin. Generally, porcelain covers bonded to the natural teeth to enhance its shape or colour. This can be a great option for people as it is less damaging to the natural teeth against other dental procedures like crown or extraction. It is an expensive procedure. So, the following information might have answers to some of the common questions which can help anyone decide if they are ready for the commitment or not.   Why do people get veneers? Imperfections are a…

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