How does the recent history of Iraq (including the rise of ISIS) conform to Piazza’s theory?             Iraq has had a history of terrorism for many years, and this has affected many nations worldwide, the U.S being the most affected. The U.S is the biggest enemy of terrorists from Iraq, and most attacks focused on the U.S has led to massive destruction. The rise of ISIS in Iraq posed a lot of threats to other nations, and the U.S began a coalition that resulted in launching airstrikes against the ISIS in 2014. Despite the U.S launching these attacks, the ISIS thrived in some part like Raqqa and Aleppo. Today the ISIS network has spread all over the world, especially the Islamic countries. In these countries, the ISIS groups rebel against the government by killing the citizens and bombing buildings. They aim to prevent the country from prospering, making it hard for developing countries to grow economically due to attacks from the ISIS groups. According to Piazza, failing and failed states pose danger to international security because they provide an environment…

Dubofsky’s a History of Labor in America The book by Melvyn Dubofsky, Labor in America: A History is presented in a way to offer an overview of the American Labor since the colonial era to date. The work gets researched and particularly well suited to communicate to the modern concerns of students and teachers. It is evident that the issue of rising inequality, exacerbated job insecurity, declining unionization, and stagnating incomes are the standard description of labor in the past two decades. The book offers guidance and lessons for the new generation of teachers and students that seek to understand work and its position while reflecting on the future of labor in the future of America. I believe the approach by Melvyn Dubofsky to focus on the ‘labor question’ provides explicitly a lens to which analysis, teachers, and students see the factors that affect labor in America. I believe his stance on political pull on the matter is validated, considering most scholars contend that the state acts in ways intended to suppress democracy and autonomy in trade unions. His vies…

How to apply for a personal loan A personal loan is the money you borrow for just any use. It could include paying a medical bill, a vacation, purchase of a new appliance, or a student loan. You are required to pay the loan back with interest, over time. The interest rate might vary depending on where you intend to borrow from. Most personal loans are usually not backed up by collateral. That means they are unsecured because they use your credit as a measure instead of using assets such as a car or your house. But it is not rare for loans to be secured sometimes. How does one qualify for a personal loan? Decide on the amount of money that you require – the money that you intend to borrow should be based on the expense you are attempting to pay for and your income. If you borrow little money, that would still leave you with some other financial needs. On the other hand, if you borrow a lot of money, you may have trouble paying it back.…

Science & Religion Lessons from History It is possible to be a Christian who accepts evolution Evolution advances the theory that life is the product of natural selection and mutations that give nonliving material life over an extended period. It suggests that elements such as carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and others come together to form nonliving materials such as metals, water, air, and living things such as people, grass, elephants, birds, and insects. According to evolutionists, changes occur accidentally to the DNA of a person. These changes give them the ability to survive harsh environments that destroy less adaptive individuals. For most of its history, the church claims that God is the creature of all things, both living and nonliving things. The Bible teaches that the creation began out of nothing. It affirms the concept from the first chapter of the Book of Genesis that avers that God is the creator of the earth and the heavens. It asserts that the trinity of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit purpose to create a universe. Other scriptures in…

equity analysis of union pacific corp TOPICS TO COVER IN DETAIL (using these required headings – points off for missing headings): INVESTMENT SUMMARY Write this after you have written everything else, even though this must be placed up front. This should be a detailed summary of all the important results of your research and conclusions made. Begin with your recommendation (clearly stated) and provide specific support for and the rationale for why you are making it. Be sure to include recent earnings, earnings estimates and growth expectations, and any key drivers or metrics of note. I should be able to read this summary and understand all the main points made in the paper to follow. BUSINESS DESCRIPTION Describe the business so that someone who had never heard of it understands what it does. [unique_solution]Is it mostly a single product company, or does it provide a wide range of very different products across a range of sub-industries? Where does it do business – is it regional, national, global? Don’t pose these questions and answer them, but a reader should understand this…

History of hypertension Based on the work of William Harvey, the physician, hypertension started by the indulgent of the cardiovascular system, the first published measurement of blood pressure was done by Stephen Hales.  A link was noted between cardiac hypertrophy and some diseases like kidney diseases, which were termed as bright diseases, as physician Bright was the one who emphasized the connection (Beckles and Chou 1265). Hyperpiesia was a condition of the concept of hypertensive disease as spreading by circulatory illness as described by Sir, Clifford Allbutt. The descriptions that would later become hypertension came from Richard Bright and Thomas Young, among others. There was a possibility of blood pressure being elevated through the thickness of blood vessels in the kidney. With the invention of cuff-based, hypertension becomes into being in 1896; this resulted in blood pressure being measured in clinics. Nikolai Korotkoff improved the techniques of measuring the blood pressure, he described the Korotkoff sound heard when artery get auscultated by the stethoscope and the sphygmomanometer cuff get deflated. Donal Nunn later invented a precise/accurate automated oscillometric sphygmomanometer device…

Apology for cancellation of sporting event Dear (Recipient Name) Greetings; It is with deepest regrets that we must inform you that the upcoming sporting event scheduled on (Some Date) has been canceled due to unavoidable circumstances. I feel very disappointed informing you of this, but please accept my sincere apologies for this unfortunate matter. We enjoyed an excellent response from you, and we really appreciate your interest in this event. We were very excited to have you at the event. Consequently, I know many of us also eagerly waited for the event, but we had to cancel the occasion at the last minute. We never anticipated these circumstances, but as they have already occurred, we now have a better plan for next time event. I regret any inconveniences this news might cause you, even though I have tried to inform everyone as soon as I could. We will let you know as soon as another event is organized at a future date. I appreciate your humble understanding Best Regards

A Brief History of Your Favorite Alcoholic Drink: Wine The debate of when and where the first wine was produced rages on, with archeological evidence from far and wide revealing some fascinating facts. From as far as Georgia and Armenia, to the Asian part of Iran, it is believed that wine could have been brewed as early as 8000 BCE. We’ve also heard reports that Macedonia and Ancient China could also have been among the oldest wine producers in the world. The first wine was produced from wild grapes. However, that was long before humans took grape farming seriously and domesticated grapevines in Egypt, approximately around 3000 BCE. The most recent research announced in January 2011 that the world’s oldest winery had been discovered somewhere in Armenia. The researchers found old wine jugs, grape pressers, glasses, and grape sticks dating back 6,100 years. Stories from China The relationship between grapes and wine is linked to the Chinese where residues taken from pottery shards carbon-dated to between 7000 – 6600 BCE, were proven to be taken from a beverage made from…

Women PCOS/PCOD/Period Balance Tea A woman goes through significant hormonal changes in the body, and any imbalance in the women’s hormone can take a significant toll on the body. PCOS and PCOD are two common disorders in women, which causes irregularity of period, acne, obesity in women. To balance their estrogens and progesterones, Tea Tox has developed tea for women’s health, which can help them cure their period problems. There is no treatment for PCOS or PCOD, and it is only through changes in lifestyle that they can heal their cystic ovary disease. Benefits of Women PCOS / PCOD / Period Balance Tea Regulates the secretion of hormones Beneficial for hypertension Prevents fluid retention Cures urinary disorders Reduces menstrual pain Features of Women PCOS / PCOD / Period Balance Tea Enriched with essential nutrients Detoxifies the body Beneficial for the kidneys Free from chemicals Purifies the blood How to use Women PCOS/PCOD/Period Balance Tea Women PCOS / PCOD / Period Balance Tea can be prepared in the following way: Take about eight ounces or 1 cup of water and heat…

U.S. Modern History Primary Source Assignment The selected primary source is “I Have A Dream,” which was made by Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. during the March on Washington in 1963 as part of the United States and the Civil Rights Movement. The primary motive of the speech was to demonstrate the plight or struggles of the African American people besides expressing his dream of equality. According to Martin Luther King, the U.S. was not committed to ending segregation, discrimination, and poverty that persistently engulfed the African Americans. To him, this lack of obligation was evidenced by the notion that 100 years had passed since the country signed the Emancipation Proclamation (, 2020). Consequently, Luther acknowledged that it was now time to make justice a reality for everyone. Luther emphasized the black people’s citizenship rights, including voting and purported that the blacks and their supporters would not relent until these demands were fulfilled (, 2020). The speech reveals that the U.S. was a toxic place for the African Americans before 1963 because they…

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