Recovery from a mental health condition The concept of recovery, also called the recovery approach, recovery model, or psychological recovery, is about controlling life for individuals with mental health issues, consumers. Recovery is a change process in which consumers improve their wellness and health as well as live a life that is self -directed. It aims at supporting the consumer’s recovery potential and is a self-transformation, renewal, and discovery journey for the consumer in question. In the past decade, the model has gained momentum, and the consumer movement looks at it as a medical model substitute. The model operates on a two simple premise basis-possibility of recovery from a mental health condition and the fact that for an improvement to be effective, it should be patient-oriented. For a long time[p1] in the seventies, practitioners clang on to the belief that mental health patients, especially those with bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and schizo-affective disorder, could not contribute to the society. The SAMHSA (The substance abuse and mental health services administration) has put across four characteristics of this model that one should consider…

MENTAL HEALTH  What is the likely diagnosis? Jaundice is a likely diagnosis. The yellow color on the skin stems from a high amount of bilirubin. The substance is yellow-orange bile pigment — a breakdown of the red blood forms bilirubin. Lack of adequate diet and probably a high consumption of caffeine lead to the formation of dehydrated skin. Causes of jaundice A possible cause of hepatitis is a metabolic liver disease characterized by easy bruising of the skin. The patient also exhibits confusion and fatigue, as well as the possibility of swelling in the upper right abdomen. Jaundice is also caused by biliary tract disorders, which affect the bile ducts and other sections associated with the transportation of bile. Since bile is connected to digestion, any problem concerning the system could lead to severe problems. Vascular diseases are possible causes of the ailment. Appropriate treatment plan Changing diet is a significant treatment plan for jaundice. Increasing the fluids intake is a particularly vital inclusion of milk in the routine is necessary. Fruits such as mangos and papaya contribute significantly to…

Psychiatric Care and Mental Health in the Community Question one Mental health refers to people’s cognitive, emotional status, and behavioral well-being in the community that involves how individuals feel, behaves, and think. According to surgeon general 999, mental health entails any diagnosable psychological distress that is evidenced by the change of behaviors, thinking, and impaired functioning. Through mental health, people recognize their abilities and potentials to cope effectively with normal stresses and work productively to contribute to the environment. There are varieties of factors that affect our mental illness, such s cultural differences, competing professional theories, and subjective assessments (Barry, 2019). However, community mental illness focuses on people’s deficits and disabilities and also their strengths and aspirations. For instance, the concept of stress occurs when an individual is unable to cope with life situations, goals, and challenges; hence, each deals with stress differently. Therefore, community mental health should be adequately addressed s the individual daily life, physical fitness, and relationships are affected. Promotion of community mental health is n essential strategy that is essential in making a positive impact on…

Mental Health among Military Personnel Introduction In today’s world, institutions are continuously being held accountable for their impact on their workforce, society, and the environment. While employers lookout for strategies on how to match up with these expectations in the coming decades. The current mental health crisis within the United States Military is a challenge in need of immediate action. Between 1999 and 2017, suicide increased in the United States by thirty-three percent. In the last six years alone, more than forty-five thousand active-duty military personnel and veterans died through suicide (McLean et al., 2019). This was more than the combined deaths reported in combat deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq. Active-duty soldiers from the United States military are more likely to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and are also more likely to receive emotional or psychological counseling more than their colleagues in active duty personnel in non-combats zones (Greer et al., 20190 This paper believes that the United States is losing the war against mental health and suicide among military personnel and veterans. U.S. soldiers have pointed out…

Holistic mental health Holistic health and nontraditional medicine have been in Eastern culture. Also, Malidoma Some in the book Of Water and the Spirit has advocated for Holistic mental health. However, in the recent decade, the Western world is implementing holistic health and medicine. Two organizations American Holistic Health Association and the American Holistic Medicine Association, are promoting holistic health and medicine as an approach to creating wellness. Creating wellness would involve encouraging people to integrate the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of self and take an active role in health care decisions and healing. In the Western World, mental health is not conceptually fundamental to physical health, and comprehensive health is therefore not attained. Holistic health care in the Western World follows and observes four tenants. Holistic medicine incorporates both traditional and alternative therapies for infection prevention and treatment and optimal health. However, alternative therapies and medication are medicine outside the norm. Besides, alternative medicines and therapies such as herbal healing, acupuncture, and therapeutic touch, which involve mental health, are not covered in health insurance due to their…

Instagram is the Most Detrimental App for Mental Health and Wellbeing  Instagram is one among the many social Media that people from all walks of life are using to connect with different people all over the globe. According to Lup, (247), the media was developed by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger. The app allows its Subscribers to be in position to upload photos as well as videos. The services provided by the app allows people to make some changes on the photos according to one’s test and preferences before posting on walls. Once uploaded, the photos and videos become visible and can either be accessed by the public or previously approved users (Lup, 247). Like any other social media, instagram has enormous impact to its users in different perspectives, both positively and negatively as discussed below. Firstly, according to Lup, (248), the app enhances communication among different groups of people either in the same locality or different places. At the same time the media helps in finding relations which are not possible in person. Also, the media assist in providing…

mental health problems among university students and treatment considerations The authors in this article aim at identifying mental health problems among university students and treatment considerations for the same. The authors argue that the students experience a hard time attending college as well as dealing with academic pressure. They maintain that students experience substance abuse and mental health problems during their first academic session. The authors base their argument on the necessity of assessing the current age through which the onset ios experienced. Furthermore, the article summarizes the persistent nature and the implications of mental health problems among college students. The writers in this article outline treatment meant for treating students suffering from mental health problems. They argue that the most significant treatment options for mental health among college students include incorporating parents, communicating with various health providers as well as using technology to monitor the student’s mental health. Moreover, the authors categorize anxiety as the leading psychiatric problem among college students. They argue that suicidal cases are common among college students, and it constitutes the third leading death cause…

 Immigrants to Canada and intimate partner violence as it affect women’s mental health Introduction Intimate partner violence and the affiliated emotional abuse tend to have significant physical and mental health consequences especially for the women experiencing such violence type. Both aspects are always remains part of the forcible control within the society. In Canada, intimate partner violence tend to undermine immigrants more so the women and their ability to progress in life. In most cases, intimate partner violence results in mental health issues among the immigrants more specifically the women. This study will therefore focus on at least eight annotations that will differently examine the aspect of immigrant women’s health (mental health) in the Canadian context especially after intimate partner violence. Part of the study will simply be focusing on the correlations between mental health issues and IPV issues. Yohani, S., Muster, J., Ndem, A., Cahambers, T., and Pow, V. (2018). A Scoping Review on Intimate Partner Violence in Canada’s Immigrant Communities. First Published   September 3, 2018. Research Article, Intimate partner violence tends to destabilize immigrant’s ability to…

Environmental Factors and Health Promotion Pamphlet: Accident Prevention and Safety Promotion for Parents and Caregivers of Infants To prepare for this assignment view the following brief video from the American Medical Association titled, ″Health Literacy and Patient Safety: Help Patients Understand.″ The video can be accessed through the following link: Part I: Pamphlet Develop a pamphlet to inform parents and caregivers about environmental factors that can affect the health of infants. Use the ″Pamphlet Template″ document to help you create your pamphlet. Include the following: Select an environmental factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants. Explain how the environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health or safety of infants. Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and the health or safety of infants. Offer examples, interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. A minimum of three scholarly resources are required. Provide readers with two community resources, a national resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief desсrіption and contact information for each resource. In developing your…

CHILDREN MENTAL HEALTH   Abstract This report focuses on the information gathered from an interview on children’s mental health. The main aim was to get a better understanding of childhood mental health. The dimensions that caregivers should take to make sure that their children have good mental health. Get information on the mental health conditions that affect children. Detection techniques that can be used by parents to know their children have psychological issues. The experiences the interviewee has handling children with a mental disorder, and the disease she thinks is the most dangerous to the mental health of a child. From the findings, parents should have good relationships with their children and excellent communication skills to enable their children to have good mental health. They should also praise their kids and have better ways of solving problems. The conditions that affect the mental health of children include anxiety disorder, mood disorder, eating disorder, and attention deficit disorder. Symptoms associated with illness include; extra mood swings among children, the desire to hurt, and a child having a drastic change in behavior.…

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