My own most meaningful and relevant portrayal of the human condition For our next meeting, write a two-page paper, correctly formatted according to the professional format appropriate to your major (you may use MLA if you prefer), detailing your response to the course texts, lectures, and discussions so far.  Referring when appropriate to the concepts, critical terms, and readings discussed in class, and quoting the texts where appropriate, write the paper conveying your own most meaningful and relevant portrayal of the human condition.  Be sure to give your paper an original and appropriate title (not a perfunctory or unimaginative one). You are encouraged to structure your paper such that it incorporates the issues, themes, and texts that have most mattered to you, and expresses your own interests, questions, and point of view most effectively, concisely, and frankly.  Feel free to bring up any issues the course has caused you to ponder, whether about the human condition or (more specifically) yourself.[unique_solution] Please consult the sample summary of the Genesis and Babylonian texts that I have posted under “documents” on our course…

The History of an Idea CONCEPT: “Reification” Your assignment is to select one concept (Reification), and, in a five page, double-spaced paper, research its significance by conducting a literature review. Critically analyze the concept in a brief essay which clearly examines the meaning of the concept as it has been defined and interpreted by different theorists. Your analysis should begin with a review of the concept from the perspective of the theorist studied in this class. For instance, if you decide to analyze the concept of “reification,” begin your analysis with a summary of Georg Lukacs’ view of the concept, and then in the remainder of the paper explore the origins (intellectual roots) of the concept (i.e., before Lukacs), and the subsequent development of the concept (i.e., after Lukacs). If you wish to write on a course concept that is not on the list, please ask the instructor for permission.     You are required to employ at least six published sources in your analysis of a concept. Your sources should include a sample of studies that are published in reputable…

how Rome has influenced the u.s with military government and architecture Summative Level III and IV Prep Part B Which civilization had a greater effect on the western culture generally and the U.S. specifically? Greece or Rome? To help you prepare, you should follow the instructions and rewrite the following items in blue. Thesis format: (Greece or Rome) had a bigger effect on the U.S. in the areas of X, Y, and Z. More complex thesis format: Although (Greece or Rome) influence the U.S. in the area of W, (Greece or Rome) affected the U.S. more in the areas of X, Y, and Z. X, Y, and Z are the subjects that prove your point. Potential subjects include: Government Military Religion/Mythology Art and Architecture Current State of Affairs (Decline?) Optional Subjects (although they are not in our cheat sheet, you can still choose the following as potential subjects) Role of Women Sports Citizenship Values Write your own thesis here: [unique_solution]Your thesis Introduction Although Rome influenced the U.S. with religion and mythology, military government and architecture had a bigger effect on…

Horrible Bosses Interpersonal Essay Assignment Students will review concepts from the textbook and in lecture regarding appropriate and inappropriate interpersonal communication practices in business. After viewing the film, Horrible Bosses, students will then prepare an essay examining contexts on situations present in the film and how they apply concepts covered and application in real world practices. Course objectives utilized: Demonstrate knowledge of communication theories and models and problems associated with communication in business, including ethics. Illustrate ability to write for business/professional purposes by using clear, concise, and correct style.   Essay Directions: Students will first view the film Horrible Bosses in class after lecture of interpersonal concepts. After viewing the film, students will construct an essay (page and a half minimum) over appropriate and inappropriate instances of interpersonal communication in a business context/environment. Within their essay, students will: a) describe and argue three scenarios or observations of behaviors and messages within the essay being deemed appropriate or not, b) utilize communication sources to support arguments being made, and c) present alternatives to the observed behaviors and messages to correct the…

Body Wave Hair Styles The body wave hair refers to the hair that is shaped into waves resulting in constant deep “s” pattern giving it a curly look. Different hairs have a diverse origin and the materials that make it up. For that reason, there are various categories of the body wave human hair, as listed below. Brazilian hair– it has the best texture in the market. It lasts longer, and its thickness helps in maintaining the waves, which means it means the curls for a much longer period.  Indian hair– it is wavy, smooth and can be restyled in various ways. Peruvian hair– this is very versatile, and its density is excellent. It gets curls all through whether it is wet or dried. Apart from that, it has unique characteristics that make the customer choose their favorite one depending on their needs. Also, you can touch it with your hands to feel the texture and decide whether it is what you want. Characteristics of body wave hair It is a natural loose hairstyle. This is the most natural hair…

TEETH WHITENING: GET A BRIGHTER SMILE There’s nothing as catchy as a smile- especially if the teeth are sparkling white. Of all the variety of cosmetic treatments offered by doctors in the U.S, teeth whitening is the most popular procedure. While it is the least expensive, it can dramatically enhance your self-confidence. Our doctors make use of the best dental technology to eliminate teeth discoloration. We make sure that your teeth turn whiter and brighter in a safe manner.   What is teeth whitening? Teeth whitening is essentially a dental procedure that lightens the color of your teeth while not removing any of the tooth surface. It gives teeth a lighter shade. You can consult your dentist for whitening products, or wholesome teeth whitening appointment. The most effective whitening treatments have no side effects and guarantee you a lasting smile!   Why do you need a teeth whitening? Professional dental attention is the most effective way to treat discolored teeth. Everyone is different, and just as our skin color and hair texture varies from one person to another, so do…

 Effects of the Civil War In this research paper, the topic under consideration is based on the consequences of the Civil War on the American Southern region and America as a country. Mainly, it occurred in American involving the Northern and Southern parts from 1861 to 1865. The war occurred in the United States as a result of secession (southern states leaving the Union). Also, the slave trade of black was also other aspects that propelled the growth of the civil war. The impacts of the Civil War turn out to be devastating politically, economically, and socially to American societies. The core purpose of selecting the topic in the consequences of the Civil War in the Southern region and America is to demonstrate one of the greatest wars in American history. The effects of the conflict demonstrate the damages caused by war and the number of innocent civilians who die as a result of the war. Thus, I am interested in this topic to sensitize the world that war is expensive and devastating. Besides, the topic of the impact of…

Paper on RSA- History, Methodology, and Usage             In a cryptosystem, RSA algorithm forms the foundation. RSA is the abbreviated form of Rivest-Shamir-Adleman, and it is a suite consisting of cryptographic algorithms. Ron Rivest, Leonard Adleman, and Adi Shamir first publicly used the RSA in 1977 (Goshwe, 2013). They were from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. They founded the RSA Data Security in the year 1982. In order to find Digital Certificates International, alternatively known as the VeriSign, RSA sent people in 1995. The basis of the RSA algorithm is that one single way of factoring a large number does not exist. It is necessary to have an additional amount of processing time and power to factor huge numbers. The RSA functions after using the prime factorization trapdoor as well as the “Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange” so that asymmetric encryption can be achieved. The difficulty level of prime factorization is high, and therefore, RSA is completely reliant on it (Zhou & Tang, 2011). It is a security method, and it mainly involves four steps. These are the Key Generation, Key Distribution,…

The impact of cyber terrorism and ways of prevention In the age of the internet, crimes are committed online, and the terrorist groups that commit the crimes are driven by their political ideologies (Heickerö, 2014). In the case of cyber terrorism, computer networks and systems of reputed firms are attacked, and deliberate attempts are made by the terrorist group to use malware, computer viruses, phishing technique, and malicious software. The incidents create panic among the people and disrupt the normal operations of a firm. The aftermath of the attacks can cost millions to the targeted firm. It can damage the records, security programs, and create terror. Usually, skilled and experienced hackers and cybercriminals are chosen for the purpose. Their violent approach can permanently damage the firms, and it might take years to rebuild the network system or retrieve data. Personal computers are also attacked by engineering malware. It is a significant loss for computer owners. Outlining the ways of preventing cyber terrorism The organizations can prevent cyber-terrorism by ensuring the safeguard the digital assets. The CIA or the FBI in…

Terrors in computer systems and an outline of preventive measures Online crimes have been increasing exponentially in the online age as computer systems and networks are connected inextricably. Individuals and organizations use computers to record data and conduct daily operations. However, the internet has given rise to a new terror known as cyber terrorism that allows a group of hackers and terrorists to join hands and destruct the entire system of users using malicious software or phishing methods (Weimann, 2005). The terrorists intentionally harm the programs and create a mess in the normal operations for personal gains. Religious or political ideologies also create this mentality among cyber terrorists. For instance, they might damage the sensitive data stored in systems and hack accounts of customers. Later the owners bear a loss of huge amount, and they have to deal with system disruptions for a long time. They create fear and terror by constant threat and intimidation. Understanding the aftermath and security measures Cyber terrorism directly affects the public confidence in hospitals, financial institutions and trade centers. It also increases the concern…

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