major components of suicide prevention List of Questions:   What are the major components of suicide prevention?   Do not leave the person alone. Get help as soon as possible.   Do not promise anyone that you will keep their suicidal thoughts a secret.   Tell a trusted friend/family member or someone whom you feel comfortable   What are the statistics and demographic of suicides?   What are the most common methods of suicides?   Who is more prone to commit suicide?   Close to 800,000 people die due to suicide each year   Ingestion of pesticide, hanging and firearms are among the most common methods[unique_solution]   10th leading cause of death in the US for all ages   44,965 Americans die by suicide each year   Suicide does not discriminate. People of all genders, ages, and ethnicities can be at risk.   Men are more likely to die by suicide than women, but women are more likely to attempt to suicide.   Why do people become suicidal?   Suicide is a complex issue involving numerous factors and should not…

a hobby, a phenomenon, a current event, or just something that you are curious about Role/Writer’s Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find the answer to a question that would require research. Your question can relate to your major, a hobby, a phenomenon, a current event, or just something that you are curious about. Whatever the case may be it is a quest for knowledge—an exploration for truth. Audience: Someone who is unfamiliar with your topic and would also want to gain the knowledge that you have acquired on the subject. Genre: Formal analytical research writing. Course objective: Synthesize ideas from a variety of sources. Integrate inquiry-based research into writing processes. Produce analytic texts that effectively address different rhetorical situations.[unique_solution]   Task: Write a 1500 word (minimum) essay relating your findings (the answer that you found to your question and the research that supports that answer). You should choose a topic that you are unfamiliar with so that you may find out something new and come to a greater understanding of your topic. You should not choose a…

Jazz History/Collections/Oral History Use the web links below to write a 2 page essay (MLA format) on ONE style of Jazz you choose. You may choose from Ragtime, New Orleans Jazz (also known as Traditional or Dixieland Jazz), Swing Music, Bebop, Jazz-Rock/Fusion, or Jazz style that is universally accepted by Jazz historians. You may also use the course textbook, other texts, and other online resources. Just be sure to use quotations for material you copy and identify any resources that you use. See the other file on the Brightspace (D2L) Assignment page about the technical aspects of writing an essay and other guidelines.   Jazz History/Collections/Oral History   One of the premiere sources for any type of history, the Smithsonian resources cover a wide range of Jazz History. Notable are the recordings of oral histories by important jazz performers, composers, etc.[unique_solution]   Red Hot Jazz Archive   This brief history of New Orleans Jazz features composer biographies and sound files, with links to related resources for further research.     Scholastic: Culture and Change – Black…

my personal views about Nightly Business Report Introduction Nightly Business Report is a show about business and finance that have been running for decades. My perception of NBR is that it tries to explain to the ordinary people what is going on in the business world, and how such affairs are affecting the economy and people’s lives. This analysis reveals my personal views about NBR. Favorite TV show My favorite TV shows are documentaries. Top on the list is Secret Lives of the Super Rich and American Greed. I love these programs since they depict the lives of people who have made it in life and how their lifestyles are. Some have “made it” using dubious means, and when they are exposed, their lifestyle changes overnight. There are many differences between my two favorite TV programs and NBR. First, my favorite TV shows are about the lives of people, while NBR is about business and markets, both in America and internationally. The focus is on the individual vs. international business. Also, the people interviewed in the two shows are entirely…

Philadelphia History: Architecture and Planning   PAPER #3: RESEARCH PAPER: TAKE A POSITION ON TOPIC   ASSIGNMENT: Using the building/site from your Paper #2, write a research paper with a thesis taking a position about the topic. You may be explaining the architecture, the reason for the form or style of the architecture, or the link to the social, political, and neighborhood contexts in which it was created, depending upon your topic and the approach that you want to take. Exercise critical thinking in your research and writing; do not just report facts (what we have done primarily in the first two papers). (Make any material from Paper #2 work with your Paper #3, editing as needed. You may need to change voice or writing perspective also.) LENGTH: 1200-1500 words of text. USE: 12 POINT TYPE.   PAPER: Organize your paper as follows:   THESIS STATEMENT: Begin with a thesis statement. Take a position concerning your topic. Building has some   issues that may guide this statement, as will your experience of the place when you visited it. You will…

personal statement for an MBA program I need to write a personal statement for an MBA program I am a business owner of private clinic and I have a medical background: M.Sc in Communication disorder. I need the MBA to be able to manage my business more strategically the personal sttament should contains the following 3-parts if possible A- Reasons and intentions of studying the MBA program: 1-I have a private rehabilitation clinics that I want to improve my knowledge and experience on how to manage it better. 2-my father own a company and I am one of the board members and I would like a business background to improve my participation in the company in terms of management, finance and accounting and hopefully working in it full time B-Reason for selecting Prince Sultan University for studying the program. [unique_solution]C- about me 1- I have a M.Sc degree in speech language pathology from Howard university, D.C, so this is a huge step for me and a huge career shift 2- I work full time at governmental hospital 3- I run…

THE BIG FIVE PERSONALITY TRAITS Name Affiliation     Personality percentage Open-mindedness- 17% Conscientiousness- 71% Extraversion- 34% Agreeableness- 6% Neuroticism- 50% One sentence analysis Openness- you prefer traditional and familiar experiences Conscientiousness- you are well organized and very reliable Extraversion- you tend to shy away from social situations Agreeableness- you find it easy to criticize others Neuroticism- you aren’t particularly nervous, nor calm Comments I agree with the openness personality outcome since I tend to be closed to experience, thus developed to have a conventional and traditional outlook in my behaviors. I have found myself prefer familiar routines rather than experiencing new experiences due to my narrow range of interests. Besides, I agree with the conscientiousness personality outcome because my personal organization is commendable, thus find myself articulating things on time. As a result, I have developed myself as a reliable individual in every task I undertake. However, I tend to disagree with extraversion personality outcomes since I never tend to primarily focus on self. Also, it is rare for me to be pre-occupied with thoughts of myself. I have…

how Europeans treated Africans or the Natives of the places they settled Racism is constructed socially and historically. The society has come up with their perspectives, myths, and misconceptions regarding races that place one race at a higher advantage over another. Other constructions are historical through how Europeans treated Africans or the Natives of the places they settled. Racialized and Indigenous women have experienced some effects from racism. The white hegemony in Canada has been constructed through the subordination of racialized others. In Afua’s work, a lot has been revealed about what used to happen to black slaves. Slavery was legalized in British and French Canada. The Europeans had settled in new places that they intended to colonize, like Canada. They began to bring captives from Africa because they thought they would withstand slavery, contrary to native Canadians292. The Africans were brought so that they could provide free labor for the Europeans. As a result, the black slaves were looked at as inferiors held captive and could not have their way. This placed the Europeans above them by virtue of…

Manager’s strategies on waste prevention and reduction Waste prevention is the act of using less material to get a job done. To ensure waste prevention and reductions, managers should employ the following strategies: Managers should establish waste prevention programs. The role of these programs will be targeting to educate employees on different methods to ensure waste prevention and reduction. These programs will also ensure employees have a clear perception of what is meant by waste prevention, as some may not have a clear perception of what is meant by waste prevention and reduction. By establishing these programs, the employees will be able to understand the various method of waste prevention, for example, reduction reusing and recycling. Managers should develop waste prevention and reduction policies. This strategy will ensure the organization has policies that guide the employees’ performance on waste prevention and reduction (Johansson, & Corvellec, 2018). These policies may include certain materials that should be reused in the company before they are dumped. The plans also may consist of some products or materials that should be ordered from the recycled…

how catholic churches built western civilization In the contemporary world today, western civilization has been a miracle to the modern society in the sense that it has brought about science, security, free economic market, the rule of law, education, human rights and freedom, music, and art among other advancements. Most of our classical antiquities today are preserved to make sure that our historical perception stays intact, thus making people believe that western civilization originated from Rome and Greece. However, according to Thomas E. Woods, Jr (), catholic churches played an essential role in making western civilization a success. In this regard, this paper talks about how catholic churches built western civilization thus involving, Catholicism, light in the darkness, origins of international laws, church and the university, science, architecture, economics. And western morality. Also, Monks saving civilization and a world without God. The aspects mentioned above depict how the church built a western culture at large. For instance, concerning light in the darkness, the analogy shows that the catholic churches were eager to drive away from the dark ages of worshipping…

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