Foster Kids with Conduct Disorders and Empowerment Based Interventions Conduct disorder is a mental disorder that is depicting in childhood that shows signs through violation of norms and rights of others. There are two main types of conduct behavior. They include socialized and unsocialized disorders. Those children with socialized conduct behaviors usually make friends who have the same character. In contrast, those with unsocialized conduct behavior do not make friends or in, most cases, other kids isolate them due to their harmful actions. This disorder depicts a lot of acts that reflect breaking the norms and rules. Foster children might show behaviors like fighting, stealing, having a hard time sleeping at night, among other many negative behaviors. The guardian who foster care to these children, most of the time, become stressed and may overreact when trying to correct them. Unfortunately, they end up reinforcing these undiscoverable behaviors to their foster children at the time without knowing. Therefore, the use of negative reinforcement makes their behavior becomes worse (Surabhi, 2017).  When children grow older having this disorder, they even pose a…

Integrating complementary and alternative approaches of healthcare to the western medical model Integrating complementary and alternative approaches of healthcare to the western medical model is a reality that can be achieved. The sole purpose of both models is to enhance the healthcare of patients. The western medical model is guided by a set of scientific evidence which states how the human body should function (Kleinman, 2013). Likewise, it provides scientific solutions for the diagnosis of health issues and offers medical prescriptions. Complementary and alternative medical approaches, on the other hand, refers to non-standardized medical solutions (Micozzi, 2014). It includes methods such as the consumption of herbal medications and undertaking natural practices such as tai chi to calm the body and relieve it of stress. The two forms of medical models can be integrated since they both aim to treat patients of various health complications. Also, the fact that both models compensate for the other weakness means that incorporating them in patient treatment results in better and effective healthcare. For instance, while the western medication model is known to offer accurate…

Systemic Enzyme Therapy With Heal and Soothe Supplement Systemic enzymes are an integral part of the body system when it comes to maintaining and supporting its functionality. Enzymes are proteins that host various essential roles in the body. They spark reactions of growth, reproduction, repair, metabolism and digestion. They are critical in the regulation of Fibrin and inflammation in the body. Lack of adequate systemic enzymes leads to blood coagulation, scarring of tissues, impairment in digestion and general health risks in the respiratory, reproductive and immune system. Minimal proteins in the body are making it more susceptible to diseases. It also causes fast ageing and degenerating of our antibodies. The systemic enzymes support body functions by reducing, restoring, regulating and removing. These are the four main R’s that determine a successful systemic enzyme therapy. Here is how the treatment works in regards to the four main Rs of systemic enzymes. Restoring of Blood Flow When the enzymes are adequate in the body, they promote blood circulation in two main ways. These ways are: removing excess Fibrin and plaque in the…

System theory and practical issues The area of my specialty is Family Nurse Practitioner. The increase in the number of clients who are in dire need of family health care services because of the continuous aging of the American population and increase in the number of people who are acquiring health care insurance is one of the main concerns. Primary health care services are essential because it helps in improving the safety and the quality of life and reduce the cost of health care services because of disease prevention and healthy lifestyle (Smolowitz et al., 2015). The patient health outcome also improves because of the efforts of the primary health care providers to ensure consistency in the provision of primary health care. On the micro-level, the increase in the number of patients seen by the nurse practitioner has a significant impact because, as the number of patients increases with the constant number of nurse practitioners, there will be limited time scheduled for every patient. At times not all patients see the Nurse Practitioner. They are, therefore, resulting in low quality…

Religious experience.             Berger’s notes that society is a product of human and human are a product of society. He points out that human create their world and create themselves. We learn that Culture is a human product with tools which shapes the environment and the person who uses it. The writer says that culture is objective, the human creates a world which is objective reality once they create a too it can’t be easily we create language but don’t control it. Culture being object and common we have to get outside it in order to understand it. We put our subjective story in objective terms that allows it to be shared among others. Roleplaying and family from the story of Buddha religion Novice, we learn internalization. At first his role as novice is mainly external .His acting out of a role but later he truly gets identity of a monk .Internalization  is part of process that includes the externalization and objectivation  and it is the dialect. Language is an objective world that is imposed in our world. Religion…

Opioid Addiction             Research and statistics have established that more than 130 people die daily in the United States because of overdosing on opioids (Hser et al. 77). The greatest challenge with the control and management of opioids is that it involves both legal and illegal substances. The misuse of prescription pain relievers is something the government or the medical stakeholders in the country cannot control. According to Hser et al. (79), the problem began in the 1990s when pharmaceutical companies assured the country and the medical community that patients would never be addicted to opioids. The problem is slowly becoming uncontrollable, and the key medical stakeholders are losing a grip on the matter and hence a great study area. Research Questions What transformations in the medical community will help reduce or resolve the problem of opioid addiction? How can the government and the medical community minimize deaths through control and reduction of opioid addiction? What alternatives can help resolve the problem caused by the failed 1990s assurance by pharmaceutical companies that patients would not be addicted to opioids?  …

Basic salary and mental health Introduction and background information The problem of income inequality has for a long time been an area of focus to many scholars sighting it as the major source of global poverty. It is rather disturbing  to note the income gap that exist in most of the country  where some people earn more than 1000 times more than others. In some cases, some people earn nothing to provide for their family. The problem of income inequality matters as it can be the solution for eradicating poverty on a global scale.  It is worth noting that poor people are not lazy but rather they lack the mean to free themselves from the jaws of poverty.  Income inequality has adverse effect on the affected people and in particular people on the lower side. Evidently, research has indicated that income inequality and poverty has been among the leading cause of mental problems in the world. People become stressed and eventually depressed when they realize that they cannot cater for they can barely provide even the most basic needs for…

 Parkinson’s diseases link with exposure to pesticides Many countries across the world have adopted use of pesticides in agricultural sectors as a way of improving their productivity. Some of the examples of the pesticides that are used for agricultural purposes, both in-home and public spaces, are herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, and organochlorines, among others. Besides public concern over pesticides in many countries like Washington, Canada, and others have stimulated various policies concerning determining and regulating the distribution of some pesticides that are seen toxic to human beings. In contrast, there has been difficulty in determining the safety of these substances.  Many researchers are unable to generalize the results of the studies conducted in the human and animal laboratory. Over the years, the health effects from exposure to pesticides have remained an issue of public concern whereby many researchers have concluded that exposure to pesticides can lead to the neurological disease known as Parkinson while others disagree with this adage.  Therefore this paper tries to look into the use of pesticides in the local community, whether it causes Parkinson’s disease in human…

A REPORT ON LIFESTLE AND BEHAVIORAL PATTERNS Lifestyle Age group Healthy lifestyle response 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 Yes No Smokes 9 5 8 6 2 15 15 Drinks alcohol 10 15 3 0 2 17 13 Wears seatbelt 0 20 3 5 2 29 1 Talks on Phone 0 11 4 5 2 20 2 Exercises 4-5 times 2 2 5 10 9 28 0 Eats healthy diet 1 3 8 8 9 29 0 Suffers from a health condition 0 0 3 7 12 21 1   Analysis The number of smokers does not differ significantly for individuals below the age of fifty-four years. For alcohol drinking, however, young interviewees seem to drink a lot as compared to the older ones. Information on individuals who wear seatbelts seems challenging to interpret. Individuals between twenty-five to thirty-four years have a higher tendency of wearing seatbelts as compared to the other groups. The group with the higher number of individuals wearing belts also tends to have a higher number of individuals talking on the phone while driving. The consumption of…

Addiction to prescription pain medication Title of Paper: Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Signs, symptoms and Treatment issues   Paper content that must be included: prevention and treatment approaches to prescription pain medication abuse. Compare/ Contrast various treatment approaches to the problem of prescription pain medication abuse. Analyze the signs symptoms and  predisposing factors associated with the misuse of prescription pain medication. I uploaded a interview I conducted with a friend who was an ex addict. Please review and incorporate in my paper in the second half.[unique_solution]   All journals must be professional and scholarly, as well as books. All material should be from 2012-2018 Addiction to prescription pain medication Title of Paper: Prescription Pain Medication Abuse: Signs, symptoms and Treatment issues   Paper content that must be included: prevention and treatment approaches to prescription pain medication abuse. Compare/ Contrast various treatment approaches to the problem of prescription pain medication abuse. Analyze the signs symptoms and  predisposing factors associated with the misuse of prescription pain medication. I uploaded a interview I conducted with a friend who was an ex addict. Please…

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