The origins and history of human Y chromosome   Figure 1: The 23 pairs of chromosomes in the human genome The human Y chromosome is fascinating not only for it harbors the major control gene that defines gender but also for the reason that of its rare evolutionary history (Soukup, pp 1967). The Y chromosome, therefore, evolved from an autosome, and its evolution has been regarded by enormous gene decay. In the human genome, there exist 23 pairs of chromosomes. In the 23 pair chromosomes, one pair of them is sexual chromosomes, which are also named allosomes, and the rest are called autosomes. Just as the names apply, a sexual chromosome can determine the human gender. The combination of allosomes is XY in male humans and is XX in female humans. However, when life initially appeared on earth, there was no sexual chromosome. At that time, sex determination all depended on the environment rather than genes. For instance, the sex development of reptiles such as snakes and turtles is reliable on the temperature of incubation. Over different lineages, from one…

History and Demographics of the Somali Immigrants in the US Somali-Americans constitute all the American citizens as well as residents who are born in or have ancestors from the Republic of Somalia. The Somali sailors were the first group of Somali immigrants to arrive in the US, settling in New York in the 1920s (Darboe, 2003). They were then followed by more Somali citizens in the 1970s. The outbreak of the Somali civil war in the 1990s saw the influx of more Somali immigrants into the US increase significantly. The Somali community living in the US is ranked among the largest community of Somalis in the world after Ethiopia, Djibouti, Yemen, Kenya, the Middle East, the UK, and Canada (Darboe, 2003). The twin cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis have the highest concentration of Somali immigrants in the US and are referred to as the Somali capital of the United States. According to the 2000 US census, the two cities have a population of about 60,000 people (Hobbs & Stoops, 2002). However, other sub-Saharan immigrants have also settled in Minnesota…

Romen History Status Of Women Question Option Two Generalizations on the status of women in the ancient world are always difficult, and never more so than in the case of Rome where theory and practice were often so far apart. Many Athenian men seem to have regarded their wives as at best essential inconveniences, but Roman men placed a very high value on marriage, home and the family, and this made quite a difference to society′s treatment of women. Did the value men placed on women affect the actual treatment of women in Roman society? Did Roman men ″talk the talk″ but fail to ″walk the walk′? In your response to this question, provide specific details on restrictions both legal and cultural placed on Roman women as well as the rights and privileges they experienced. [unique_solution]The exam must be 6-7 pages in length, double-spaced, numbered, include 1 inch margins, use 12 point Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman, and include a cover page that identifies who you are, the title of the course, the name of your instructor, and state…

how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment This assignment will help you understand your personality type. Through this assignment, you will analyze how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, research about personality types. Note: You can use the following link to access the online assessment: Jung Typology Test Based on your research and understanding, write a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document that: Integrates how your specific personality type can enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care environment. Explains all four aspects of your personality gleaned from the assessment. Includes 2- to 3-journal article references. Use this APA Citation Helper as a convenient reference for properly citing resources. This handout will provide you the details of formatting your essay using APA style. You may create your essay in this APA-formatted template.[unique_solution] This assignment will help you understand your personality type. Through this assignment, you will analyze how your specific personality type…

Pushing the World Forward This article gives an in-depth analysis on how the advancement in technology looks to push the world forward through fast and efficient cross-border communication. The article explains the push for a 5G network that will revolutionize how people live and do business. Most notably, the article brings to light how technology has transformed most countries such that the citizens from different countries or rather from different cultural borders have been transformed into global citizens who are connected by instant communication. Most importantly, however, the article further explains how the incorporation of the 5G network in the coming days will promote efficient communication among countries, and this will benefit developing countries as well. The article discusses that students in developing countries, for example, will access training and reading materials in real-time regardless of their physical location. This, therefore, presumably translates that with technology at hand, cross-border communication will be more efficient and time-saving. By developing cultural sensitivity and careful encoding, technology can be easily used to manage cross-cultural and cross-border communication. In most countries, such as India,…

COMPARE AND CONTRAST THE BAROQUE AND CLASSICAL PERIOD Introduction “Music” as the Oxford Dictionary defines it, is “an instrumental or vocal sound merged together in a way to produce beautiful forms of harmony, and expression of emotion.”  Arousing emotions and then treating them is indubitably very important feature of any form of music, but the way in which emotions are expressed has greatly changed[1]. All through the Baroque era (c. 1600 – 1750) artists tried to involve some specific emotions which extremely fascinated the listeners, while throughout the Classical era (c. 1750-1825) musicians sought maintain a balance of emotions[2]. As a result of the difference between the artistic movements over the two eras, emotions, which is a very critical part of music, was conveyed differently between the two periods, Baroque and Classical.                                            Brief history of Baroque music Music during Baroque period is distinctly characterized by its tone of development, the use of ornamentation in very elaborate ways, use of reckoned bass, and expressions which targeted just a single affection[3]. A philosophical feature that molded baroque music was its interest…



MOBILE MALWARE Mobile adware is malicious software that targets mobile phones, launching an attack on the cell device or wireless-enabled Personal Digital Assistants (PDA), triggering the machine to crash and leading to destruction or leakage of sensitive information. Most mobile adware, also known as madwares, intend to gather data from the phone to spam you with ads. Most often, this occurs within a web browser. Typically, madwares have an underhanded approach to either disguise themselves as legitimates, or to get you to run them on your mobile phone through piggyback on another system. If it is successful, the madware can carry out all sorts of unnecessary activities. The features of the software can be programmed to determine the location and which websites you visit and then present advertising pertinent to the types of good or services featured there. In order to remedy the infection of a madware in a mobile device, you need to regularly clear cache from the web browser’s settings, and then restart the web browser. If advertisements still pop up even after clearing the web browser’s data,…

Luxury brand elements The elements of a luxury brand can be first derived from the elements of luxury. Similar to today, luxury has initially been an elitist and rewarding practice (Chevalier & Mazzalovo, 2008, p.24). Kapferer and Bastein, (2012), give the ancient Egyptian civilization as an example (p.16). This civilization had two ever-present aspects of luxury; great splendour and pomp during life, and a highly ceremonial approach to the afterlife. Because luxury was mainly left for the rich, it was critiqued as pointless. On the other hand, others saw it as a powerful driver of artistry and technical discoveries. Even today, luxury divides and unites at the same time. However, the banner of brands provides the distinction between different types of luxury as there is no luxury without brands. According to Wilcox et al., (2009), Luxury brands represent social and cultural meanings that customers use to meet their social goals. Due to this symbolic meaning, there is an emphasis on psychological benefits rather than functional benefits, a feature that distinguishes luxury brands from non-luxury brands (Becker, 2018). As Kapferer and…

Measuring Performance and Rewarding for Sustainability Nokia Organization Nokia reward programs acknowledge employees based on individual, team, and company performance (“Nokia CR Report”, 2018). The individual and company performance is taken into account in several ways: First is the cash incentive plans. Close to 95 per cent of the professional employees, participate in short-term incentive, production bonus plans and sales incentive. Secondly, the Nokia connecting people bonus is targeted at employees who are not senior employees with equity, or sales employees with direct revenue responsibilities. Thirdly, the equity programs where a wide number of employees in many levels of the organization are eligible for nomination to receive an equity grant. The equity incentive program is selective and focuses on rewarding achievement and retaining critical talent. The equity compensation program has two main broad-based elements, that is performance shares and stock options. Both long term –incentive instruments are tied to the performance of the organization. As a healthy company, it provides space for employee growth and development, which is a significant contributing factor to the overall wellbeing of the company, which…

Security and Privacy Factors that affect the Implementation of the Internet of Things Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) is a developing paradigm, which incorporates electronic devices with detecting and computing aptitude into the Internet to attain intellectual processing and enhanced control. In a connected globe via IoT, where intersected devices are spreading to all facets of people’s lives, for instance, homes, offices, and value infrastructures, individuals have been empowered to undertake their activities in ways that have never been witnessed before. Nonetheless, as IoT transforms potentials in environment, civilization, and economy, resulting in remarkable benefits, the development also leads to significant security and privacy concerns such as personal information discretion and protected communication and computation. Hypothetically, when everything is connected, everything is at risk. Therefore, this research will address privacy and security concerns associated with IoT devices that affect their implementation. Literature Review Information systems have been exposed to numerous threats over time. According to research conducted by Ponemon, the average costs of a data breach to an organization rose from $3.52 million in 2014 to $3.79 million in…

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