Conflict and Negotiation in the Workplace     Conflict: process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party.   Is Conflict Good or Bad? Pre 1970s View Historically, experts viewed conflict as dysfunctional ◦ Undermined relations ◦ Wasted human energy ◦ More job dissatisfaction, turnover, stress ◦ Less productivity, information sharing 1970s to 1990s – belief in an optimal level of conflict Some conflict is good because: ◦ Energizes debate ◦ Re-examine assumptions ◦ Improves responsiveness to external environment ◦ Increases team cohesion   Emerging View: Task Versus Relationship Conflict Constructive (task-oriented) conflict • Parties focus on the issue while maintaining respect for people having other points of view. • Try to understand the logic and assumptions of each position Relationship conflict • Parties focus on personal characteristics (not issues) as the source of conflict. • Try to undermine each other’s worth/competence • Accompanied by strong negative emotions (drive to defend)   Is Conflict Good or Bad? Emerging View Goal: encourage constructive conflict, minimize relationship conflict Problem: difficult to separate constructive…

    Personal Development I believe that tertiary education is an opportunity for every individual to grow into their career while incorporating the societal aspect of equality, respect, and hard work. As an individual, obtaining a university degree is the pathway for my career development. The institutions of higher learning offer a platform where I can grow into the person I want to be in the future. These institutions provide a platform where people get to extend their connections. These connections help when expanding a career because a person will have many options to consider. Equality is a key element in life. Today’s society is shaped such that every individual strives to have their own sources of income, employment, and other benefits without considering others. As an individual, getting to the top should always involve other people of similar mindsets. Therefore, when interacting with anyone, I should be considerate of their welfare. Having such a heart requires a daily devotion to a disciplined life. Respect is a vital aspect in life as one interacts with others in the society. It…

The emergence of Civilization in River Valleys A river culture or a river valley civilization entails an agricultural nation or a civilization located alongside and drawing sustenance from a river (Paine, 2014). The notion of civilization involves a society with extended perpetual settlement featuring specialization of labor, urban development, centralized organization, social satisfaction, and written or another proper way of communication. The presence of a river offers the residents a reliable water source for agriculture and domestic use. Moreover, a stream presents additional advantages such as the opportunity for fishing, increased fertility of soil as a result of annual flooding, and ease of transportation. Notably, most of the first civilizations occurred in river banks. The most common examples include the ancient Egyptians that were found along the Nile, the Mesopotamians in the fertile crescent of Euphrates/Tigris rivers, the Ancient India of the Indus, and the Ancient Chinese of the Yellow River. Specifically, Mesopotamia emerged to be one of the eldest major ancient civilizations having states that had exceedingly developed social complexity. The essay investigates why Tigris and the Euphrates rivers…

  Personal Philosophy Statement I believe higher education is the center of knowledge. Throughout history higher learning institutions have made significant contributions in the growth of economy and development through promoting innovation and higher skills. However, all through history women and African-American have struggled to secure places in affluent University such as the University of Georgia. Apart from the two the University has faced its own challenges. Some of the challenges include racial discrimination, gender inequality, lack of streamlined curriculum, and financial constraints. I believe any learning institution should have a place where students are able to grow socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically. Students should be in an environment that fosters risk-taking ad supports sharing of ideas. There are two elements I believe to establish such an environment; respects for all people and allowing the natural curiosity of a student to direct his/her learning. Similarly, significant to self-discovery, is getting the chance to learn and study things that are important to the life and interest of someone.  Therefore, establishing a curriculum centering on interests of students promotes inherent motivation and…

Top reaons to attend the event planner expo in 2020 Evenet planner expo   Attending an expo provide the event planner an opportunity to enfgange and interrrct with key player in the industry. The expos provide manay advangtes compard to any kind of marketing. The events are organizsed the biggets playe uin the event planning industry, to share ideas with other businesss. From the ideas that are gained from the business, the event plannerts can use them to expoand and plan their business.   Expo provide the event planners with a chance to create their brand awareness. In the expo, the busiess are provided with an opporuinty to exhibt their businsss. If the event planner do the exhibtiojn in the right way, their brand will stand out. When you present something unique during the expose, you will attrct new people who didn’t know about your brand.   By attending an expo, an event planner get a chance to communicate directly to the market. it is vital to note that these expos are only targeted to a particular audience. You will…

Horizontal jumps Abstract A series of horizontal jumps made by the experienced male athlete was recorded with a piezoelectric force plate (PFP) and velocity using a high-speed video camera. The velocity range of the athlete was obtained by using both electromyography (EMG) and direct intervention by setting the length of run-up. During this humping period, the horizontal velocity was considerably decreased at the point of take-off. The breaking impulse of the athlete was found to be increasing with an increase in velocity. However, the take-off technique was varied between the desires of generating vertical impulse and reducing the horizontal breaking impulse. The main objective study was, therefore, to correlate the effect of knee joint with take-off force. Keywords: Long Jump, take-off force, take-off velocity, take-off technique, and take-off impulse and electromyography   Introduction The distance covered by an athlete in a long-jump race depends directly on the velocity at the end of run-up. However, to maximize run-up velocity, the athlete needs to produce enough energy during take-off to enables them thrush forward with high take-off velocity. The athlete needs to…

The role of nurses in the prevention of cardiovascular Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in the United States. Patients with diabetes are at an increased risk for complications related to cardiovascular disease. The costs associated with vascular disorders are enormous. Researchers have been working to come up with strategies to prevent vascular conditions, and the results have proved to be both practical and cost-efficient. Health professional teams have succeeded in ensuring the prevention of Cardiovascular. Nurse-directed management can positively change the prevention of cardiac and vascular diseases if used appropriately. Nurses are the best health care experts for directing the risk reduction group for cardiovascular disease and for delivering multifactorial risk reduction. The article I chose is about the content authentication study of the nursing interventions aimed at preventing cardiovascular events in patients with diabetes. According to the report, nurses play an essential role in cardiovascular prevention, but their contribution is difficult to measure. This is probably because the best nursing interventions are yet to be established. Through documentation of the information, nurses will be able…

Major Historical Event Project Since its establishment, the University of Georgia has had great impacts both in the state and nationally. The university’s core mission was to educate young people from Georgia State, which it has accomplished. The institution has fostered a culture of leadership in the state. Alumni from this institution left a mark on Georgia. For instance, Augustin Smith Clayton, who graduated in 1804, was a US Congressman who diligently served the country (Hatfield, 2017). In addition, there have been governors, senators, and other leaders who were proud alumni of the University of Georgia. The institution has positively impacted the society and contributed to social change through ardent leadership. UGA informed today’s higher learning by influencing student’s demographics, curriculum deliver, and completion. University of Georgia has shaped higher education by increasing the number of students’ enrolment from minority groups. This learning institution was a pathway to achieve educational independence (Chiles, 2016). UGA has the best professors in the state which places it at the top on everyone’s preference (Hatfield, 2017). Despite the white student majority, minority groups have…

Personal Response and Research Essay Select one work that we have read in class (short story, play, or poem) this semester that has particularly appealed to you, either because of its subject matter, theme, location, characters, or other aspect. Briefly summarize it and then explain why it appeals to you. As part of your explanation, look for information about the author and the conditions under which the work was created. Include information about the author and the general response to the work in addition to your own response. In your essay you should discuss the following topics in this order: 1 The work you want to write about (title, author), including a brief summary/description of the work 2 Background of the author, including the reason that the work was written (if known) 3 The general reception that the work has had[unique_solution] 4 Your response to the work (this will probably be the longest section of the paper) The essay will be four to five pages long. Be sure the follow standard organizational pattern: introduction (including purpose statement and blueprint statement); body (there…

Price control of either good or service is a government’s function that involves setting a minimum and a maximum price of a commodity or a service. In many healthcare organizations, hospitals make and maintain huge returns as a result of offering their services at high prices. Hospitals have consolidated through mergers and acquisitions, and as a result, market power for few health organizations have significantly increased their competitive advantage such that they can charge high prices for their services without losing the customers. However, the pricing of health services varies with the geographical area where health organizations are located. Although health care organizations may charge high prices, the prices usually do not reflect the quality of services that they provide but instead mask inefficiencies within the health system. That is why the government needs to control prices and ensure citizens are not exploited. Government control in the health system refers to maximum and minimum expenditure that federal or state government sets to spend by Medicare beneficiaries. Both utilization and regional costs determine the amount that the government sets for Medicare…

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