Business Sustainability: Social and Environmental Sustainability Table of Contents Executive Summary. 3 Introduction. 4 Question 1: Social and Environmental Sustainability Challenges. 4 Question 2: ADDC Company Sustainability Evaluation. 5 Question 3: Social and Environmental Sustainability. 6 Question 4: Proposed Sustainability Business Model 6 Summary and Conclusion. 7 References. 9         Executive Summary Businesses ventures are global citizens; as such, they have a responsibility to the world, as the extended version of stakeholders, not just the shareholders’ value and profit maximisation. In achieving this global responsibility as a corporate citizen, entities have an obligation to social and environmental sustainability strategies. This report adopts an analysis of the Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC). The report indicates that although adopting social and environmental sustainability strategies, the organisation has room and opportunities for improvement. This is recommended through a sustainable business model to enhance sustainability and internal stakeholders‘ participation in the long-run period.       Introduction This report develops a critical evaluation of organisational market sustainability. To allow for practical examination of sustainability issues in business, the report establishes a…

correlation between the health condition and married and unmarried people Abstract The main aim of the study was to determine the correlation between the health condition and married and unmarried people. The health condition of the married and the unmarried people differ, and thus, the study was to establish how they differ. The study employed a literature review basing on past studies that were done to identify the knowledge gaps. The study adopted the simple random sampling technique to select the 500 participants as the representation of the population. The research used closed structured interviews to get factual information through their feelings and emotions. The study adopted a descriptive design procedure and used pre-tests, post-tests, and control groups and assigned the participant to a control group and an experimental group. The data was analyzed through descriptive statistics. The results obtained from the study showed that many people who were had poor health conditions were married or women. The results of the study generate both theoretical and practical awareness to other researchers and health institutions that use the information to help…

The Impact of Climate Change on Human Health The impact of climate and weather on human health are varied and significant. Exposure to health risks linked to changes in climate affect different communities and several people in varying degrees. The effect of climate change is often assessed individually. However, exposure to various threats related to climate change happens simultaneously, leading to cascading or compounding health impacts. Cyberspace is one of the areas that provide a lot of information regarding climate change and its effect on human health. One cyberspace platform that gives an in-depth assessment of the impact of climate change on human health is EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), a U.S. based organization (“EPA”). Even though people have presented different views regarding the reality of climate change, the literature obtained from EPA website offers several pieces of evidence to support the reality of climate change and its impact on human health but lacks ethical standards after the introduction of Trump’s America’s First Energy Plan. EPA presents that with changes in climate, the duration, severity, location, and frequency of climate and…

Health Campaign A health campaign is an important foundation of public health and individual wellbeing. It facilitates communication and widespread awareness among the people. It is also essential in ensuring a good quality of life by promoting good health and advocating for the implementation of disease prevention strategies (Hutchinson & Wheeler, 2006). There is, therefore, a need to utilize evaluation and research techniques to have ensured quality health campaigns most cost-effectively. In developing an evaluation plan for a health campaign, one must ensure that the goals of the program are stated clearly in the plan. For instance, the main objectives of health campaigns are to educate and change the behaviours of people. Besides, an evaluation plan must establish the intended audience because efforts have to be directed to a particular group of people and not to an entire population to ensure that the program is effective (Noar, 2007). Also, assessing one’s budget and resources is important to ensure the availability of enough funds. Another issue that is crucial in developing an evaluation plan for a health campaign is determining the…

An interview with the Healthcare Environmental Service Manager (HESM) Mr. Glen Abstract Following a research conducted by the New York Times magazine in Stouffville Creek Retirement Residence which I spearheaded, I deduced that this particular facility is one of the successful health facilities in the United States. This prompted a scheduled interview with the Healthcare Environmental Services Manager (HESM) from this facility. I was particularly interested in interviewing the HESM because this facility not only succeeds in most of its operations but also attractive in nature. Question aligned to provide these answers were carefully selected with regards to patient’s profile, responsibilities of the HESM, the rationale for providing good services, average day and the challenges faced in this position. The interviewee provided adequate answers to these questions to accomplish a successful interview. The interview is divided into two parts; A and B. Part A The answer I get from Glen Parsons is that his customer’s profile at Stouffville Creek Retirement Residence composes of customers of age 70 plus. More than 80% of the customers are women who emanate from different…

Annotated Bibliography on the depression Affecting Mental Health National Institute of Mental Health. (2017). Men and Depression. Retrieved from This article discusses the issue of depression in relation to men. The article asserts that there is a marked difference in how depression manifest in men from how it does in women. It also describes the signs of depression in men which include anger and disinterest in family and work. Additionally, the author elaborates some of the things that men who are depressed do to cope with the condition, such as abusing drugs. Moreover, the author explains the different types of depression, e.g., psychotic depression and seasonal effective disorder. Finally, he outlines the causes of depression in men which include genetic factors and illness. I think that the difference that the author establishes between depression in men and women is important because members of the two genders respond to the condition quite differently. Ranna Parekh, (2017). What is Depression? American Psychiatric Association. Retrieved from In this article, Ranna defines depression and differentiates it from sadness or grief. He explains…

Health and Safety in Garment Industries The health and safety of workers in garment manufacturing factories have been ignored by both employers and international bodies responsible for catering for them. Most of these violations occur in countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India, who have majored in clothing production. Therefore, the paper exhumes the challenges faced by workers in garment industries, the responsible authority for reducing the risks, and intervention measures to overcome the difficulties.   Akhter, S., Rutherford, S., & Chu, C. (2019). Exploring the system capacity to meet occupational health and safety needs: the case of the ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh. BMC health services research, 19 (1), 435.   The researcher focused on the occupational health and safety of workers in the ready-made garment in Bangladesh. The researchers wanted to identify what precautionary measures have been put in place to protect these workers after reported cases of accidents. Interviews were conducted using government officials, employees, and doctors in the sector to analyze the conditions. From their findings, the most challenges were inadequate health services for the workers, who…

Should hospital emergency departments be used to treat mental health patients? Introduction Over the last 50 years, the treatment of mental illness has gone through a paradigm shift. The treatment has shifted from primary-based care to community-based care. The number of psychiatrists in the country has fallen, and the facilities for treating mentally ill patients are unavailable. This has led to increased use of emergency rooms to treat various mental health conditions such as substance use disorders, schizophrenia-induced psychosis, anxiety-induced panic attacks, and personality disorders. From a report by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality released in 2017, the number of individuals visiting hospitals due to substance use and mental health issues increased by 44 percent from 2006 to 2014 (Scutti, 2019). This has led to the overcrowding of the emergency department in hospitals, and it has increased the amount of time patients will spend at the hospital. There is also a shortage of beds in the emergency department. Therefore, hospital emergency departments should not be used to treat mental health patients because of the congestion caused, shortage of beds,…

Public and population health informatics Introduction Creating and sharing digital information has become more comfortable with the use of informatics and big data tools by public health agencies and healthcare providers. Big data are bridged to benefit the communities by identifying, monitoring, and improving a variety of health, social, and environmental factors related to the community’s health (Dixon B E, 2015). The efforts have shown huge growth in the sharing of information and analytic activities in a series within the health of the population. The research will recognize the risk factors that are non-clinical and avoid adverse health outcomes. It will also sustain personal and the wellbeing of the community. Discussion Challenges in implementing this research study Some of the articles acquired from the field of health care delivery are not used. The report only focused on the newly published literature, mainly focusing on the population and public health basing on an informatics theme. The articles not found in PubMed or not written in English were not included. The piece without abstracts, keywords, and citations added manually. Therefore, they cannot be…

Mental Health Issues-Brain Therapy Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a standard treatment method which patients with severe depression and disorder use for bipolar which does not react to other treatments. It’s don when the patient is under anaesthesia, and it involves brief stimulation of the brain through electric. A small electrical current passed through the mind which changes the brain chemistry, which can reverse symptoms of a specific mental health condition quickly. ECT is a safer method today, but it still has side effects because it uses electric current ta to achieve the benefits with the fewer possible risks. ECT is used to treat depression which can be followed by patient refuses to eat or have a desire to commit suicide. It treats bipolar disorder which is caused by severe mania which is noticed when someone starts to abuse drugs, have risky behaviours and poor decision making. ECT manage catatonia, which is identifiable when one begins to lack speech and have a strange movement. It is useful for patients who are pregnant to prevent the fetus because they can not undertake…

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