Environmental Health (Fluoride in the water in Pensacola) Introduction Pensacola has its location in the State of Florida, the United States. It serves as the Florida Panhandle’s westernmost city in Escambia County. The population figures reach approximately 51,923 (Lepo & Snyder, 2000). Pensacola acts as a seaport with a huge bay. It receives protection from Santa Rosa Island and has connections with the Gulf of Mexico. Due to its proximity to the coastal area and the presence of several industries, Pensacola possesses the worst drinking water in the United States as per reports from a national survey undertaken in 2017 (Perrella & Kiss, 2015). Many studies show that the water comprises approximately 21 chemicals that have overpassed health guidelines (Lepo & Snyder, 2000). Among the chemicals, carbon tetrachloride, lead, and radium affect the water system in the region. The Environmental Water Group (EWG) carried out 20 million tap water quality experiments and tests between 2004 and 2009 to identify the level of pollution in the water (Foote, 2011). The organization identified over 316 contaminants in the tap water received by…

 how marijuana negatively affects the mental and physical health of an individual Marijuana is one of the most popular drugs in the world, with the youths consisting of the most active users. There has been numerous debate about the legalization of weed with most people arguing based on the curative effects of the drugs. There has been a shift to the traditional laws prohibiting leisure user of marijuana in the United States with several states legalizing the drug for recreational use. However, there still valid reasons why the drug has been prohibited in many countries. In this paper, we are going to analyze how marijuana negatively affects the mental and physical health of an individual. Mental health cases are on the rise, and this has been attributed to the abuse of illegal drugs such as marijuana. Notably, the youth have suffered the most casualties in the horrific adverse effects of this illicit drug. According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse (2019), “adolescents who used marijuana regularly were significantly less likely than their non-using peers to finish high school or…

The increased demand for mental health treatment Your boss, who was impressed by your memo, has asked you to identify a single significant issue in your industry and prepare a research-based position paper on how your company can most effectively address the issue. The issue may be one of the trends you identified in project 2, or it may be an overarching issue related to the trends. Use your research to find out how the issue has been addressed by other companies in the past and how experts in the field recommend addressing it. This assignment is designed to refresh your research and citation skills so that you are fully prepared for the next courses in your program. You will find, access, and analyze information from a variety of sources that include library databases, online trade and professional journals, and timely industry online web resources. You will also refine your ability to provide in-text citations and references in accurate APA format. Paper Guidelines:[unique_solution] Your paper should open with an introductory paragraph that identifies a specific problem or issue and makes…

The need for universal health care   Thesis and introduction Everybody has a right to access excellent and efficient medical attention. Medical attention should be availed to everybody without a basis on their ethnic groups, social classes, and their religion. Nevertheless, this is not always the case: people get medical attention depending on the various base. Social classes, education, races, beliefs play a vital role in the type of medical services one is going to get. Everybody is supposed to access health care universally without any discrimination depending on any basis. The funny bit is that the kind of illness we get contracted with does not select who to attack or who not to attack (Yates, R. (2009). The funny bit about us humans is that when it comes to treatment, we all, if not all, most of us always become selective. The health organizations, that is, the hospitals, the clinics, and the pharmacies, sort us according to our statuses. The professionals and the analysts are not an exception, for they are always very good at being selective on how…

Public and population health informatics: Introduction It was  not challenging to locate the article because I had a specific keyword, “public health informatics.” I went to the PubMed website and searched the keyword, which gave me a list of 40,315 articles. The article was the seventh in the list of results. The article is available from other keywords, such as “social determinants of health.” However, I got several lists of articles when I used the keyword “public health” and “population health. I chose the topic because I am interested in analyzing how IT infrastructure is used in healthcare. The article addresses health informatics problems because it talks about the use of bid data information to improve the overall health of communities. The research study will recognize the risk factors that are non-clinical and avoid adverse health outcomes. It will also sustain personal and the wellbeing of the community. Article Summary The article addresses the topic “bridging” that widely affects the healthcare sector. For several years now, health-related digital data is being collected around the world. The objective is to serve…

Mental health issues common with grieving spouses In the face of the loss of a loved one, we react by grieving over such loss. This is a natural process that is common to everyone. With time, our grief subsides, and we get on with our normal lives. However, some people are overcome with grief to the extent that it puts them at risk of mental health. This is especially true for the elderly, seeing as they have lost a life-time partner. One of the mental health issues of concern among grieving spouses is anxiety. The loss of a loved one and more so, if you have been with them for a long time, exposes one to a sense of insecurity. You had gotten used to seeing this person every day and probably took their presence for granted. However, now that they are gone, you no longer feel their comfort and the sense of security they gave you. Such loss of security may escalate into a state of anxiety. You are fearful of an imminent threat and constantly worry over an…

Occupational health Occupational health refers to the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental, and social wellbeing of workers at all workplaces. It is mandated to prevent workers from departures of health while also controlling the risks that they might be experiencing. Occupational health evolved during the industrial era when it became evident that workers of factories could be susceptible to health risks. Its beginning can be traced back to the industrial revolution during a shift in the British economy from agrarian production of produce. Potential issues such as factory conditions and long working hours led to the implementation of the first Factory Act I 1883 that formed the bases of enhancement of workers’ safety that later became occupational health. Question 4 A multidisciplinary approach to resolution in issues regarding occupational health is usually made to foster sustainable and equitable development. The approach ensures that it is mindful of employees, their health, the environment on which they are working. Different organizations such as OSHA play an essential role in ensuring that the workplace follows the stipulated guidelines…

Mental illness and mental health Mental illness and mental health are terminologies that are used by psychiatric as well as government professionals. Words that were used in place of these in the past are disability and a sense of well-being, respectively. Having read this week’s assigned chapters, I would not use this terminology since they appear to be concealing something not inherently medical (84). This terminology neither speak the truth nor bring out what one would wish to look at in the psychiatry field. They do not keep us honest, like reclaimed words do (85). This terminology is familiar to most people but not commonly used by the community. The community has come up with words that replace the government and medical terms, some of which act as identity markers (82). The community uses these words that they have come up with because they can easily relate to them. The word disability is what is used for mental illness, and it brings academic credibility to the various perspectives that we have. I would, therefore, prefer using it for mental illness.…

Oral Health: HP2020 Impact Paper Oral diseases prove to be a significant public health problem worldwide. Statistically, about 90% of school-aged children have experienced oral issues like dental caries, with the majority of them being in Asia and Latin America (Al-Darwish, 2016).  The American Dental Association, due to the high prevalence of oral health issues among children, recommends that to reduce oral diseases, individuals need to develop a discipline of brushing teeth after every meal and flossing at least once a day (Satish, 2016). Moreover, according to the association, regular dental checkups are also essential in reducing this overwhelming prevalence of oral diseases. It is also crucial that these practices be developed at an early age. In this paper, a review of the problem of oral health among school-aged children is presented. An analysis of the epidemiology of the issue, healthy people 2020 programs concerning the same, and prevention and health promotion plans are reviewed in detail in the subsequent sections. Problem Overview Oral health is an essential component of a nations healthcare system. This is mainly because dental diseases…

Discuss why nutrition is a central component in health promotion. Nutrition is an essential element of the physical, mental and psychological wellbeing of a person. Hence, the absence of an illness does not mean that the individual is healthy (Manimegalai & Ramesh, 2019). Nutrition aids in disease prevention. Therefore it improves health as well as the quality of life of an individual. Where the diet is not appropriate, then there is the risk of attack by diseases associated with malnutrition such as kwashiorkor (Manimegalai & Ramesh, 2019. Additionally, chronic illnesses, such as cancer are also associated with poor nutrition. Appropriate feeding enhances primary prevention of diseases by availing needed nutrients in adequate amounts (Oz, 2017). Therefore, the body can fight infection. What are some of the nutritional challenges for emerging populations The 21st century is characterized by various nutritional challenges that influence emerging populations negatively. The challenges are not at personal but also at the individual level. First, food security is a leading problem (Manimegalai & Ramesh, 2019). Although people are willing to take sufficient amounts of food, it is…

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