What is Asset Tracking Software? An asset tracking software is a software that enables tracking the movement of IT devices, equipment, and any other software within your business. It helps in logging each equipment so that you can easily manage and record daily use and other critical details within a centralized system. If your business has many valuable assets, it is imperative for you to keep good records to avoid superfluous spending. Using paper forms and folders to manage data, equipment, and IT software is risky since it is plagued with inaccuracies and is notoriously sluggish. Besides, using a spreadsheet for asset management is time-consuming, cumbersome, and inefficient, hence then need to embrace an asset tracking software. This is because a reliable software is digital and centralized, allowing you to track important details about each asset in real-time. Some of the benefits of using an asset tracking software include: You Can Track Everything Within Your Business According to the new FASB lease accounting regulations, companies and businesses are required to maintain detailed records of leased assets. With excellent and reliable…

The US housing sector The US housing sector provides us with multiple Economic indicators that can help us make decisions on whether we believe the US economy will likely grow or not. To predict the GDP growth, The Census Bureau’s Monthly Report on Building Permits is another important indicator. Most of the time, even professional traders and seasoned economists miss very important signals that the Building Permits data indicates. The Building Permits data can be downloaded from the given link: https://www.census.gov/construction/bps/uspermits.html The data is published on the 2nd or 3rd week of each month for the previous month. Why Building Permits Data is Important As the data comes from the housing starts report, it also includes a number for housing completions. Each term in the data has a different definition, and the order must be defined as per the occurrence when a new residential housing project is being built. Building Permit Definition: The building has received planning permission from the local state planning department. Housing Start Definition: The foundations of the building have been laid. Housing Completion Definition: The home…

Memory Place and Power Monuments are structures, usually three-dimension, which are made to memorialize an event or a person. Examples of monuments include historical buildings, statues, cultural assets, and archaeological sites. However, counter – monuments are those that discard and renegotiate these traditional structures that represent past events. In recent decades there is a rise in counter – monuments globally. This paper will be examining the consequences of counter-monuments to power and hence coming up with a conclusion on whether it’s a source of state power or not. Monuments such as cities are medium and the critical outcome of power. They are not only in the administrative or the economic but also in a symbolic sense. Hegemonic ideologies are attained when beliefs of the ruling party are referred through hegemony, the creating consensus of the subordinate sets in their marginalization. Therefore, the ruling party may influence the small groups due to their power. If the ruling party uses counter-monuments in any way, it may affect its state power. For example, if they spread the ideologies of anti-monuments to the marginalized…

Cyber Warfare – Blurred lines of Defense in Corporate Cyber Security   Thesis: This paper discusses the industry standards for organizational network defense and how and when the lines get blurred when it comes to what is legal and or ethical.  When is it okay to go on the offensive, what does that mean and how far should and can organizations go to defend themselves? Argument for why “anything goes” where cyber defense in concerned. Why a “logical” network breach is the same as “physical” breach and why it should be considered the same as an “act of war”.   Introduction: Historical examples of organizations that have fallen victim to cyber-crimes and the impact they had.  What methods of defense did they use and not use and what why were some strategies avoided?  Was it due to ethical or legal shortfalls or capability?  Examples of companies that were able to catch the breach or vulnerability without experiencing major damage and what questionable methods did they use that did not jeopardize their legal or ethical standing.  How did the industry respond,…

Comparing our life to that of the wild children on their blue planet Comparing our life to that of the wild children on their blue planet, it is evident that human beings are the main threat to life on earth. It is unfortunate to note that if the total population continues to increase at the current rate, our children’s and grand children’s will experience the earth plunged into an extraordinary environmental crisis that will result in terrible impacts. Planet earth is home to billions of different species, but only one that dominates, which are human beings. Human beings are identified to be inventive and intelligent, and their activities have modified almost every corner of our beautiful planet. To be specific, human beings are causing an intense impact on it. The inventiveness, cleverness, and numerous activities that we undertake are the ones that are causing every global problem that we are experiencing. It is possible that we can tame our consumerism as well as having both the pleasure of stuff and the pleasure of the beautiful world. Human beings got to…

components of data warehouse architecture and big data                                                              Introduction Modern-day organizations have adopted the use of the dynamic volumes of data to enhance precision and predictions in analytical work. The institutions are equipped with specialized tools and processes that aid in data transformation and cleansing. Though “big data” has grown to be an essential business element, many fail to acknowledge the challenges institutions face when handling data, along with the impacts they cause on the environment. This paper encapsulates the components of data warehouse architecture and big data, along with evaluating various trends associated with the technologies. Further, the paper will address the technique of green computing, citing its relevance in modern-day business environments. Data Warehouse Architecture A data warehouse is a typical management strategy that collects data from various stations across a network, as a data analysis tool. The systems were first developed in the 1980s to fill information gaps left by online application systems, that lacked significant cross-platform integration. Further, the systems were built to discard historical data periodically, which translated to information shortages. In this context,…

 aspect of Malacca for this history of Indonesia The most interesting aspect of Malacca for this history of Indonesia is the vast trading network which reached out to the Indonesian islands, for this network has implications for how we understand the geographical integrity of Indonesia. #Thus it was not only the spread of Islam but also economic self-interest that provided connecting threads among the Malay Peninsula and Indonesian archipelago states in the pre-colonial period. As they exchanged goods on the basis of their individual comparative advantages and needs, they entered a web of relationships which made the region – not a nation – but in important senses a network of related economic as well as cultural communities. #At Malacca, this Indonesian trading system was linked to routes reaching westward to India, Persia, Arabia, Syria, East Africa and the Mediterranean, northward to Siam and Pegu, and eastward to China and perhaps Japan. This was the greatest trading system in the world at this time, and the two crucial exchange points were Gujerat in northwest India and Malacca. [unique_solution]The spices of Indonesia…

Newscrypto.io Hosts a Holders Reward Event For Investors Newscrypto is pleased to announce the Holder Rewards Event in appreciation of NWC holders and the community, following the token’s new listing. Exchange listing of the NWC token began in the fourth quarter of 2019, and the token is now listed on its 6th exchange. This would not have been possible without the NWC token holders and the entire community. As such, Newscrypto is hosting the Holders Reward event as a way of giving back to their loyal supporters. Holder Rewards Event Details Newscrypto.io will run the event for ten months. During this time, NWC holders will receive some reward simply for holding an NWC token. To participate in the event, investors must hold a minimum of 5000 NWC tokens. Newscrypto.io will issue the rewards as follows: 5,000 NWC tokens= 400 free tokens 10,000 NWC tokens= 1,000 free tokens 20,000 NWC tokens= 2,300 free tokens 30,000 NWC tokens= 3,500 free tokens 50,000 NWC tokens = 7,000 free tokens 75,000 NWC tokens= 11,000 free tokens 100,000 NWC tokens= 20,000 free tokens 200,000 NWC…

SELECT AN EXAMPLE OF MARGINALIZATION THAT YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED WITNESSED OR EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY IN A COMMUNITY TO WHICH YOU BELONG DETERMINE WHO WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENDING THE MARGINALIZATION IN THE COMMUNITY Background: We have discussed/will discuss two seriously different types of letters: ones you may need to send in an academic setting and the inspiring, compelling work of Martin Luther King Jr. in Letter from Birmingham Jail. You will now create your own letters. Task: Select an example of marginalization that you have encountered, witnessed, or experienced personally in a community to which you belong. Determine who would be responsible for ending the marginalization in the community. Craft your letter to this audience explaining why the marginalization must end and how to end it. You absolutely must choose a specific and defined audience and gear the material toward this person or group of people. Format: The letter must follow an academic format containing an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You should use formal salutations and closings for the letter. Introduction: The introduction must provide context to the issue…

Empire Comparison Essay Empire Comparison Essay Instructions: To demonstrate your understanding of world civilizations, your final essay will focus on the analysis of the rise and fall of empires/kingdoms throughout the time period in which we studied. Remember, this is NOT a summary of the events or the empire/kingdom, it is an analysis of the similarities and differences. Also, you will be making one last final connection to today′s society. For this assignment, pick an empire/kingdom from each group below and develop an essay addressing each of the following components: 1. Compare and contrast the development/creation of the empires/kingdoms. 2. Compare and contrast the decline/fall of the empires/kingdoms. 3. Explain which of the empires/kingdoms you choose had the greatest influence on our society today. Make sure to provide examples of how this civilization can be seen in our society today. Your paper must be 4-5 pages and include a minimum of 5 sources. [unique_solution]All work must be in APA format, including in-text citations and a reference list. If you have any specific questions, contact your instructor. These are the 3…

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