The significance of the Civil War and how it changed American history The significance of the Civil War Civil War was initiated by the differences that were present between the United States of America (Northerners) and the Confederate States of America (Southerners). The main difference that propagated this War was the conflicting opinions between the two states on the concept of slavery (Reid, 2014). As a result, it has a vast significance in America, and it also changed American history significantly. Civil War brought about a drastic change in technology. This resulted from the many inventions that came to life, especially the development of new and modern weapons. Some of the designs included the development of the machine gun, the use of a submarine that could capsize a warship, and the employment of aerial observation through the use of balloons (Grant & Parish, (Eds.), 2003). Also, the Civil War resulted in the expansion of democracy in America. Due to the disagreement between the Northerners and Southerners on the fate of slavery in America, Congress initiated the thirteenth amendment to ensure…

existence of lack of fit between what people consciously believe and what people were it was officially Outline of the main thesis The articulation of moral ontology can prove difficult and controversial as the subject is debatable and can be argued in different facets. Therefore, whether one has a secular or theistic foundation rarely comes up only in certain unique controversies, for example, on abortion (Taylor, 1989). A gap has remained unexplored regarding the background. This paper seeks to argue on the existence of lack of fit between what people consciously believe and what people were it was officially including their believing and, on the other hand, the need to make sense of their moral reactions. There is a proposal by some naturalists to treat as irrelevant all moral ontologies stories without validity while they continue to argue themselves about fit objects and the appropriate reactions. Outline and explanation of the main arguments This paper argues that the whole question and idea about morality have various ontological accounts and cannot be dissected on just one side. Our deepest moral instincts…

Personal Reflection;Understanding Sustainability The course has been an integral learning point in increasing knowledge of sustainability. I have learned the overall meaning of sustainability within the business context, and the different approaches used to explain sustainability. I have learned that sustainability on the ability of a business to meets its present needs compromising on its future needs. Within the ecological understanding, it is perceived as the overall endpoint of all human efforts that can be measured and explained in scientific terms. Sustainable development, on the other hand, encompasses all the activities and entities undertake to ensure they do not hurt the environment. CSR is, therefore, all the economic and social benefits that a business offers the society to meet its overall objective of sustainability. There is conflict, however, behind the ideas of CSR. The idea behind CSR, however, conflicts with business because business is all about making money. CSR, on the other hand, is all about giving back a portion of the money the business has made to the community. This defeats the purpose of business. Some argue that CSR…

Personality Test             A personality test refers to the assessment method for the personality constructs making a human being. Personality tests are crucial in giving great insight into the true nature of an individual. The definition of personality is obtained from the ability of an individual to interact with the world and the people around them. Personality is also defined according to the way an individual can bounce back after tragic events maybe due to relationship problems or feelings. I recently undertook two personality tests; “who am I” test and a persona bubble online to assess my personality. “Who am I” is a visual DNA test that gives a lot of fun and is useful in assessing the personality of an individual. The test helps in knowing more about oneself and can help one to live a life that is free from unnecessary friction and full of happiness. Although the test is capable of uncovering qualities that an individual is unhappy with, information is given concerning the things that need to be changed. The questions asked in the test are…

What was Bacon’s Rebellion such a significant event in colonial America? 1) What was Bacon’s Rebellion such a significant event in colonial America? And how does Takaki’s argument about the “giddy multitude” as he called it carry over to one of his larger arguments in the book? 2) Slavery is part of the fabric of the American continent dating back to 1619 in the English colonies. It was written in to the founding legal document of the United States and would remain legal for the nation′s first eight decades. Yet there appears to have been some discomfort with the institution, even by some of those who practiced it and benefited from it the most. ″Founding Fathers″ Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are such an example. How and why did they struggle with the issue of slavery and how were their objections different from those of abolitionists like Oladuh Equiano, William Lloyd Garrison, or Frederick Douglass? franklin jefferson.jpg 3) In what ways did the Market Revolution and the rise of “King Cotton” contribute the changes in the United States including the…

Current Event Essay Among the main events happening today is the indictment of former K-Pop star Lee Seung-Hyun for charges of prostitution and habitual gambling. K-pop star groups are one of the few South Korea boys band to make it to a worldwide front. He was accused among other things on securing prostitutes for hire by VIPs and also rape which goes against the constitution. He acknowledged his guilt over the allegations and quit the music band when the investigations came to light while offering an apology to everyone he might have hurt with his actions. “He posted in his Instagram account that he cannot continue causing more harm to people around him as he is being criticized public and treated as a national enemy” (Hoolingsworth, & Seo, 2019). The issue of the indictment of this star has affected and will continue to change his career in the music industry. This case won’t affect Seung-Hyun alone but the whole boy’s band as the fans and public hating them and criticizing them over the actions of one of them. This criminal…

The personal response paper Dr. Michel Aaij ENG 2530/2600 Response papers The personal response paper is to be at least two full pages, double spaced, stapled, 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1” margins. In this paper, you will respond to a text we’ve read in class and analyze that response. Mind you, this response need to go well beyond “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it”–and certainly do not write something like “I believe that Oedipus was not a nice guy.” “I believe” is a statement that usually does not give any belief; usually it just masks a semianalytical statement. In fact, here’s what I want you to do. In the first paragraph, you will situate the text–discuss its paper (time and place), its author (if known; if not known, discuss), its place in (literary) history, and its possible intent. End that first paragraph with an argumentative thesis, a thesis that makes a point about your response.[unique_solution] Then, in the body, respond by evaluating your reading of the text–you may like it, you may disagree with its message while…

FULLER’S “WHAT IF” APPROACH TO CREATE NEW HISTORY OF ARAB WORLD Introduction Fuller query what can be used to best explain the conflict in civilizations that western advocates filled with Christian enthusiasm who marches under the popes blessings to “liberate the Holy Lands from the infidel Muslims” quoted from Fullers book entitled “a world without Islam” and he goes onwards to argue from the same book that “religion was really the backdrop, the popular narrative, the justification of what was a powerful geopolitical move by the West”. Therefore if the Ottoman Turks were Christians they would have not been attacked which is illustrated in the following quote from the same book “Greek Byzantium, a rich and weakened state” and “little more than pious pretext for imperial expansion” depicting that if Tamils were Buddhists then the history of the Arab world would take a different context. The religious fundamentals are divine oriented even though religion is human implicating that there is the difference in doctrines relating to communion with aspects of Buddha and other forms of worship which consist of rituals,…

Psychology of Personality Operant Conditioning Introduction B.F. Skinner is regarded as the father of Operant Conditioning (McLeod, 2018), who based his work on Edward L. Thorndike’s Law of Effect. Skinner championed the laboratory study on the Law of Effect and applied it to the study of human condition and its attendant problems (Bolles, 1979). Skinner argued that most behavior is controlled by its consequences; he invented an apparatus for observing effects of consequences, advocates a technology of behavior control and believed that everyday views about the cause of behavior were an obstacle to its true understanding. (Piotrowski, 2005, p. 711) Skinner starts out by underlining the distinction between Classical and Instrumental conditioning. In Classical Conditioning, is animals behavior is elicited by the CS; the salivation appears to be set off from outside, thus justifying the reflex analogy to some extent. But in Instrumental Conditioning, the organism appears to be less at the mercy of external stimulation.  Its reactions seem to come from within, as if they were what we normally call voluntary. The best way to describe such instrumental reactions…

theories about the Bronze Age history Which of the theories about the Bronze Age history seems more plausible to you? Why? Based on the evidence presented in the readings, I believe that there was not an Aryan invasion and that Indo-Europeans are not responsible for Indian culture. One article spoke about a place that has not been found that could be Harappa but it had no substantial evidence other than the slight similarity of the names of the cities. In the second reading I see that there has been no evidence of horse remains which would point to an Aryan invasion. Additionally, we do know that there has been a continuation of an ancient language of the region which points to not having been affected/conquered by Aryans. Language is hard to conserve when a new culture takes over another one. I also believe that the geological evidence regarding a change in agriculture can offer more precise evidence for the loss of Harappa as can the lack of evidence of warfare. Lastly, the gradual change of culture found in Harappa seems…

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