Basic salary and mental health Introduction and background information The problem of income inequality has for a long time been an area of focus to many scholars sighting it as the major source of global poverty. It is rather disturbing  to note the income gap that exist in most of the country  where some people earn more than 1000 times more than others. In some cases, some people earn nothing to provide for their family. The problem of income inequality matters as it can be the solution for eradicating poverty on a global scale.  It is worth noting that poor people are not lazy but rather they lack the mean to free themselves from the jaws of poverty.  Income inequality has adverse effect on the affected people and in particular people on the lower side. Evidently, research has indicated that income inequality and poverty has been among the leading cause of mental problems in the world. People become stressed and eventually depressed when they realize that they cannot cater for they can barely provide even the most basic needs for…

Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and mental health Topic 1: Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and mental health. Topic 2: Technology makes us more productive at school and work. Write an essay that discusses why one should be undecided on the two topics above, the key arguments surrounding each topic above for each side (support or against) (do researches and please cite the sources where you got the arguments from), discuss logos (logical), ethos (ethical), pathos (emotional) appeals in relation to each topic above, which appeals you′ll need to choose a side (support or against) in each topic above, what type of evidence would you need to reach a decision (support or against) in each topic above, and develop a list of insightful questions that would help you gain a better understanding about the two topics above to reach a decision (support or against). Is there an opportunity for a ″win-win″ or a ″happy-medium″ solution?[unique_solution] Cell phones and tablets are safe for teenagers′ physical and mental health Topic 1: Cell phones and…

Community mental health There are a couple of weaknesses that are attached to this kind of health. Community mental health worsens the situation of the patients in question to the extent of preferring to die. The caregivers concentrate on medicine administration and forget to show love to the patients, which makes the patients feel rejected, and some which they are dead. A patient was heard saying that all the doctor did was give her pills without talking to her (pg. 149). Another weakness is that members of the care team tend to intrude in people’s home without their consent. An example of giving of such an occurrence is when the group ambushed an older woman, who had been on medication and was diagnosed with dementia. When they try to interview her, she sounds irate because she was not ready for such a surprise visit (pg. 150). Furthermore, CMH employs police force on people to have them hospitalized. Such a behaviour invites resistance from the patients in question since they are aware of what will transpire after they are taken to…

Mental Health Issue Population health concern conveys important health issues into focus and discourses techniques in which various resources can be distributed to curb major health concerns. The population health concern identified is the mental health concern of depression. Depression is a primary mental health concern that leads to the majority of the young population deaths in the United States and across the globe (Cockerham, 2016). The issue is caused by emotional, constant biological, and social anguish. Therefore, it leads to a lack of interest in public life, whereby individuals end up committing suicide.   The current president The previous president The previous president Presidents Name Donald Trump Barrack Obama George Bush Administrative agenda focus ·         A new medical bill and strategy aided the renovation of Patient protection and affordable care act. (Thompson, Gusmano, Shinohara, 2018) ·         Reduction of the amount of Medicaid to cater to the mental health issue. ·         The president signed the Patient protection and affordable care act, also defined as Obamacare. This allowed the extension of the state mental equality to Medicard ·         Development of a…

Are Mental Health Diagnoses Related To Immune System Dysregulation Mental health is imperative for proper body functioning, including the immune system. Brain activities are responsible for biological responses initiated during inflammation and are, therefore, closely related to human immunity. Damages in the brain negatively affect the entire body system. Psychiatric disorders are highly prevalent in the general population due to the existence of many life stressors. The occurrence of mental illnesses can lead to immune dysfunctions. It is worth noting that some psychiatric conditions create high risks of autoimmune diseases, which can be understood by exploring events surrounding their occurrence. Primarily, this paper seeks to examine incidents of autoimmune disease co-occurrence as well as the relationship between mental health diagnoses and immune system dysregulation. Mental Health Diagnoses It is difficult to determine the presence of mental illness by only observing the physical symptoms. Physicians and psychiatrists use distinct ways of identifying mental health complications, including physical examination, laboratory tests, and psychological evaluation. A doctor may check the general health, the functioning of body organs, and one-on-one interviews. Therefore, it requires…

Foundation of mental health counseling & wellness The wellness model involves the full integration of the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of a human being. Positive psychology entails focusing on the strengths and positive events and influences in life. Positive psychology helps in boosting self-confidence and resilience.  Positive psychology, however, focuses on specific emotions and behaviors rather than the whole person.  A person needs to be understood holistically and give focus on the weaknesses to have a better person. The Keyes research focuses on the different mental illness and mental health, emotional and psychological well-being. Keyes research provides a basis for the evaluation of mental health counseling. Contextualized market work path will help in meeting the needs of the clients sufficiently unlike the psychologized career where the career may not meet the needs of the client as at that time. Contextualized market work path also helps in being at par with the current trends thus more meaningful to the market. Contextualized market work path also gives one the freedom to choose what to pursue depending on the demands of the…

A proposed National Environmental Standard for the outdoor storage of tyres: 2020 consultation The National Environmental Standards (NES) are regulations made under part 5, section 43 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA). They are used to help the government make decisions on the management of environmental resources such as pertaining land use and division, coastal marine life, rivers and lakes and noise. Given that most of these decisions are made by the local authorities, in matters that will potentially affect the entire nation, or there are significant variations in the local costs over the benefits, the NES helps ensure same standards are implemented nationally. It is only in specified sections under the NES where the local councils can impose stricter or more lenient rules. From the Proposed National Planning Standards evaluation report 2018, we learn the place of NES and how it fits in the New Zealand’s planning framework. The purpose of the plans is to state on how land use and environmental issues are going to be managed in a manner that reflects the community’s values. It is…

Extended Family and Mental Health In the world today, many people have been reported to be experiencing different forms of mental disorders. Mental disorder can be defined as the deviation of the brain from performing some of its normal functions. When people experience mental malfunctioning, such people are usually termed as mentally challenged. Some of the mental disorders include depression, anxiety disorder, and stress disorder. Most complications experienced during adulthood often develop at the pubic stage. Studies have shown that both genetic and environmental factors cause both diseases. One of the ecological factors that are known to cause psychological problems is family ties. Some of the factors associated with family ties include privacy and jealousy. The two elements can adversely affect the irrational behaviors of family members. Jealousy can make members of a family have low esteem when they compare with other families. Besides, a lack of privacy can also torment an individual in various ways. However, some people argue that living in extended families can also be beneficial to a child’s psychology. One importance is that it gives a…

mental health professionals in the United States In contemporary society, one cannot just take much of the face value. Hence, there is need of critical thinkers in the society today. To achieve this, there is a need for more people to make decisions about pursuing psychology. For instance, there are no sufficient mental health professionals in the United States and the whole world. Hence, there is a need for training and educating other mental health professionals in meeting the demand in Nevada and the world at large. These mental health professionals can help in meeting the needs of the United States and the world. So there is a need for encouraging students to undertake psychology since they will help in addressing mental health issue patients effectively.  Consequently, psychology is the best to major in. The evidence provided is not bias since it clearly shows that choosing psychology is the best since it brings help in society. If one has very dreamt of making a significant difference in people lives, then getting a psychology degree is the best choice to choose…

Sewage/Waste Treatment (Environmental Health) There are various methods of sewage treatment, such as composting toilets, septic systems, among others. Composting toilets convert human excrement into a soil-like material that can be hauled away or buried underground. The toilets are easy to operate since they require little water. They can also deactivate pathogens found in human wastes making them less infectious. Friis (2012) noted that composting systems such as Clivus Multrum disables bacterial and aerobic actions hence ensuring health safety. Debris can also be treated through the septic system, which is an underground well that can hold human sanitary wastes. Further, the septic system disposes of waste from households, businesses, communities, and public places where people may gather. Septic systems also apply the concept of aerobic and anaerobic to treat wastes. Wastes also exist in the solid form referred to as solid wastes, and examples include municipal solid wastes, also known as trash or the garbage and sludge from treatment plants. Solid waste can be managed through recycling, combustion, and combusting. Recycling involves reuse of solid waste whereby the waste is…

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