Event Management Courses Family, as well as individual events, matter a lot for the people in this era. Though people love to make the event a grand one, they have limited knowledge, and that is why they need people who are expert in managing any event. This course helps one to have a firm grip on the management of the event and make every event a grand one. Fields of specialization Visualizing concepts Event planning Event budgeting Event marketing Event organizing Event coordinating Event executing Event security Content The study of this field includes some or all of these- Basic event accounting Event marketing and advertising Event logistics In- house event training Event creation workshops Objectives Through the study of this course, it is aimed to develop such high standards of reputation which are universally acceptable and recognized by one and all. It implies that such standards should be acceptable even at the international level. The Course area is such that the scholars get opportunities to work creatively and in an innovative manner during the study. They are expected to…

History of America outline Thesis: The ending of slavery came after the civil war after a conflict ensued between the northern and the southern states, with each bloc having a different perception concerning slavery. The history of America is built along with a series of events that have grown significantly to shape current America. The three-fifths rule was an attempt to discriminate the slaves from taking part in the policymaking activities in America. The first outcome of the three-fifth rule was the compromise on the constitution. the three-fifths rule created an equal number of free and slave states and affected several outcomes that required the counting of supporters of an opinion. The Missouri compromise led to two significant outcomes and was aimed at solving the slavery menace. The compromise managed to keep peace in America between the anti-slavery states and the slavery states. Secondly, the compromise led to a negative impact on the issue of slavery since the gap between the slave states and the free states grew more significant, with more states applying to either be admitted in the…

Personal Reflection The report I received about the signature themes after the completion of my Clifton strengths assessment indicated the significant talents of my personality. The most prominent aspects of my personality were recorded to be the focus, context, competition, include and futuristic. The assessment report will be beneficial to me for directing my future orientation. The assessment result has helped me in understanding my strengths and behaviours. The first and most prominent quality of my personality is the focus. Focus is an essential talent that is must for every individual who wants to achieve something in life. Focus enables a persona to make goals on monthly, yearly and even on a daily basis to achieve the desired goals in the designated time frame. The quality is a part of my personality as I am very motivated to achieve my goals, and when that does not happen, I often get frustrated and impatient. When I am working in groups, it is my nature to help others and keep them motivated to achieve the goals. I think this talent will be…

The History of America             America prides itself on a rich history spanning between the period after colonization to the civil war. Generally, America was recovering from the impacts of colonization and attempting to build an identity. However, history involves both positive and negative policies that affected Americans in various ways. The period is associated with hardships and victories that were won by the Americans, and the policies made during that period have remained valid to date. One of the significant aspects during the post-colonial era was slavery that has remained relevant both economically and politically in America. The three-fifths compromise, Missouri Compromise of 1820, Compromise of 1850, Kansas-Nebraska Act, and the Dred Scott Decision are among the issues that unfolded during the post-colonial period, with each policy having a different outcome on the Americans. Slavery was an aspect that came up after the colonial era, with America finding a source of labor for the plantations to grow cotton and other crops. The ending of slavery came after the civil war after a conflict ensued between the northern and the…

My Personal Code of Ethics Personal ethics plays a significant role in the successes and failures of a person’s life in this contemporary world. A personal code of ethics is necessary because it expresses who I am and the beliefs that I hold. One of the most essential wishes I have is that my behavior and personality define my code of ethics without having to give someone to read it from a written document. Family, school, religion, and the friends I interact with are the key aspects that act as guiding blocks to my personal code of ethics. My list of ethics is long, but below are my top most essential codes that come first. My ethical responsibility to my family is to be respectful to my elders and the people around me. In my family, I was taught to speak my mind at all times and consider airing my views in a respectful manner that does not upset others. It is also my aim to show respect through caring for the needs of other people around me.. My responsibility…

Article Summary,Bombing Berlin: The Biggest Wartime Raid on Hitler’s Capital In 1945, German forces experienced a series of attacks and bombings that left them devastated and defeated. From the western front, the US forces defeated them in a battle that was named the Battle of the Bulge. On March 7, Ludendorff Bridge was captured by the American 9th Armored Division that established a bridge on the Rhine River to facilitate their penetration into Germany. At the same time, the Soviet assaults were being experienced from the eastern front (the stretch from Yugoslavia to Lithuania). Bombs estimated to be in excess of 45000 tons were dropped by Anglo-Americans in Germany leaving most cities in ruins. Despite these attacks, German forces continued to fight the Allied forces. A final offensive war was launched on March 6 in Hungary near Lake Balaton. This was in a bid to protect its oil fields. They launched more than 3000 rockets and killed more than 4500people. The Allied forces, led by the US and Britain, did not stop their campaign in Germany. The Anglo-American forces continued…

U.S History 1877 to Present The United States Declaration of independence, as well as the United States Constitution is some of the most important documents in American history. The documents represent the American values that permeate into its social, political, social, and cultural history. The documents also illustrate the founding ideal of the great American founders. The U.S Declaration and Constitution illustrates the importance of basic human rights and the right to freedom of free states. The Declaration of Independence mostly enables the establishment of independent states that are free to establish economic activities, form a government, and many other things conducted by independent countries or states. The declaration is often viewed as the basis of modern American philosophy in terms of freedom and human right. These documents came at a time when Americans had determined that they needed self-rule and the ability to set up a government free from overseas political influence. As such, this set precedence where America is always forward-looking approach to political, social, cultural, and economic approaches. The documents represent the era of reconstruction following the…

Edward Snowden hero or traitor Abstract Edward Snowden is well known for making one of the biggest leaks in the world’s history. Snowden was an employee of the National Security Agency (NSA), where he discovered that there was a surveillance program that the government conducted on its citizens without their consent. Working together with journalists from The Guardian and the Washington Post, they leaked the information about the surveillance program to the world, exposing the secret government operation. This paper will try and find out the benefits that came with the leak by Snowden. 1.     Introduction In June 2013, the journalists who worked together with Snowden from the Washington Post and The Guardian started realizing articles on the mass surveillance program by the government known as PRISM, which unveiled the government’s secret. These articles revealed information about PRISM and how the NSA conducted it. To legitimize the articles done by the journalists, Snowden, on June 9th, 2013, appeared in a video interview with The Guardian and revealed his identity to the world (Alhinnawi et al. 2015). Through this, Snowden was…

How important was Social Darwinism as a factor in the origins of the First World War? The theory of social Darwin indicates that the human race and group are subjected to a similar law of natural selection.  This theory was used to perceive the nature of animals and plants where the strong fight to survive over the weak. The theory was a popular factor in the First World War. According to the theory of social Darwinism, the life of the people in society is a struggle for existence, where the strong will rule and survive.  This follows the ideology of survival for the fittest. These ideas of Darwin influenced most of the countries in the 20th century, such as Germany. The Germans were among the first nation to embrace this ideology, where they believed the idea of struggler for life. The superpower nations, including the Germans, embrace this ideology of social Darwinism in the fight of resources and power as a surviving technique. This ignited the war as the nation fought for resources and their existence to maintain life. These…

Heresies of the Early Church and Solutions The following is a discussion of three of the biggest problems that the early church was experiencing as well as how the leading figures helped solve them. The passing on of eyewitnesses When religious gatherings were made, verbal testimonies were an invaluable element of the worship experiences. Apostles or people close to them could narrate how they heard the Lord say. Also, they could tell the actions of the Lord through healing the sick. However, when persecutions began, they saw the number of eyewitnesses nosedive, thus threatening the future of the church. Thus, the gospels came in handy as now they could replace the eyewitnesses. The stories in the gospels were legit as the apostles wrote them. Disturbances and dissensions There were many disturbances in the early church as a result of the divisions and dissensions. Many groups characterized the church with each trying to establish their independence. The gospels and letters by the apostles, for instance, Paul and James served to bring the divisions together to strengthen the early church. These letters…

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