Health Assessment (A) In the prescribed video, the patient report having had a series of palpitations that were accompanied by a light-headed feeling. With the problem that the patient presents, there exist several health assessment methods that the registered nurse can make use of to conduct a physical assessment on the patient. The health assessment methods that are a priority for this individual patient owing to their presented condition are inspection, palpation, and auscultation (Baker et al., 2020). In a typical health assessment examination, inspection involves conducting an assessment of a patient’s body system such senses like smell, vision, and hearing to try and identify abnormalities and any other forms of deviations. In this particular assessment method, the nurse is supposed to examine for texture, movement, different odors, and symmetry. Additionally, a nurse also ought to check for various sounds and inflammation when assessing the patient. The other most suitable health assessment that the nurse ought to use in examining the patient’s palpitation, in this case, is palpation (Cosgrave, Klingaman, & Gehrman, 2020). This particular method of assessment requires that the…

How to Find an Elemental Counseling Service {In the world we live in today, there are several different things that people face ranging from distractions, worries among other things.|There are different things that people face in the world we live in today ranging from distractions, worries among other things.|Distractions and worries are some of the several different things that people face in the world we live in today.} {As a result of these, people have a lot that they carry around making them feel suffocated.|People have a lot that they carry around making the suffocated as a result of these.|Due to the reasons mentioned above, most people have a lot of things that they carry around making them feel suffocated.} {Sometimes, a person may undergo a lot of things hence may feel overwhelmed and lonely.|A person may undergo a lot of things sometimes hence may feel overwhelmed and lonely.|In some cases, a person may feel overwhelmed and lonely as a result of undergoing a lot of things.} {In such situations, it is important that a person considers counseling services.|It is…

Mental Health Services Delivery in the United States Statement and Significance of the Policy In many societies, both in America and the world at large, mental health is a rarely addressed issue, evident with the gaps in the current policies in practice. Mental illnesses have a high prevalence in the United States, both temporary and permanent, and many scholars believe the current healthcare models fail to address the condition adequately (Lake & Turner, 2017). The status of mental health care is further suppressed by the implications of constant changes in other policy issues such as the Affordable Care Act and health insurance policies (Rowan et al., 2013). Strategic changes have occurred in the public management and governance of mental healthcare approaches. According to Grob’s (2014) time series analysis of mental health policy in modern America, one major reform was the transfer of mental health from mental institutionalism into a community-based mental health care policy. Since the end of World War II, several changes have occurred to the national mental health policy, approaches, and general public perceptions. According to Grob (2014),…

 fundamental similarities and differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS Undeniably, the adoption of IFRS across the world remains one of the financial reporting issues of the 21st Century. Today, the majority of publicly-traded companies have adopted IFRS as the foundation or guideline for their financial reporting. Similarly, there has been a debate between the FASB and the IASB to converge the U.S. GAAP with IFRS. As a result, the acceptance of such convergence aimed to help auditors, financial analysts, and accountants understand the essential components of financial reporting. This paper describes the fundamental similarities and differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS with a focus on employee benefits and share-based payments in the financial statements. It is essential to note that the identification of employee benefits differs across entities depending on the accounting standards applied. By definition, employee benefits are all forms of benefits that an employee receives from an entity in exchange for the services offered. The employers can record direct and indirect interests in the P&L account by dividing the funds for employees into either direct payments or provisions…

how Poverty is a determinant and contributing health care of an individual Introduction Health is a fundamental aspect of everyday individuals, regardless of whether they are poor or rich. If your sick, you need medical attention; otherwise, the situation might escalate and lead to severe consequences among them, even death. Growing up as a middle-class citizen in America, I encountered most street people as I went to school. Most of the time, I would pass by an old homeless woman begging in the streets. She was one victim whom I observed daily. Slowly her health deteriorated, and one day she passed on. It was sad not to be able to hear her play as I went to school. As the days went by, her spot was taken over by other beggars, and the cycle continued. This case scenario is an actual example of how Poverty is a determinant and contributing health care of an individual. We can, therefore, not deny the fact that Good health is more accessible to wealthy people because the life expectancy of wealthy people is much…

The mental state examination The mental state examination is the assessment of the patient’s cognitive level, emotional mood, appearance, as well as speech plus the evaluation of his thinking pattern at any moment. After a clear illustration of what MSE is, we can say that its main objectives are. Main objectives evaluating the presence as well as the degree of mental impairment of a person is one of the main goals. Hence what is measured in the sense of an individual during a given time and at a given locality. The individual’s identity, which is the speech, mathematical ability, insight reasoning, as well as memory, is measured. The elderly are the most vulnerable individuals who should be issued entirely with MSE. It should be released repeatedly to monitor as well as document the change in the condition of the patients. It is also essential since it helps differentiate mood disorder, cognitive impairment, as well as ensuring that professional mental health practitioners do proper diagnostic testing. The MSE is commonly used by health practitioners to identify the mental disorders experienced by…

Home health nursing Home health nursing offers in-home health care services for patients and families. I agree with the author that there are certain additional services that in-home nurses should perform for the wellbeing of the patient. They must ensure that they visit patients frequently to provide that all the time the patients are at comfort though the author does not highlight in-home nursing face more inconveniences than when working in hospitals. In hospitals, the patients are within short distances, and thus they are accessible easily. In-home, it is challenging mainly when a nurse is serving two clients receiving services in different places. I agree with the author that in-home nurses should coordinate and keep family members informed on the progress and needs of the patient. The family members are the immediate people who take care of the patient when both physicians and nurses are not around. As a result, they need to be informed so that they may not mishandle the patient. In the second paragraph, the author mentioned some of the critical roles played by in-home nurses. He…

Immigrant and Refugees Health as a Community Mental Health Issue Immigrants and refugees experience stressors and irritants deriving from their experiences of migrating into host countries. These stressors initiate mental health challenges, which are further exacerbated by the low access to care that characterise this population group (Derr, 2016). Immigrant and refugee populations in Canada, for example, are at a high risk of untreated mental health conditions due to difficulties involved in accessing and using the available mental health services (Salami, Salma, & Hegadoren, 2019). The goal of this literature review is to analyse the available scholarship with the view to not only identifying the factors that make it difficult for immigrants and refugees to access and use mental health services but also exploring the solutions for addressing these dynamics. Rationale The issue of immigrant mental health is an important one, in large part due to the realisation that mental health is essential to the overall health and well-being of this population group. The second justification embeds in the fact that the vulnerability of immigrant and refugee populations to mental…

Federal Government Funding on Mental Health Sector Mental health support has been left out in most of the government funding periods. The society has been giving attention to people with physical disabilities at the expense of people with less physical disabilities. The challenge that faces the mental health system is the lack of enough information to convince the federal government to release more funds to support the system. Mentally ill individuals may not realize their condition at the initial stages when proper treatment can be given. Also, the few individuals who are noticed to have mental problems are at advanced stages of the condition. The health sector has been left under the management of the state governments with little intervention from the federal government. The intervention by the federal government happens in terms of funding and passing of regulations that affect all the states. The federal government should increase the funding for the mental health sector to improve the effectiveness of service delivery to people affected by mental illnesses. The mental health sector requires extensive research, which further requires more…

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