Adverse Effects on Daylight Saving Time on Seniors’ Health Older people are vulnerable to adverse health condition due to variation in sleeping time. This condition is more critical among senior citizens suffering from chronic illnesses. The biggest challenge in sleep difficulties among the elderly is the loss of sleep during daylight saving time (Botek, 2020). A shift in daylight saving time can adversely affect an individual wellbeing in a variety of ways. The first impact of a change in daylight saving time is an interruption in the sleeping patterns. Little alterations in this time affect the sleeping rhythms and adversely affects mental functioning. These challenges heighten among senior citizens exposing them to a range of health repercussions (Botek, 2020). During the March time change, the chances of heart attack rise exponentially. A study carried out by Karolionska Institute in Sweden revealed that the rate of the heartbeat increases by approximately five percent within the period of the march time change (Botek, 2020). According to the study, the risk of heart attack drops significantly in the fall when clocks resume their…

Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner is an advanced specialty in nursing. It involves nurses who are certified to work with groups, communities, individuals, or families, assessing their health needs. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners evaluate and diagnose patients with psychiatric disorders, provide psychotherapy and prescribe medication for them. They develop a plan of care, implement the nursing process, and evaluates it for effectiveness. Using their therapeutic skills, they treat patients with diagnosed disorders or with the potential risk factors that may cause a dysfunction such as family histories and other aspects. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners often work in correctional facilities, corporations, residential treatment facilities, public health agencies, psychiatric clinics, or pediatric clinics. They usually own private practices as well as serve as consultants for businesses, groups, or communities. Their duties in the various areas include assessing, diagnose, and treat mental health illnesses like dementia, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and other risk factors or conditions. In providing diagnosis, they keep up with their holistic approach in educating and informing…

Mental Health Courts The mental state of a person is critical in determining the likelihood of deviant behavior in an individual. People with mental instability are more likely to be involved in criminal behavior. This implies that there is a higher likelihood for mentally unstable people to be incarcerated in comparison to their mentally stable counterparts. Sending a mentally sick person to jail does not help in achieving the goals of the criminal justice system; to rehabilitate criminals. This has created the need for countries to devise ways of ensuring that mentally ill people are treated and rehabilitated while serving their sentences. Countries, such as the United States, have adopted the use of mental courts in rehabilitating mentally ill offenders (Snedker, 2018). There are several reasons that have accounted for the emergence of mental courts. The leading factors are the need to reduce overcrowding in local prisons and the presence of drug courts. Often, mentally ill offenders have a history of involvement in drug abuse. The need to rehabilitate offenders in drug courts has given rise to the need for…

Mental Health Week   Section A I have chosen the subject of eating disorders as a mental disorder because about 30 million people in the US suffer from the condition. The mortality rate of people with eating disorders is 0ne per hour. Therefore, I felt there is an urgency to understand if people actually know of the existence of eating disorders. I will be using the Healthline website and an article by Hudson et al. (2007) to research me on my subject. Healthline. (n.d). Anorexia vs. Bulimia: What’s the Difference? Retrieved from I chose this source because it deeply analyses the subject of eating disorders. It highlights two types of eating disorders, which are anorexia v. Bulimia. It covers its signs and symptoms, causes, diagnosis, complications, and support. This will provide the necessary information I need when interviewing my target population; I can use this information in the formulation of my interview questions. I trust this source because it has been medically reviewed, therefore I believe that the information provided is reliable and variable.. Hudson, J. I., Hiripi, E.,…

Health Care and Human Rights Introduction The American Bar Association defines healthcare as the most fundamental and intersectional human right. The right to health is recognized as an essential human right in Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 12 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (Gerisch, n.d.). Healthcare should be protected as a public good due to the frailty of human bodies and human lives. Governments everywhere should guarantee universal healthcare to enable the most marginalized and vulnerable population segments to lead lives of dignity.   A comprehensive healthcare system should be available to all people inside a country by making it economically accessible to avoid discrimination. The right to health is not fulfilled in the United States, which only provides a health insurance system instead of a holistic health care system. This essay examines the issue of health care and human rights in the United States in relation to single-payer systems, health insurance companies, cost per individual for a particular treatment, transparency of costs, and current coverage by a national system.…

General Mental Health Screening Tool (GMHST)             This tool can be used with the assistance of parents who understand their children better.  It provides information that can be used in understanding what the child is experiencing or what he or she is going through. The checklist will require the presence of a parent so that they can rate the behavior of their child on different occasions using words such as “never,” “sometimes,” and “often,” (Hogan, 2018). Some of the behaviors measured include trouble concentrating, the ability to understand other people’s behaviors or feelings of happiness and sadness. This tool screens different issues, which may include the possibility of the child having ADHD, anxiety, conduct, or depression issues. Once the parent has finished answering all the questions, the scores are submitted online, and a report is generated. Positive ratings are an indication that the child could benefit from being evaluated further by qualified mental or medical professionals (Hogan, 2018). ADHD Screening Tool (ADT) This tool comprises all the symptoms of ADHD in a list of statements which the respondent responds to…

Topic: Environmental justice in Canada Thesis: The Canadian government has a mandate to initiate a meaningful and fair involvement of all Canadian citizens, regardless of their race, income, or national origin concerning the initiation, implementation, and application of environmental legislation, policies, and regulations. Environmental justice will only be achieved when all people are given the same amount of protection from environmental and health hazards while at the same time given an opportunity to participate in the decision making processes on environmental issues actively. Introduction Definition of environmental justice Environmental justice with respect to Toronto and Canada Purpose of environmental justice Theoretical strategies on environmental justice Principles of environmental justice Environmental justice as per Mimi Sheller Kincaid, Baldwin, and King’s views on environmental justice A comparison between different strategies. Environmental justice issues Examples of environmental justice Causes of environmental justice Spring break tourism as a question of environmental injustice Overcoming environmental injustice Contributions of civil rights movements Removal of barriers to minority groups participation Role of government agencies Conclusion References  

Evolving Issues in Health Care Currently, the market is adopting value-based purchasing on a condition that there is a fee-for-service reimbursement. The biggest challenge is how to get ready for the future while developing an adverse economic situation in the short term. Concerning the current rollout on affordable healthcare policy and state payers, commercial payers are still the strongholds of the market momentum. Yet, again they are all shifting to a value-based payment plan. This model or strategy is the most significant economic challenge in the healthcare system today (Patel et al. 2013). Many healthcare companies are developing systems and infrastructure to handle the value-based payment model. However, the biggest concern is whether the cost of producing these systems, training, and infrastructure will support the fee-for-service delivery reimbursement plan. If not, the healthcare system will collapse financially and get affected by their service delivery. When the value-based payment model is implemented, the healthcare systems have to face reality and consider the limits of their local economy. That is also another challenge. Comparing healthcare spending per capita to other nations is…

Family Health Describe the (SDOH) that affects the family health status. What is the impact of these (SDOH) on the family? Discuss why these factors are prevalent for this family. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are multiplex conditions that play a vital role in determining the health of a person, a family, and the community. They include nonphysical factors such as socioeconomic, cultural constructs, political, and location-based conditions. SDOH factors affecting individuals today include affordable healthcare, accessible education systems, well-designed neighborhoods, safe environmental conditions, and the availability of healthy foods. Family health assessments conducted in the previous assignment revealed that the family of Mr. Wayne Santos was affected by some very serious SDOH, which in turn affected their family health status. The availability of healthy foods is the most occurring factor, and the family is Asian-American Muslims with poor eating habits. In as much as the family strives to eat healthily, members of the family occasionally opt to go out for chunk food. Due to these poor eating habits, Mr. Wayne Santos himself has developed weight problems, and his mother…

Health Promotion Project Plan Health promotion is a crucial component of primary disease prevention. It refers to the activities that are conducted to help people to increase control over their health and indulge in actions that improve their health and wellbeing. Community health education is one of the most effective health promotion strategies since it seeks to address the factors that encourage the occurrence of illness or injury in the setting within which they exist. Health education stimulates and strengthens community action by furnishing members of the community with the knowledge they need to pursue and practice healthful behaviors. Various disease prevention agendas have been formulated to provide specific indicators for measuring the impact of health promotion efforts. One such program is the Healthy People 2020 agenda, whose primary goal is to ensure every individual achieves a high-quality life that is free of preventable illness, disability, and premature mortality. The Health Promotion Project (HPP) presentation is grounded in the Healthy People 2020 agenda. Topic The HPP presentation will be based on the Healthy People 2020 topic, immunization, and Infectious Diseases.…

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