Reasons why people are open to complementary, alternative, or integrative approaches to health. Yes I would recommend journaling to a patient because, in recent times, health issues and especially those related to lifestyle have been on the rise. And in response to this, health experts have come up with several strategies that can help patients to overcome the challenges that lead to lifestyle diseases. One of the health tools that is used to reduce lifestyle disease is journaling. Journaling refers to the recording of one’s daily feelings and undertakings. Some of the health benefits of journaling include; First, recording one’s everyday feelings and activities reduces stress. Putting down one’s stressful events enables him/her to deal with them better. Secondly, journaling helps a patient to solve life problems effectively. Practical problem solving requires a well functioning and planned to reason and therefore writing the problem down will enable a patient to come up with an effective solution to the problem. Reasons why people are open to complementary, alternative, or integrative approaches to health. Many people are open to complementary, alternative, and…

Paternalism in Health Care Physicians dedicate their lives to benefiting the lives of others and dedicating their existence to bettering the health field. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a physician as somebody skilled in the art of healing, particularly: educated, clinically knowledgeable, and certified to practice medicine. The physicians’ role in healthcare is not only to treat the patient but also to provide education to guide them on making critical medical decisions. When a physician takes on a paternalistic role, the patient’s Autonomy may not be considered; however, I believe that in certain circumstances, this may be an ideal situation. In my opinion, paternalism is not always wrong, and in some cases, it is morally permissible for physicians to act paternalistically towards the patients in their care. While it can be argued this fails to show adequate respect for the individual’s Autonomy, some people do not have the cognitive ability or educational background to understand what is an excellent decision to make for their health. The concept of paternalism is defined as the overriding of the decision making or actions of…

Mental Health and HIV among Zambian Women Introduction HIV prevalence among women in Zambia is higher than that of their male counterparts. Statistics show that as of 2017, the prevalence of HIV in Zambia was 1.1 million adults (Avert,2018). Out of this number, 630,000 are women. Regarding young adults, 5.7% were women, with 2.5% being men. An increase in mental illness among women has been associated with an increased prevalence of HIV among Zambian women. (Schreiner,2017). Background There exists a very close relationship between HIV/Aids and mental illness. After HIV was recognized as well as its symptoms, it was noted to be frequently associated with psychiatric disorders. As people with HIV strive to live longer, such mental disorders increase substantially. In Zambia, there is a high prevalence of HIV among women with data indicating that the number is continuously growing. It was reported that in 2017, the estimated number of women infected with HIV in Zambia is 23000, and this number is by far high as compared to that of men. Most Zambia women who are most affected by HIV…

Social Media Harms Mental Health Social media are applications and platforms that enable people to create and share content across a network. How many people can live without visiting the social media, especially in modern society? I think no one, and if they are there, then the number is tiny. Social media has made us its captives, and the addiction is too much such that we cannot avoid it. It has taken the lives of kids, teens, and even parents. Having people on their mobile phones all day isn’t funny because it has become part of the life of this generation. People are using their phones everywhere, in vehicles, dining rooms, class, kitchen, or even in the bedroom. Social media connects people and ideas, but we should also know that it is harmful to our mental health. Social media leads to the mental problem of depression and anxiety. Many people who get into social media are either directly or indirectly involved in other peoples’ lives. Through liking and commenting photos of others, for example, on Instagram, we end up comparing…

The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) role The psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) plays a significant role in diagnosing mental conditions and prescribing medication. PMHNPs are expected to understand the state or federal legal requirements when prescribing drugs. Irrespective of their scope of prescriptive authority, PMHNPs should ensure that the medication they subscribe is safe and enable patients to recover from their condition. NPs are required to have a Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to prescribe drugs as wells as controlled substances. DEA is an important law enforcement agency in the United States that investigates and prevents the circulation of controlled substances such as heroin, Xanax, or Percocet. DEA conducts its responsibilities under the justice department, hence it enforces all federal laws that relate to manufacturing, distribution, sale, and use of illegal drugs. PMHNPs administering, prescribing, or dispensing controlled substances should be registered with DEA (Buppert, 2010). Some state licensure may allow PMHNPs to prescribe medication without a DEA certificate. However, Federal law requires mental health practitioners to have a DEA number to write prescriptions for controlled substances. The DEA registration…

Drug abuse and mental health issues Drugs and substance abuse among youth is the root cause ofa lot of mental health issues. As a registered nurse, I would advocate for creating community health education programs that will directly address the root causes of mental health anddrug abuse issues. The programcan be designed such that its main objectives are to prevent community members from engaging in drug and substance abuse.I would suggest that the program should center itsplan on reducing mental illness at an early stage by monitoring all community member who is already engaging in drug and substance abuse Communicable Disease Measles is an infectiousdisease that infects the respiratory tract then spreads to the whole body.Paramyxovirus family virus causes it.Due to widespread vaccination campaigns bythe WHO, UNICEF, and other stakeholders, measles is close to being eradicated in developed nations.As it is spread through direct contact and air, infants, unvaccinated people and persons with underdeveloped immunity are the groups of people thatreport new cases of infections I would advise the community to ensure that frequent campaign is carried out so that…

Social Media and Its Effect on Adolescent Mental health The issue of mental health in our society amongst adolescents has been increasing at an alarming rate.  As more and more teens each year are diagnosed with psychological problems like depression and anxiety, understanding why this trend is occurring has become a timely and urgent issue.  The widespread overuse of social media is affecting its user’s mental health is one common argument.  With such a large following and users spending tremendous amounts of time on social media, it has to have some impact on them.  Because there are no long-term studies and mental health is such a complex issue, it makes finding the cause and solving it challenging.  Others believe the problem is not rooted in social media and that social media can help those battling mental illness.  Social media does have many benefits, and it can be a handy tool; however, are these benefits worth the effect it can have on a user’s mental wellbeing? Mental illness is a disorder that affects the brain and can impact a person’s daily…

 Mental health issues and Social media The development of technology has altered the way we conduct our lives bt what has been dramatically affected in the way we carry out our interaction with one another. Social media plays a critical role in each individual, and mostly in teenagers. As he uses of social media increases, there is a direct impact of its growth in use with that of mental issues. There has been an exponential increase in spiritual awareness campaigns; however, little is done to ensure its success. Mental health issues such as depression have been associated with social interaction with research dating hundred of years ago. However, there are little efforts put into combating the effects that social media brings in. Social media affects mental health by causing mental instabilities such as social anxiety, low self-esteem, and also depression. Humans are in constant need of connection to attain happiness; the way we used to interact in the past has changed. One significant change in society is social media, which has brought with it social isolation. Ironically these social media…

emerging technologies and their applications in mental health As I went through the course, I learned about emerging technologies and their applications in mental health. They include mHealth technology. This comprises the portable computers, smartphones, and tablets that are utilized in healthcare settings to assess the patient’s needs, process, and disseminate patient information to authorized care providers. For instance, currently, various Smartphone apps have been developed to enhance self-care for different health conditions, including depression and hypertension. Besides, mobile technologies provide opportunities to address multiple healthcare disparities. For instance, the increased utilization of this technology enhances access to health care among the disadvantaged population, such as the rural communities. Also, I learned about the various risks which are associated with the application of healthcare technologies. They include data security risks, such as cyber-attacks. Thus, this information has enabled me to achieve my course objectives. Besides, I intend to apply the information that I have acquired during the course to ensure the efficient transition into practice, and quality and safe care delivery. In that regard, I aim to apply various emerging…

Buying a Mattress to Improve Your Health Science has it that a little bit more sleep can improve your memory, prevent some forms of cancer, and make you smarter. With this in mind, can you put a price tag on quality sleep? If your answer is NO, it’s evident that you acknowledge the value of purchasing a comfy mattress. But, here you are, grumbling about a neck sprain while you’ve spent a bulk of your life dozing on a shabby bed. Fortunately, you can still save your blushes. Research affirms that when you sleep more, improving health becomes a matter of when rather than if. Dive further to establish how investing in the right mattress can change the quality of your health, for the better.   New Quality Mattresses Cut Down on Some Conditions Believe it or not, an old mattress can quickly become an asylum for all kinds of allergy-causing organisms. Ever thought why you grapple for air when you’re in slumber? It is highly likely that dust mites hiding beneath that less-than-ideal mattress may be to blame after…

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