different tactics that each colonizer had when they embarked in the journey of conquering overseas colonies The scramble for territories during the colonial era was mainly aimed at exploiting new territories for valuable resources. The new colonies also offered a market for finished products. European Countries rushed into new colonies to establish their spheres of influence, especially since the industrial revolution was starting to flourish. The English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch, and French scrambled for overseas territories with different methods of establishing their rule; they all however shared the main goal of economic gains. This discussion will highlight the different tactics that each colonizer had when they embarked in the journey of conquering overseas colonies. The British searched for new territories for resources gain, market expansion and the search for new settlement. To get the desired benefits, the British employed the use of the indirect rule in Colonial administration. Instead of creating an entirely new governing structure, the British used the already existing leadership. Traditional rulers were used to administrate the day to day activities. The British, through the use of…

Chicago personal injury attorney Whenever you need a Chicago personal injury attorney, turn to Willens Law Offices since it’s the only place you can get the best lawyers. We have the required experience and skills that will help us win your personal injury claim. You can relax, knowing that your case is in the good hands of capable experts. Our professionals are ready to go the extra mile to assist you to get fair compensation. We always put the needs of our customers above anything else. Additionally, our services are available at reasonable rates. Call us today for more information and let us schedule an appointment for you. A personal injury attorney in Chicago if you got into an accident that isn’t your fault, you need to hire a personal injury attorney in Chicago. it’s good to take your case to an experienced attorney to find out if you can get fair compensation. The majority of people involved in accidents want to pay for medical expenses. At Willens Law Offices, we can give you legal advice at a pocket-friendly price.…

American Progress The “American Progress” was painted just seven years after the end of the Civil War by John Gast. The image is a depiction of a feminine Columbine figure floating over the continent of America. The angelic lady carries a book in one hand a telegraph wire in the other. On the land, there is a vanguard of an advancing empire of coaches, trains, miners, horsemen, and wagons. One can also see a herd of bison and a fleet of ships in the distance. The people and the animals all seem to be fleeing as she approaches. The static image conveys a vivid message about the passage of time and the inevitability of technological advancement. Coming in the wake of the American Civil War, the image portrays a promotional sense of evolving spirit from the daily lives during that period. The floating feminine image portrays a protective and nurturing figure that guides the land in the new dispensation that sees immigrants gain more power. The people were quite industrious and had invested in what was considered the epitome of…

Steps To Prevent The Spread Of Corona At Home   The Coronavirus has caught us by surprise, and everyone is wondering what to do to stay healthy, especially this winter. It is a deadly virus spreading quickly in all parts of the world. So, what are you supposed to do to avoid getting infected with this virus? Many things can be done to curb the spread of this deadly virus, such as cleaning your home/workspace. Cleaning and disinfecting your home makes it more hygienic, creating an unfavourable environment for the bacteria to flourish. Living in such a home means you’re less vulnerable to colds and flu, therefore preventing the spread of COVID-19. Here is a home cleaning guide to preventing the spread of coronavirus:   Clean The Most Touched Surfaces in Your Home   The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a contagious disease that spreads from one person to another by getting into contact with an infected person’s respiratory droplets within a short-range. The virus can also be transmitted by touching an object or surface that contains the virus and…

Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia civilizations Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia civilizations had many similarities and differences. In this discussion, we will focus on the Sumerian kingdom from Mesopotamia and the neo kingdom Assyria. The social system in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt were very similar. The social system was in a pyramid form. The kings were at the top, followed by religious leaders such as the priests. In the middle, were business people, craftsmen, and scribes. The slaves and peasants in society occupied the lowest ranks. Political structure A council of elders governed the cities in Sumer. A war leader, lugal, was selected to lead the army in wars. The lugals eventually assumed power as kings and developed their dynasties. In ancient Egypt, the King was the lead administrator in the government and was supported by provincial governors. Both governments had a practice of consulting with the gods before major decision making. Military The Sumerians had poor strategic positions when it came to war. Their defenses only existed to the west and the south. They were, however, susceptible to attacks when a…

How to Find the Right Event Venue For you, as an individual, you can find it an overwhelming experience trying to choose an event venue for your upcoming event, most especially if it is one that involves business people. For you to host a successful event, you may need to do a lot of planning prior to the event. Planning an event can be a hard task for most people since it involves a lot of things from food, the entertainment that would keep the guests at the party. For that reason, it is common to find people getting help from event planning services for them to ensure that they see it through successfully.   Some people would decide to go through on their event planning on their own, and that may be okay too since you will not have to pay anyone any amount of money. If you are planning an event, one of the most important things that you need to look into first is the event venue. In most cases, people overlook the task of finding an…

How did the Civil War change the roles of southern women? In both the North and the South, women collected in aid societies, circulated petitions, and, at home, took over the tough duties of running the household rather than encounter low-paying, poor factory work or even prostitution; poorer women followed their husbands and their fathers to camp. Slave women also found protection in camps. The women were vulnerable to fear of war. They had to protect themselves and their families from rape, kill abduction from confederate raiders. Escaping from the camp was the most promising option. American Civil War dynamically changed the roles of women played in American society, if only for a short time. Gender roles were amended as even white, middle-class women stepped out, or were forced out, of their traditional private sphere.  They started performing some duties like running the household a duty that was previously performed by their husbands. On the battlefront, they bandaged wounds or fought side by side with men. Somewhere in between, one particular woman enchanted men with her femininity, bewitchingly betrayed them,…

Could it be that body fat has more to do with biological processes than personal choices? It is worth noting that for a long time, fat has been identified as the enemy as far as our health is concerned. Human beings have demonized fat as a cumbersome health risk describing overweight people as too gluttonous or even lazy to make healthy decisions. It is essential to realize that fat is life as it is one of the largest organs in the body that we cannot live without. However, most people think of it as an evil substance hence looking for ways to get rid of it. Fat is good, but the problem is, too much fat can kill someone slowly without even realizing it. It may result in illnesses such as diabetes (Robinson, 2020). The big question is, do we control our fats? As far as this is concerned, it is imperative to note that scientists are coming to understand fat as a dynamic organ and one whose size may have more to do with biological processes than personal choices.…

Personal Transformation Introduction Transformation takes place in different areas and entails going beyond what someone lives, co-creating a better lifestyle, and changing the way someone lives. In my narration, I switched from been lazy individuals to hardworking one, and admittedly, I gained good things at long last. Thesis statement I have lived in the social, educational, hardworking, and focused family. In some places, I have lived in a struggle for permanent improvement in the school. I like intelligent life but have not been involved in a matter which keeps our family better, like been hardworking.  I always admire the life of my father, who is a hardworking and wealthy man, but following his steps is a struggle since I like the short cuts. Transformation process I lived to admire to be the best in my class, but working hard for the good results has been a real struggle. When I was young, I used to feel I should top up in the class by working extra hard. However, the way my parents treated me, especially my father, made me take…

 causes of the civil war Introduction Civil war is a war that happens among people belonging to the same country. In the year 1861 to 1865, the Northern United States and the Southern United States. The was resolved but left unanswered questions among the citizens, such as whether there will be liberty and equality among the citizens. The following content will expand on the causes of the civil war. Some of the mentioned causes are such as industry vs. farming, state rights, expansion, slavery; issues surrounding Kansas; Abraham Lincoln and Secession. Main Body In the 1850s, the North part of America was transforming from farming to industrialization. in 1860, the south part of America was still agricultural and sold the highest amount of staple food in the world. however, as the years went, the southern part still lagged as they used the slaves for the labour required in the farms. They only had twenty-nine percent of the railroad tracks and thirteen percent of banks. During the production process, southern people used slaves in the farms while, on the contrary, the…

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