A Contrast of Health Care Policy Approaches Applied in both Missouri and Pennsylvania.   According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Healthcare policies include the development and implementation of laws, rules, and regulations to govern the health care system of a State (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2019). The health care system consists of medical practitioners who deliver facilities for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental and physical disorders and injury. A healthcare policy influences not just the costs for care that people have to pay, but also their access to treatment and the standard of care they receive, which impacts their overall health. A key concern is the growing cost of healthcare, which has put an increasing strain on consumer’s disposable income and state budgets. Missouri State changed the Medicaid system from a provider centered model to an individual-centered model, which focused on results. By combining case management, care planning, disease prevention services, and reduction of risk. According to HCA, it led to improvements in outcomes for chronic disease patients such as adherence, service use,…

Universal Health Care: A policy meant to help adopt Primary Based Health Care System in the United States. This policy document outlines the universalhealth care coverage in the United States through a strategic system of comprehensive and diversified primary healthcare.The policy provisions mandate the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) and its Management Board with the obligation of advocacy inensuring flexibility while focusing on factors that arise before federal and state governments and the American citizens(AAFP, 2013). It does this by prioritizing universal health care coverage objectives. In essence, this aim is typically founded on AAFP policy, which primarily states health is an essential universal human right, which also incorporates universal access to quality, timely and cost-effectivehealth care. The health policy is specifically implemented through various programs such as the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and federal regulations like the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (A.C.A.). These provisions increase access to cost-effective universal health care involvingthe previously uninsured, non-Medicare eligible populations in equal measure. The uninsured population has been recorded to reach as low as 8.8% due to the…

The Impact of Leadership on Health Care in the United Arab Emirates The United Arab Emirates’ health care system undergoes continuous review, regular change, and level-based transformation. The consequence of the revisions within health and social care sectors influence a significant aspect of the organizational culture. Some of the transformations impact the planning and delivery of services. The alterations also change the approach used by care providers in the execution of their duties based on the need to benefit the users of care services and the local communities. Over the years, the aims and objectives of service provision in the health and social care sectors have changed significantly (Erik, Robben, and Blair 672). The emergence of rights and advocacy groups continues to influence the development and implementation of reforms and policies. Further, research generates different perspectives in the running of the social and health care sectors. Leadership styles in social and health care sectors endeavor to create an enabling environment that facilitates interactions and the delivery of patient-based services to clients. Leadership styles provide a mechanism for solving issues that…

Biblical Perspective on Mental Health An understanding of the biblical view of mental health is significant for coming up with policies which improve counselor’s effectiveness and efficiency when dealing with their patients. Mental illness has become a common disease in America. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, about one in every five Americans has some form of mental illness. Understanding mental illness entails having relevant information about the various types of the disease. One such example is Any Mental Illness (AMI), characterized by emotional or behavioral disorders. The other form of mental illness is Serious Mental Illness (SMI), which refers to mental, emotional, or behavioral disorders, which leads to a person developing severe functionality impairments (Chang, Hayes, Broadbent, Fernandes, Lee, Hotopf & Stewart, 2010). Several solutions have been availed detailing how to deal with and treat patients with mental health issues. Counseling, for instance, utilizes psychological knowledge to guide a patient into recovery from mental challenges. However, counseling cannot achieve efficiency on its own. The integration of counseling and other disciplines is significant in handling and treating patients…

The millennial mentality The millennial mentality refers to the conscious social way of thinking based on all life aspects. This millennial psychological mindset encompasses not only social issues but also technology the society uses. Individuals born from 1981 to 1996 i.e., 23 to 38 years of age, are termed as millennials, while those born in 1997 are part of the millennial generation. Depression The most common psychological problems facing the millennial generation are depression and anxiety. 47% of the millennial generation is affected by depression disorder since 2013. In 2017, America recorded 36,000 deaths emanating from depression. The possible diagnosis of depression anxiety is drug and alcohol abuse. According to American University 2015, the millennial generation grew up with depression as a significant mental illness. Financial distress Research conducted by Northwestern Mutual denotes that 78% of the millennial generation battles at planning for future and present financial obligations. The majority of the millennials aren’t making enough savings for the future. This is due to pressure emanating from student loan debt bog down and the urge to purchase a new home.…

Social Analysis Report: Mental Health Stigma  Introduction Mental health stigma has become an increasingly debilitating epidemic all over the world. It is defined as the negative stereotypes associated with people who suffer from mental illnesses and the labels forced upon them from a systemic, societal perspective. For example, people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia are often referred to as ‘crazy’, assumed to be ‘homeless’ and ‘hear voices’. These labels, stereotypes and stigmatized ways of thinking, are dramatically affecting the world we live in, negatively. People diagnosed with mental illnesses often experience extreme ostracism and shame, and “often describe the consequences of mental health stigma as worse than those of the condition itself.” (…) This harrowing but authentic truth is plaguing our families, friends, and communities and can be identified as a devastating social problem, as it is widespread and the solution is far beyond the reach of individual choice. It requires collective action, advocacy and needs to be addressed on a social level to change, as it is rooted in years and years of traditionalistic and archaic belief systems that…

The coronavirus health risk The Mortgage News Daily has revealed that the average rate on the popular 30-year fixed mortgage hit 3.34% on Monday. This rate is particularly a concern for borrowers controlling strong credit scores and financials as well. The Mortgage News Daily chief operating officer, Matthew Graham, has already shown that the aggressive lenders are currently at 3.25%, while the ordinary lenders will be at 3.375% as their new going rate. Moreover, the Mortgage Bankers Association has revealed that the home loan refinances applications have hiked up to about 165% annually. How has the home refinanced negatively contributed to the stagnation of the housing market?   The coronavirus health risk has considerably and negatively affected the financial markets; for instance, pushing the 10-year treasury yield of the U.S bonds to eight-year low yields. The current rate situation is speculated to worsen mainly if the pandemic doesn’t find a reliable control method quickly. The 3.34% rate was witnessed in a single day back in 2016 summer before further messing up with the fall. Back in 2012, tariffs were moderately…

Corona Virus Public Health Emergency Public health constantly requires the use of monitoring systems to both cope and understand new and upcoming diseases. In this regard failure in the subsequent precautionary measures made in powers of scandal could have been if proper measures were taken. It is for this reason that most public health organizations such as the CDC engage in the generation of vulnerability assessments(“2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation Summary”, 2020). In this case vulnerability assessment is meant to outline and understand the risks that are being undertaken and what are the potential outcomes when faced with various diseases. For purposes of this paper we engage a case study where buy there has been an outbreak of the recently acknowledged Corona virus in a docked cruise ship. This paper therefore seeks to discuss the role use and importance of a vulnerability assessment in such a setting as an effort to counter the rapid spread of the disease. Vulnerability assessment A vulnerability assessment is defined as the identification and prioritization of various vulnerabilities within a system. In this case, vulnerability…

Environmental Impacts of Peanut Butter Peanut products offer merits and disadvantages to the environment and are widely used globally. According to Noorhosseini and Damalas (2018), a total of 24.07 million hectares are used for peanut growing globally. Asia has the largest land mass dedicated to peanut growth; 11.45 million hectares. Therefore, peanut productions ought to be regulated to prevent an outburst in greenhouse emissions and other environmental problems. This paper analyses the impact peanut butter production has on the environment, ways in which individual choices affect environmental sustainability, and methods of reducing negative environmental impacts caused by peanut butter. Impact of Peanut Butter Production on the environment The production process for peanut butter constitutes of planting and harvesting of the peanuts, shelling, roasting, cooling and branching, grinding, packaging, and transportation. In the initial phase, peanut butter plantations use nitrogen fertilizers to increase chlorophyll levels in the leaves, hence facilitating better growth. Nitrogen fertilizers provide nutrients to the soil and allow faster growth in crop rotations. However, many peanut farmers overuse the fertilizer and this leads to numerous environmental impacts. These…

 mental health and drug abuse I just want the introduction. My research question is what is the relationship between mental health and drug abuse in teens in the US? Draft Thesis:In the U.S., teens that struggle with mental health are more likely to use and abuse drugs. With that said, he relationship between mental health and drug abuse in teens are; environmental influences, feeling the need to self medicate and lack of support. All these factors are easily overlooked which just continues the co-occurring disorder cycle.[unique_solution] mental health and drug abuse I just want the introduction. My research question is what is the relationship between mental health and drug abuse in teens in the US? Draft Thesis:In the U.S., teens that struggle with mental health are more likely to use and abuse drugs. With that said, he relationship between mental health and drug abuse in teens are; environmental influences, feeling the need to self medicate and lack of support. All these factors are easily overlooked which just continues the co-occurring disorder cycle. mental health and drug abuse I just want…

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