Personal statement. One of my achievements is that of being a role model for my child, and this is despite the fact that I am a single mother. I have been able to inspire my child always to work hard, and this is seen in his efforts in school. The other achievement that I have been able to attain is closely follow on my kid’s progress in school. In this case, I visited my child’s school and had a conversation with teachers about his performance. What I was able to achieve, in this regard, was to see my child get the best grades. However, the performance can also be attributed to my input, and this is despite the fact that I have been able to face disability in coaching the kid in the evening after school. I did not have anyone to support me in this, and this is by the virtue that I was a single parent. On the other hand, I have been able to be part of various activities. One of these is being a counsellor to…

Personal Philosophy of Nursing             Beyond the influence of my uncle who is a successful and experienced nurse, I realized after repeated self-assessment tests that I love bringing happiness to families and individuals. I always have an urge to comfort and support people who are suffering physically, emotionally and psychologically. I always yearn to get opportunities to save lives. I chose the nursing profession since it provides me with the opportunity to fulfill the above interests and responsibilities. This paper contains my nursing philosophy. Core and Focus of Nursing In my view, the core of nursing is to combine and apply all the necessary knowledge, techniques, and skills in the promotion of health and overall wellbeing of individuals, groups, and communities. The focus of nursing is to provide patients with the highest possible quality of care. The core of nursing is demonstrated through research, the establishment of channels and facilities for care and treatment of patients, and a combination of knowledge from different disciplines that are eventually applied in the process of improving and maintaining good health. The focus is…

Personal Interview Essay Example College Essay MT: Personal Interview Essay Example College Essay MD: The essential interview preparation tips; how to write a compelling personal statement and cover letter that will make you stand out at the Interview. H1: Interview Preparation Tips for College Students College students encounter many problems when structuring essays on various topics. Interviews play a significant role in a student’s success after completing their college studies. A personal statement is a precise paragraph at the beginning of a CV with a word count of 200-250. Personal accounts are used by applicants to summarize their educational background, skills, and experiences. Most employees use the personal statement to consider their preferred candidate for the vacancy without going through the entire CV. Below are the standard requirements for a personal statement: It should have at least 200 words Academic background Relevant work experiences Skills and specialization H2: How to Prepare for the Actual Interview Interview essays give students a significant platform for practicing before they go for a sitting interview with their ideal employer. However, some students forget these…

Japanese history Sakoku In simple terms, Sakoku refers to a closed country (Jansen, 79). It was a policy initiated by the Tokugawa Shogunate, also known as Edo Bakufu (A Japanese military government), limiting Japan from external contact. This started between 1633 and 1639 and was in effect until 1854 when America forced the opening of Japan to American and hence western trade through a series of treaties. Under the Sakoku policy, Christianity was banned, and nearly all diplomatic and trade relations with other nations were prohibited under this policy. That is, most foreign countries were not allowed into Japan for any purpose. Yamaga Soko He was a Japanese military strategist and philosopher. Yamaga Soko was born on September 21, 1622, and died on October 23, 1685. He played a crucial role in defining the role and missions of the Samurai or the Shido during the Tokugawa Shogunate. In particular, he described the code of conduct for the Samurai, also known as Bushido (code of warriors). He also encouraged the use of both martial and profound intellectual training by the Samurai.…

Case Analysis – Subsequent Event Disclosure             The assessment of purchasing orders enabled auditors to discover that one worker of a client had used three of the customer’s POs to obtain merchandise for personal gains. The POs had led to a potential loss to Express Inc. The analytical data procedure, in this case, would require auditors to use the data of the company’s revenue trends, information on invoices, and other details regarding the three transactions to address this issue effectively (Groomer & Murthy, 2018). The information on these items will enable the auditor’s trace and discover deviations, inconsistencies, and patterns that lead to the anomalies in the firm’s transactions. Data analytics entail software such as Sisense, looker Zoho Analytics, Yellowfin, IBM Watson, and Domo, among others. This software accesses the information from the above-listed data for effective auditing (Jeyapaul, Panchal & Lillie, 2016). Besides curbing further loses, the data analytics will help Express Inc. to protect its clients from POs fraud.  This aspect will enhance the customer’s trust in the firm.  On this point, it is essential for the firm…

Ableist History Language has such great power such it has the potential of bringing people together in addition to enriching their relationships. However, it can language can also isolate people who do not speak it properly. Effective use of language and good word choice allows people to communicate an exact idea from a person to the other or a group of people (Storey, 2007). Having this mind, people within the society should pay close attention to words they use in communication before using them, whether in their daily life or an individual’s professional life. An example of such a word is insane. Insane is the most commonly used word in identification as well as bias and discrimination against persons with disabilities. A language that is unpleasant to people with disabilities is referred to as an ableist language. It can as well be referred to as a language that is offensive, insulting, or undesirable about disability. Ableism, on the other hand, is the general segregation and oppression of those with a disability, in most cases displayed and reinforced through language. It…

critical summary thesis to make an argument The story of “The tower of the elephant” by Howard, is a land that is separated by the poor and the rich. Somewhat similar to the world we currently live in but detailed enough to separate from reality. Howard argues in “the tower of the Elephant, “the representations of heroism, villainy, masculinity, femininity.   Heroism has been represented in the “the tower of the Elephant” through the main character Conan. However, Conan was never at any time intended to be a classic hero. Howard has used Conan stories purposely to ruminate his ideas of civilization versus barbarism. Conan was an outsider who was a barbarian entering in a civilized world. The position of being a stranger offers Conan an exceptional perspective based on the lands that he travels through and to his outsider’s view and finds means of manipulating situations to his advantage. His reasons are highly immature as he runs off stealing the jewel, saying, “I will show them!” since he felt that he was ridiculed. The short stories, “the tower of…

LaDonna Reflection            Sexual harassment and other forms of discrimination have been reported in many companies in the United States, including Allied at the JFK International Airport. I believe it is unfortunate that lawsuits have been filed against Allied because some women employees have been subjected to various forms of sexual harassment. Securing an audience with Steve, the CEO of Allied, will allow me to understand the facts about these allegations and also give my opinion on the way forward for Allied. The first thing I would want to know from Steve would be his position on the previous and ongoing lawsuits against Allied. Being the CEO of Allied, he has a better understanding of the status of these cases against Allied and the specific accusations against the company. While it is unfortunate that these incidences have occurred at Allied, it is equally important to understand the facts and the measures taken by the company to punish the perpetrators. I would specifically want to know from Steve the preliminary actions taken by Allied to bring justice to the victims. This…

The Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm – (Car Accidents) Defective Car Door Latch There are many ways a vehicle occupant can get injured in a car. Following an accident, the doors of a vehicle are supposed to protect the occupants from getting out of the car and getting more injured. If door latches are not working well, they often fly open following an impact. This, as a result, will lead to occupants being ejected from the vehicle and causing them to get more significant injuries. When one buys a car, they trust that the auto engineers were careful enough to ensure that every component in the vehicle works well. When these components are poorly designed or defective, they can fail when they are needed most to function. During an investigation into the cause of an accident, the cause of injuries suffered is also taken into account. Some injuries can be enhanced when the car door latch is defective, causing the accident victim to be thrown out of the car. Injuries, as a result, can be more significant than if the…

growing trend toward watching much more television in the children’s world In recent years, there has been a growing trend toward watching much more television in the children’s world; therefore, it could be hard to spend more time on active or creative things. This essay will give some significant reasons behind this trend and what plausible solutions should be taken. It is conspicuous that children spend much more time on television programs for certain reasons. First, since the process of urbanization, children are facing a lack of entertainment areas in almost cities and urban areas. If children could find more spaces to play around where they live with peers, they would diminish their time on unhelpful programs on television. Second, many programs nowadays become more attractive in terms of either content or graphics, thereby children are more into watching TV programs than they did in the past. One of the striking examples is that some moving pictures of the “Doremon” film attract millions of children around the world, sticking their eyes into TV. Some needed solutions should be taken to…

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