History always repeats itself There is a famous saying “History always repeats itself”, Ethereum has become a live epitome of the saying . Ethereum’s hard fork upgrade “Istanbul” seems to invite various new obstacles to the smart contract operators, and it’s somewhat like the 2016 DAO hack failure with a lesser magnitude as of now.   The issue had thrown light on the scalability factor and the fluctuating nature of the platform in terms of its new “creative” rules and regulations, especially the ones with an unfixed parameter.   Many contracts signed by some companies are running out of gas, highlighting the fluctuating trend of the currency price, which paid for the networks computing fluctuations by the Ethereum users. The contract failure rates have increased by four times, as revealed by the network data. The fork invited the failures at block #9069000 on 8 December. Antoine Le Calvez, the Twitter user, highlighted the “negative consequences” of the hard fork due to the price escalation in some EVM operations. ” While technically successful, the recent Ethereum hard fork wasn’t without negative…

World Civilization 1500 to Present              Enlightenment was a philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. Most of its designs are centered on the impression that reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy. Therefore, it can advocate for separation in both social and class organization. Before the enlightenment, every law and decision that was made and accepted only by the king. This showed that there was a traditional social structure that consists of monarchy being at the top, followed by the noble class and then all of the lower levels at the bottom. When people of western society began to receive ideas from enlightenment, most scholars and thinkers were able to realize how wrong the ways of the king were (Powell 25). This abducted change in the social and class organization as ideas of the enlightenment motivated people. They were challenged by a traditional social and political structure, which eventually led to human rights for everyone.  Before these changes, rules and laws were set to be the cork stone as they…

Is the U.S. Winning or Losing the War on Terrorism? Terrorism remains a high-level threat globally. The U.S., in particular, has had several terror attacks over the years, with the worst hit being the 9/11 attack. Even though the country has not suffered an attack on the same scale, there have been sequential attacks. The fact that terrorism still takes place, whether at a minor or significant level, is an indication that the war on terror is far from over. It is important to note that terrorism activities do not only involve bombing. Other tactics, such as kidnapping for ransom, indiscriminate shooting, are equally used. Winning the war on terrorism would thus not only include dealing with bombings but all forms of terrorist activities. The emergence of smaller terrorist groups and right-wing extremism further poses a challenge to the war on terror (Shea, 2019). In this regard, the U.S. is far from winning the war. Focusing on domestic terrorism is something that the U.S. has to pay attention to closely. The El Paso incident is evidence of the fact that…

History of The Posse Comitatus Act During the early years that the United States was being founded, a tradition developed that detested the Involvement of the military in civilian matters under ordinary circumstances. The Posse Comitatus Act, 18 U.S.C. Section 1385 tangibly expresses this tradition. It forbids the army and the air force from executing civilian law except when they are authorized. The term “Posse Comitatus” refers to the power or force of a country. A sheriff has a right to summon individuals that are above the age of fifteen to assist him/her in certain instances where aid is required, such as pursing and arresting felons and in keeping peace. President Rutherford B. Hayes signed the act on June 18, 1878, to limit the federal government in enforcing domestic policies through the use of federal military personnel. Congress has, for a long time approved the use of the armed forces in instances where the federal manpower has been inadequate in enforcing the law and in extraordinary circumstances. It has never been easy to strike a balance between rule and exception.…

 Third-party logistics firms Currently, the concept of offshoring and outsourcing is increasing among firms as they try to improve the supply chain. Most of the firms are creating value and gaining competitive advantage through the supply chain (Shi et al., 2016). That makes the firm to concentrate on doing the right thing other than everything that may lead to losing its competitive advantage. Through that, offshoring and outsourcing help in focusing on core activities that add value to the business and allow another firm to handle the rest to a third party logistic company. The third-party logistics firms are businesses where companies outsource elements of distribution, warehousing and fulfilment services (Shi et al., 2016). Outsourcing means hiring a third company logistics to conduct the activities within the supply chain. Also, through expansion, firms decide to offshore the logistics activities so that they can be able to serve customer needs in those regions. Focusing on XPO logistics, it is a global cutting edge of the supply chain that is a third party logistic firm with offshoring activities to meet the demand.…

Civilization And Culture Civilization is one of the words used in the developed world. However, there are different definitions of the word civilization, which explains that it is more diverse than many people interpret it. Civilization and culture are related because they influenced to development that is present today. According to The History Guide, civilization is a kind of human culture where the majority of people reside in urban areas, smelt metals, and develop methods of writing (The History Guide). The civilization that took place in the past influences how the present is mainly contributing to development. Infoplease provides a different definition of enlightenment that reveals civilization is related to technological progress. According to Infoplease, civilization is a culture that contains a high level of elaboration as well as technical development (Infoplease). It further explains that cultural elements related to enlightenment can be traced from eight thousand to six thousand years ago, and they are characterized by features such as the growth of the city. Further, other sources reveal that the textile printing machine, as well as the urban landscape,…

Analysis of Ethical Issues in Software Development among World Technology Giants Introduction We are currently living in an era where economic, political and social activities are information-based. In other words, they were said to be living within the information age or age of informationalization. This has resulted from the consistent development and technological use characterized by a constant rise in the number of knowledge workers. This era has led to a more open environment in the sense of communication and internationalization. The world has thus become a global village and there is a trans-border exchange of information. Despite the many advantages of technological developments, the paradigm shift results in a new set of issues revolving around ethics, legal rights and privacy issues. The latter is a matter of concern especially owing to the fact that there is the threat posed by an emphasis on free information flow. In addition, cases have arisen of matters of protection of the economic investment of owners where intellectual property rights are violated. Ethics refers to what is right or wrong. The actions that are…

How World Wars Influenced Modern Medicine Medical Developments in World War One The World war led to prompt developments in the field of medicine and medical technology. It involved from time soldiers were injured until they were at home and the treatment, they all experienced. During world war one, weapons like machine-gun fire caused multifaceted wounds that needed surgical techniques in fields like plastic surgery and orthopedics.  As such, wound care was established with antiseptic treatments (Bell &Louise). Medical care depended on several factors such as climatic changes, the number of soldiers that needed surgery, and the working personnel such as nurses and doctors. Doctors and scientists developed various inventive methods and treatments. Some of the innovations include the treatment of fractured femurs. Thomas splint was applied in 1916 due to mortality rates caused by fractures, especially femur fractures (Van Way et al.). Artificial limbs. Most of the soldiers returned with disabilities that were caused by new weapons. Several British service members lost an arm after being injured. Hospitals were established to assist men with amputations. Men who had amputations…

Impact of the Cold War Although we were allied with the USSR during World War II, we began a “cold war” with them almost immediately after World War II ended. This means that although no shots were fired (like in a hot war), we fought on other sorts of battlegrounds for world dominance. What were the roots of the Cold War? Western nations including the United States and Great Britain formed an alliance with the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) after Hitler’s attack on the USSR in 1914. This was an uneasy alliance as the soviets believed that the west did not provide adequate support. The cold war erupted in order to establish world dominance between the capitalist and communist superpowers. America aimed at preventing the Soviet Union from expanding its territories to Europe and Asia in order to establish world dominance (Falode 102).   Both Julius and Ethyl were likely guilty of the conspiring to commit espionage (though there is some doubt with Ethyl). However, historians also maintain that their death sentences were unreasonable harsh. What does their…

Texas Ranger as a Popular Figure in History According to Texas history, Texas Rangers are one of the famous historical figures in the United States. The Texas officers compete with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police as a constabulary known and respected all through the world. Both assumed a prominent job previously and kept on getting a charge out of high notoriety and a decent press. Both accomplished unbelievable stature at any rate a century prior and still loll in its sparkle today. The Texas Rangers were described as the men who could not be stampeded by anyone on earth considering their experiences and fighting spirit. Texas Rangers were known for their revolution weapons and fighting tactic during wars. For example, the rangers employed the bow and arrow fighting technique, which has since been embraced by several people in the country and outside America (Nieman, Johnson, and Baird, 2017). In the well known origination, the Texas Rangers structure a sorted out assemblage of lawmen stretching out uninterruptedly back to the colonizing long periods of Stephen F. Austin in Mexican Texas. For…

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