SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY The Resistance movement in India The colonial Indian society was molded from three primary sources that served to influence the development of their state of mind. Social relations, modes of thought, and their belief system were maintained from the Mughal India era. The emergence of colonial states resulted in the second set of influences, which emerged from their need to maintain a competitive economic state. This was countered by the rise of rebellions around the region that were designated to fight these foreign forces, and maintain the integrity of their culture. This resistance appeared in both armed and unarmed formats, showing the unifying belief that was developed as a result of this rebellion. The rise of the revolt in India in the 1800s demonstrated the local residents’ refusal to submit to their western rulers. It has been stated that there was an epidemic of armed rebellions around the region, with the revolution of 1857/8 being the foremost that comes to mind. These facts should serve to repel the myth that there was hardly any upheaval experienced during…
The American Revolutionary War The American revolutionary war started in Massachusetts at Lexington and Concord in 1775. Also referred to as the American independence war, the revolutionary war was a revolution that involved thirteen American colonies against Great Britain. Although there were different causes of the revolutionary war, the struggle against Great Britain involved a series of historical events. Various causes stimulated the American Revolutionary war. However, the primary causes of the war include the Stamp Act (March 1765), The Townshend Acts (June-July 1767), and the Boston Massacre (March 1770). The stamp act was responsible for taxing a wide range of transactions that took place within the colony. Before the enactment of the stamp act, each province decided on the type of deals eligible for tax. As a result of the Act, the residents went on riot and could not pay taxes to the colonialists (Coakley and Conn 14). The Townshend Act was a legislation idea to tax imports from Great Britain and control illicit trading activities (Conway). Americans struck back through a well-organized boycott and harassing of the British…
Impacts of the Second World War BACKGROUND Various revolutions occurred during the era of the industrial revolution in the world, one of those critical events that changed the history of that time and have effects to date is the Second World War. Unlike other innovations, Second World War aimed at killing and destroying rather than building. Despite the goals, science and technology were highly relied on to ensure victory. To date, the Japanese are still affected by the effect of nuclear war; this has changed the way they attend to other things. The second world began on 1 September 1939, WHEN Germany invaded Poland (Fouka 2019). The primary sides during the Second World War included Japan, Germany, and Italy vs. the USA, Britain, France, Soviet Union, and China. INTRODUCTION The Second World War led to significant innovations and technologies. The Second World War can best be described as a battle of scientific minds as well as existing weaponry such as guns and bullets. Currently, historians are focusing much effort to examine the impacts of the first and the…
Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) Introduction Historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are the academic institution that came into existence before 1964, intending to educate African Americans youths. This is in consideration that black Americans faced the most significant struggles to get educated. These struggles were, however, guided by the clergy, black revolutionists, and the philosophies of black scholars, some of who believed that there was no progress without struggle. The benefactors such as John Rockefeller, for instance, contributed to the establishment of Spelman College in Atlanta with the mission of according the black students a shot in the country as had been highly ravaged by the throes of JR laws. It is also worth pointing out that a larger percentage of the HBCUs were established in the areas of slave centers where significant challenges had been presented to the African Americans who had greater ambitions and hopes of pursuing higher education but were consistently discriminated against. Bearing this in mind, there are quite a several socio-economic, legal, and political factors that contributed to the expansion of HBCUs within…
Origins and Descent I am from Kunming City in the Province of Yunnan in the People’s Republic of China. Kunming city has a registered total of six million people. Of the six million, four million come from the majority Han ethnicity, while the other population spreads between nineteen different ethnicities (Joniak-Luthi 15). The Hans and the Manchu form the largest population. As a Han, it is simple to trace my origins, which then allows me the natural authority to track and understand my descent. Understanding of origin and descent is essential in national transparency and cohesion. Countries such as Israel and Palestine and Armenia and Turkey are in political discontent and conflict due to a lack of understanding and conceptualization of their origin and descent. Origins in Time and Space Due to lack of contemporary data on their origin, the Han Chinese trace it through archeological discoveries of cultural sites along the yellow river dating as 7000-6500 BCE under the Jiahu culture, then to the Yanshao Culture dating 5500-3500 and finally the Longshan Culture dating 3500 to 2500 BCE…
The First Game in NBA History Took Place in Canada That’s right! The year was 1946; however, back then, it was called the BAA (Basketball Association of America). The New York Knickerbockers were scheduled to play Canada’s sole team, The Toronto Huskies. However, this game was to be played on a Saturday night. Ice hockey was already a national Saturday night obsession in Canada. So, there was no way to reschedule ice hockey games. The Huskies game had to be played a day earlier than scheduled. How Did the First Game in NBA History Go? This game came at a time when the game was still young, even in the United States. A dismal crowd of 7,000 was there to witness the first basket in a professional league game. This strike came courtesy of a cheeky layup from Ossie Schechtman, a Knickerbocker player. The rules were boring from a modern-day perspective. For one, Slam-dunks were not legal and shooting down the range didn’t earn 3 points. The Knickerbocker (now the Knicks) won the game 68-66. The Knicks went on to…
The Classical period The Classical period was an era approximately between 1730 and 1820, where classical music improved significantly. I chose this specific period because classical music had become lighter with a clearer texture. The music also used a clear melody line in place of a subordinate chordal accompaniment. The time I have chosen is between the late 1700s and early 1800s with the composer being Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven was a pianist and composer from Germany whose musical talent began at a young age. He is reported to have lost part of his hearing from an accident in 1798. It came from his anger at being interrupted during his work. He could hear music and speech normally till about 1812 but unfortunately, was almost totally deaf two years later. Beethoven was one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time, and I would ask who his most important aristocratic patron was. I would also want to know the individuals who supported and encouraged him as he composed his pieces. Another question I would ask Beethoven is which of his…
The Cold War Question 1 The cold war began immediately after the second world war. The United States emerged from the second world as the undisputed world power. However, the Soviet Union still thought that it had more influence on the world matters considering that it controlled vast territories. The main reason for the cold war was based on the superiority claim of the world’s greatest country between the United States and the Soviet Union. After the second world war, the Soviet Union embarked on what was considered a strange move by the United States of turning all of its satellite countries into communist states (McCauley, 2015). Almost all of Eastern Europe was communist. The United States was pushing for democracy; hence the world was divided into communism and democracy, creating the cold war tensions. The United States, as a result, committed itself to stop the spread of communism around the world through the spread of democratic principles. The Soviet Union feared the United States because they knew that they had advanced technology in nuclear bomb hence could not defeat…
A presentation about a lovely event in Orlando. I have been living in Miami since 2007. I have been the most exciting place Walt Disney World in Orlando is the most popular family attraction and has many parks thematic. My family and I enjoyed the different park attractions. I visited Magic Kingdom, and it’s a fantastic attraction, also way older than the other theme park. There is a hub in front of cinderella’s castle with a beautiful landscape, flowers, and statues of my favorite Disney characters, and in the night, there are fireworks. I took a picture of Micky Mouse with my children, the oldest child’s name is Erick, and he’s 15 years old. He wears gray, navy and red polo and with blue jeans. And the youngest name is Christopher, and he’s nine years old. He dresses in a striped red, navy, light blue, and blue jeans. They were smiling and had a beautiful day. The second Park, I visited was Universal studios. The best rides at Universal Studios are the Incredible Hulk Coaster, Harry…
Historical Events that Directly led to the Prolonged Great Depression Introduction From 1929 to 1939, the United States experienced the worst economic recession in history since the beginning of the industrial revolution era. This period is known as the great depression. It started in 1929 after the stock market crashed in October. There is a misconception that the stock market crash caused the great depression. However, this is not entirely true. Several reasons directly caused and prolonged this economic recession. Some of the historical events that directly prolonged the great depression include a reduction in the monetary supply, increased taxation, and economic uncertainty. Causes of Depression Reduction in the Monetary Supply There was a sharp reduction in monetary supply between the year 1930 to 1933 and in the year 1937 to 1938. This reduction, in turn, reduced the demand and output. In 1920, the country experienced a steady economic growth where the supply of money increased throughout the years. The stock market in 1920 grew by a margin of 2.7% per annum (Bianchi, 2019). Many people during these years heavily…