Family, Belonging and Displacement   Family is a range of social, political, and economic complexities. The traditional structure of Aboriginals was based around kinship systems. In most remote areas, households of aboriginal people there were more complex and flexible in their alignment. The indigenous culture constructed in a collectivist kinship structure, denoting that people thought of themselves in terms of their attachment with other people and their community as a whole. Due to a long history of assimilation and colonization strategies made the Aboriginal people stop depending on communal life family structure, this also triggered the breakdown of most families. Indeed family system break down had an impact on aboriginal families and also effects their identity and self-worth. This essay aims to deliberate on various implications of family break down on indigenous families and also how it harms their identities and self-esteem. Women and Children Abuse Break down of family had a series of adverse impacts on aboriginal families. One of the most widespread effects is extreme stress, which affected mostly women and children was triggered mainly by abuse and…

The two major Historical Influences on the Development of Paris Introduction Long ago when cities came into existence, there were several factors considered to have led to the establishment of certain towns until where they presently exist. Ancient towns began as simple villages under the leadership of the chosen few referred to by different title regarding the customs of those people. Some were governed by kings, others elders and some chiefs. Paris, in particular, was governed by some kings who ruled the ancient French kingdom which led to the establishment of Paris as the French capital. Nevertheless, some cities were also relocated to some other places not of the ancient origin due to some factors like the political feuds and the unsuitability of such places to sustain human coexistence. Paris is the capital city of France as presently known. As one of the ancient cities, this essay will try to navigate the factors which led to the establishment of Paris. As known to many scholars, Paris came into existence due to several factors, but this essay will only consider the…

Historical Contexts             The Lusitania was a liner belonging to the British, which was sunk in the year 1915 by the Germans. A German U boat had used a torpedo to attack the massive ship and an explosion from within followed shortly due to the weaponry carried on board. The liner was on its way to England from New York, and more than 1100 passengers who were on board lost their lives. Germans defended their selves on the ground that the Lusitania was armed and posed a potential threat to them. Versailles Treaty was the agreement that settled on to end World War 1. It was agreed upon in 1919 during the period within January and June. In the treaty, French wanted to disjoint Germany to deter it from starting another war with the Americans, British and France. The treaty had several parts which constituted of polices which would prevent the war from happening again. Franklin D. Roosevelt was a politician who later became the 32nd President of the United States in the year 1932. Roosevelt was successfully re-elected in…

American Government 7 Student’s name Institutional affiliation American Government 7 Bureaucracy refers to organizations ran by government workers who were elected but had the power to make official decisions. Bureaucracies can implement federal laws developed by Congress. They also regulate these laws hence affecting g the lives of Americans in general. In the United States, the executive branch of the government holds the structure of federal bureaucracy (Barrett et al. 2017). Therefore, all organizations within the federal administration get appointments from Congress, authorizing them to move governmental business. That is why there is an iron triangle in the US government, which shows the relationship between the federal bureaucracy, Congress, and the interest groups. Bureaucrats work in the directorial capacity of the government. In most cases, they are people who work behind the scenes for their politicians while the politicians rest. According to Max Weber, bureaucracy refers to a small desk for the government. Thus, he emphasizes that bureaucracies are vital in any given government setting since they ensure that things are done in a well-organized and rational manner. In my…

How might data analytics improve policing? Security agents can use predictive system devices that use analyzed data to predict or pinpoint the next crime location. For instance, Santa Cruz police officers truck perpetrators by use of PredPol (predictive policing), such devices have the ability to analyzed crime data and predict for locations where the possible crime may take place. Furthermore, Richmond’s police department in the United States have successfully trucked the use of guns for theft or other criminal activities by use of historical data and hence were able to truck all random gunfire seizing 246% firearms used for an unlawful purpose. How might it hurt policing? What ethical issues might be raised by predictive policing? Since some of the predictive policing software uses algorithms that analyze human behavior, research has proved that some models used are perpetuating racial profiling and hence have little accountability and cannot be dependable when used to predict the perpetrators. According to Hannah Coachman, the use of bias data analyzed for predictive policing may result in human rights abuse as it can result in reporting…

Frances Farmer will have her Revenge on Seattle by Nirvana Pop is an acronym for popular. Popular music or pop music as commonly referred to dates back to the 1950s. Pop was incorporated in the community through religion, and it was majorly associated with fashion. Pop was popular in wedding ceremonies, and its existence is traceable to the biblical era. Despite the advancement of Pop culture over the past few years, it has maintained its cultural features of entertaining and educating through cultural products and media such as television, music, dance, arts, radio, films, cyberculture literature, among other artistic products. For years, pop culture has generally been recognized as a set of practices, beliefs, and objects practiced by society. Such methods are informing of the later named features such as music, arts, literature, films, among many others. Pop music is one such practice. It is a pop-cultural feature that has been ongoing for many years and one of the main contributors to the various themes of life. This paper addresses a source analysis of the song “Frances Farmer will have…

social, ethnic issues in South Korea that are issues related to how women are treated, religious matters, and issues affecting foreigners that are refugees and immigrants Social rights are rights such as the right of a person to an adequate standard of living, affordable education, food and housing, satisfactory health services, and security based on respect, not sanctions (Asbjorn, Krause, and Rosas,1995). South Korea is a democratic nation that respects civil and political liberties but established unreasonable restrictions on freedom of speech, association, and assembly. This has led to discrimination in various social groups across the country. These groups include homosexuals, transgender peoples, bisexuals, women, people living with HIV, racial, foreigners such as refugees and migrants (Neary, 2004). This essay is analyzing social, ethnic issues in South Korea that are issues related to how women are treated, religious matters, and issues affecting foreigners that are refugees and immigrants. Racism is a widespread social problem in South Korea. In the 2000s, there was an increase in the number of immigrants to South Korea (Seol, 119). This increased more expressions of racism.…

Evolution of Nurses Practice How has nursing evolved? Nursing has evolved from being caretakers of families, children, and communities, which naturally came as women used to take care of their families and were seen as caregivers or nurses. Due to advancements in technology, the environment inpatient care has been created in such a way that it is helpful and efficient for patients. Changes in nursing practice have occurred in areas such as in their education, training, health care setting, patient care and the nursing culture. The changes did have seen a lot of lives saved, which has made nursing be a respected field as it is today. In the past decades, the nursing field has experienced changes in nursing informatics and telemedicine. Finally, there has been a growth in leadership opportunities, the use of mobile health, and new specialist. Historical of the nursing profession. One of the critical leaders and historical events in nursing advancement is Florence Nightingale, whom the history of nursing starts.  She is the founder of the Modern Nursing and is a towering figure in the field…

World Religions How are you and your local community connected to other people and religions and faith traditions in the world? My local community is connected with other religions and other communities through intermarriages. My community allows one to marry from other communities with bias, Christians can be married Muslims without any restrictions being imposed on them. Religion acts as a guide for different human believes and connections to worldwide experiences. What do you think makes religions a “unifying” force for the followers? What makes this possible? Religion ensures that followers are united against the forces of outsiders. The unity is made possible by the specific rules that have been put in place, which assist in controlling operational matters. Religion ensures that followers have universal principles to guide them in religious operations. Religion has brought unity to its followers since everyone wants to be part of a unified society dictated by shared principles. Why do you believe people feel compelled to create and follow religions? People create and follow religions because of the believes they have of the existence of…

Was the establishment of European settler societies in the Americas a positive or negative historical change? Answers this two questions: 1- Was the establishment of European settler societies in the Americas a positive or negative historical change? Identify one reason that helps explain how and why these colonies represented either positive or negative historical change. Analyze three different settler colonial societies in the Americas that illustrate your reason in order to assess whether settler colonialism was an overall positive or negative experience for the peoples living in those places. Discuss what you consider the most important lessons of this history for people living in the U.S. 2- Were Europe′s settler colonial societies in the Americas civilized or uncivilized? Identify one reason that helps explain how and why these colonies were either civilized or uncivilized. Analyze three different settler colonial societies in the Americas that illustrate your reason in order to assess whether these societies, in general, represented either civilization or its opposite. Discuss what you consider the most important lessons of this history for people living in the U.S. Today.[unique_solution]…

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