Teratogens: Environmental Sources of Birth Defects Introduction Children born with congenital disabilities encounter much stress in their lives. The burden is multiplied for parents who have to take care of a special child. The health and economic implications of children with congenital disabilities are, at times a significant burden to the caregivers. Studies show that at least 15% of congenital disabilities arise from environmental exposure to teratogens. Prenatal exposure to teratogens results in physical, mental, and cognitive developmental anomalies. Most of the teratogenic congenital disabilities are preventable. This topic caught my interest because it explains environmental sources of congenital disabilities and shows the possibility of preventing them. What were the most important pieces of knowledge you gained related to this topic? Types of teratogens Many substances have the potential to affect the prenatal development of a fetus. Most of these substances and their effects are well known to the mothers. Others, however, may not be common knowledge. The knowledge gained from this topic brings awareness of the other potentially dangerous substances that many have little understanding of. One such substance…

Emerging health care law and impacts on Nursing Practice Big improvements in the American health care sector have been witnessed in recent decades. Quality of the service delivered to the patient has become a pertinent factor in the reimbursement of the hospital. Policy-makers have passed laws directed at improving and changing the healthcare structure in the United States. Efforts to overhaul the health care framework in the nation seek to tackle health insurance rates and the standard of health services. Through research and past data, it is evident that healthcare has faced dire impediments. Similarly, Most Americans are also unable to access quality care treatment. The fact that healthcare services rendered do not meet the required quality has made most health-center deteriorate in terms of rating (Blumenthal, Abrams & Nuzum, 2015). Nonetheless, the last ten years have seen a dramatic shift in quality of services offered. This has been made possible by the laws made by the registration authority regarding healthcare delivery. The enactment of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and Patient Protection and Affordable Care has significantly improved public…

Mental Health, Acculturation and Stress What would you do if, like Sandy Beck, your income suddenly dropped by two-thirds and you lost all your benefits? How would it affect your mental, emotional and physical health? What sacrifices would you have to make? Use 5 references Lara, M., Gamboa, C., Kahramanian, M. I, Morales, L. S., & Bautista, D. E. H. (2013). Acculturation and Latino health in the United States: A review of the literature and its sociopolitical context. In LaVeist, T. A. & Isaac, L. A, (Eds). Race, Ethnicity, and Health: A Public Health Reader, 2nd ed., San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. (Chapter 11). • [unique_solution]Salant, T. & Lauderdale, D. S. (2013). Measuring culture: A critical review of acculturation and health in Asian immigrant populations. In LaVeist, T. A. & Isaac, L. A, (Eds). Race, Ethnicity, and Health: A Public Health Reader, 2nd ed., San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. [unique_solution](Chapter 12). • Alegria M, Perez DJ, Williams S. (2003). The role of public policiesin reducing mental health status disparitiesfor people of color. Health Affairs, 22, 51-64. • Costello, E.J., Compton, S.N., Keeler,…

Cuts to Mental Health Funding in Canada Introduction            Thousands of Canadians suffer from mental health disorders. In Canada, an average of ten people dies by suicide each day (GOC, 2016). It is considered to be the ninth leading cause of death. Since 2016, there has been reported to be 4,000 suicides per year, and more than 90% living with a mental health illness (GOC, 2016). There is no specific cause for suicide; however, there are many factors that contribute to the increase of risks of people taking their own lives. According to the Government of Canada, “a combination of cultural, social, and personal issues are the causes of feelings of suicide or suicide-related actions. “These issues present themselves to different individuals at different times and stages.” (2016). Out of the contributing factors that exist, the limited access and scarcity of mental well-being facilities is a preventable factor of suicide. This paper will aim to illustrate the debate on the accessibility and availability of mental health services. This will be achieved by discussing the efforts from…

Discussions on Current Environmental Conditions and Health 1. Generally speaking, are you content about the current status of our local surrounding environment? No. The reason is that not everyone has embraced or adopted environmental care in society. That has posed a threat to a safe and conducive environment for survival and better health (Krystlevermes, 2015). Waste recycling, mainly plastic materials, has faced a significant challenge currently. Unaffordable recycling services have significantly made recycling difficult for most city residents and have made many individuals abandon the practice. Wavering support is another challenge toward effective waste recycling. Depending on the workloads and personal daily burdens and factors as sizes of cities, there are more issues given priority than recycling. Lack of education is also another challenge since about 13% of the Americans engage in recycling activities (Krystlevermes, 2015). Therefore, there is no enough focus on environmental care, which is critical for a healthier society.   Are you aware of the current policy changes taking place that involves the E.P.A.? Since its establishment, Environmental Protection Agency has toiled to ensure effective and efficient…

Why? Why would medieval Muslims argue for free health care, regardless of religion or mental capacity? Governments provide free healthcare services to ensure that each citizen can access medical services without the risk of financial challenges. Generally, healthcare services are expensive. Families, especially those experiencing socioeconomic difficulties, face the risk of impoverishment when they raise finances for health services. In history, monotheistic religions such as Muslims have raised reservations about health services, specifically, in important instants of life and death. However, medieval Muslims have advocated and supported free health care, regardless of a person’s religious affiliation and cultural background. They base their argument on a 13th-century legal document that expressly states that “The hospital shall keep all patients, men, and women until they are completely recovered. All costs are to be borne by the hospital whether the people come from afar or near, whether they are residents or foreigners, strong or weak, low or high, rich or poor, employed or unemployed, blind or signed, physically or mentally ill, learned or illiterate.” All healthcare providers are taught to be culturally competent,…

Scientifically Proven Benefits of Meditation for Physical and Mental Health Doctors and bloggers have written several papers about the Meditation for Physical and Mental Health. Mediation is one of the oldest techniques to improve your mental and physical health. The surprising benefits of meditation for human physical and mental health are really awesome. Religious leaders, scientists, and doctors have been focusing on the benefits of meditation for a long time. Different cultures and countries have their own ways of meditation. Benefits of Meditation for Physical and Mental Health Here, we have some useful information about the benefits of meditation for human health. Let’s have a look at this article and find out more about the benefits of Meditation for Physical and Mental Health. Increased Immunity Meditation for Physical and Mental Health can be a relaxing activity. After a stressful day at work, a few minutes of meditation can boost your energy level. Our immune system is like a natural defence against many germs and harmful diseases. Relaxation exercises can improve the working of your muscles, and relaxed muscles are the…

Why I Want to Study Clinical Mental Health Counseling  As a child, growing up, my attitude was full of gloom and negativity that majorly developed as a strategy to protect myself from disappointment and low self-esteem. However, my mother was an advocate of positive mentality and the power of mindset. My negative mindset changed the day I met children who were victims of war. I could see children holding on to the slightest of hope and putting a smile on their parent’s faces. The community was full of people who most of them had experienced torture and some having lost their loved ones and left homeless. My interest in becoming clinical mental health counsellor stems from the point where I decided that as a young girl all I wanted was to support others and work with families in helping them get over challenges by their inner strength. I gained more interest in the field of clinical mental health counselling during the four years of an undergraduate program with psychology as my major. One of the goals, why I want to…

Arranged Marriages and Mental Health             Arranged marriages have been part of the culture of most traditional societies for a long time. The role of the parents in selecting the potential suitors of their children has reduced over time with the consensus among liberal communities being that the individual should have the final say on who it is they want to spend the rest of their lives with. One of the criticisms against arranged marriages is the premise that they end up harming the partners involved. While there exists a significant number of studies that seem to prove this point, I believe that the effects of an arranged marriage on the partners are mostly positive. This paper will make a case for this premise and attempt to convince the reader of the rightfulness of the arranged marriage in its native communities. For a complete understanding of the point of view of the members of communities who practice arranged marriages, one needs to understand the role that marriage plays in these societies. The Indian community, for example, is well known to…

Student Health Survey; Relate to Mental Health, Sexual Misconduct, Or Alcohol How is the mental state different before exam week and the after? Exams are stressful occasions for a few individuals, and it is simple to feel overwhelmed, however robust to sense crushed. Exam pressure happens when you feel an increased feeling of frenzy or anxiousness in the days, weeks, or months earlier, all through or after an exam, trial, or something to that effect on. This might be a faculty evaluation, coursework, or maybe a tribulation of your aptitudes at interest, for instance, a track check. Check stress is most habitually fleeting – while it is far done, and you understand that, you are liberated from reading for a couple of months, your emotions of anxiety commonly reduce. While you feel centered on, your thoughts are not in its first-rate country to collect facts. This can spark off an infinite loop – the extra you stress, the much less work you do, the more you alarm approximately pushing and not working. Besides, the more noteworthy the sentiment of frenzy…

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