Historical Narrative Introduction New imperialism was the order of the day in the late 1800s and early 1900s where the European nations explored new trade territories in different fronts across the globe. The Latin America, Asia, and Africa were some of the preferred destinations. The European nations would collaborate with local rulers in such countries to serve their economic, military, political, religious and humanitarian interests. Latin America experienced colonial rule advanced by the Portuguese and Spanish. Wars characterized the intervention as the Latin American sought to fight for their independence. The war came to an end as the countries gained independence and subsequent developments in the 20th century. The Latin America comprised entire South America, Mexico, and Central America. Spaniards and Portuguese perpetuated the colonial experience of this area. These countries share some common trends in heritage as well as differences that come to play through material and economic endowments. Colonization in Mexico by the Spanish The Spaniards had powerful armed forces that had no match, and as such, they had the upper hand to explore and conquer the Mexicans.…

race disability and thin-fat in addition to a personal reflection Introduction A collaborative consultation teacher should learn the skills of understanding their inner self as well as interacting with others. This paper provided a test that allows the participants to reflect express their cultural identities. The IAT test to be discussed includes race disability and thin-fat in addition to a personal reflection related to the results produced. The results relating to race reveals that I have a moderate automatic preference for whites over blacks. I must say that the results depict my personality towards individuals originating from African and European because I tend to be slightly warm towards Europeans compared to Africans. On its part, the disability results confirm that I prefer interacting more with abled as compared to disables concerning the answers I provided during the identification of signs. Besides, the weight IAT enlightens that I tend to be slightly cold towards thin persons, which is opposite to what I provided during the test. Precisely, I recoded to be moderately warm towards thin individuals. I fully concur with the…

The Sounds of CSU –Event 1 It was on Friday, 7th December 2019. I sat pensively as our lecturer set our work project for the semester.  Everyone was attentive and focused on every word from his lips, lest they do not get it right the first time. Music has always been my favorite subject, and I developed a knack to ensuring that I  become an authority in the whole school. The test was to be next Wednesday, and everyone was to be in college by 8 am. It was breathtaking. We have ushered in our newly built amphitheater, the screens were all blazing, and the lights dimmed. Everyone had his or her microphone set up and ready iPod’s on every workstation. The aura was just amazing. Our Music lecturer already set; he wore his long red suit, with long beards, and a deep voice that could confuse you to be the real monk. He was carrying a brown bag with questions to assessed.be done. Aha, they were the same set of questions that had in our assessment. They were to…

Time and Observation: The History of the Clock and its Ornamentation  Observation and the human conception of time are two related concepts that have interacted across the history of human civilization. In simple terms, observation differs from perception as the ability to view activity or phenomenon without bias. The changes in human dynamisms have established significant spatial differences in architecture while sustaining the historical and cultural components of the people. One such changes are the clock, which has adopted different ornamentations with changes in time and human observation. Clocks in every spatial location they are located serve two purposes in informing the time and as an ornament object. Their ornamentation change develops as an architectural shift with time but also retains its other purpose, telling time. This essay is an analysis of the history of the clock; its ornamentation changes over time and how these changes tend to sustain its historical and cultural essence. According to Daston, observation creates times[1]. In this perspective, time is a measure derived from the view of different phenomena in the natural occurrence of matter.…

The American Civil War and its impact on US history Introduction The American Civil War was America’s bloodiest and the most divisive kind of conflict that the nation has experienced in history. The war which has to pit on the union army against the united state of America has the most significant impact on the American past.   The War 1861-1865 did determine the kind of the nation that America would be after[1].  The war which had some of the most significant impacts on the lives of most Americans, especially from the South, did resolve some of the unresolved problems that had been left hanging by the revolution. At the end of the war which lasted for a considerably a shore period did result in the deaths of over 620,000 persons with over millions of Americas injured and the South left in Ruins. This war has hard one of the long-lasting historical impact in the country up to date. This essay examines the has implications of the American Civil war on American history. Historical Impacts of the War. The American Civil…

Housing law Challenges encountered in ensuring meaningful support for those in need Homeless are people without a permanent shelter of any type, living in congested premises, temporary accommodations, and those living in unsafe premises. Homelessness has been a long-rooted problem in the United Kingdom and globally. The homeless reduction act of 2017 has imposed legal duties to the English council to prevent and relieve homelessness in the United Kingdom. The English board has ten priorities towards homelessness, which they intend to address. These priorities are; Protecting the housing benefits from a reduction in the national budget share. It is reforming the housing act so that it supports the transition to work that always pays. Ensure that meaningful homelessness prevention and assistance is provided to those in need. Ensure continued support to those at risk of losing their homes due to economic changes. Continue with the commitment of ending rough sleeping Invest in new housing across all terms. Address issues of security, stability, standard, and affordability in the private sector. Protect the homelessness grants and supporting people’s budgets. Also, Ensuring flexible…

PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE Irrespective of the extensive knowledge and experience that people have concerning the effects of alcohol abuse that later lead to alcoholism, the topic continues to be underestimated. For instance, in comparison to the attention given to the opioid misuse and the health and public repercussions that they have, alcoholism continues to side-lined irrespective of its effects being much lethal than those of the former. On the same note, while other substance use disorders attract maximum attention in national conversations not only in the US but also at a global scale, alcohol abuse continues to be normalized; thus, it’s mostly left out in such forums and discussions. Having been raised by an alcoholic father and thus gaining first-hand experience on the effects of alcoholism not only to the addict himself but to the whole family and also a keen observation on how it has often been overlooked, this topic is personal to me. Based on my childhood experience ranging from psychological and emotional unrest, shame, and financial constraints, it’s only humane and logical for me to be highly invested…

History and future of the scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming The debate on climate change has remained one of the most controversial topics in the last decade. The contradiction in opinion and the attempts by politicians to undermine the scientific findings on global warming remains a significant threat to solving global warming. Reusswig (2013), reflect on the history, changes, and some of the issue to address in the future to handle climate change. From the article, it is clear that scientists, leaders, and citizens must agree on anthropogenic global warming (AGW) to solve the problem. To effectively address the issues of global warming, experts must assess this history and remove some previous obstacles. According to Reusswig (2013), the attempt by politicians and other business people to mislead the public on AGW is a significant obstacle. Without overwhelming support from the scientific community, anti-AGW personalities will continue to create policies that favor their interest. The future approach to solving the problem requires a change of the status quo and denouncing the treasures of fossil fuels (Reusswig, 2013). The influence of…

Paris and Hong Kong:coat of living in the cities in terms of housing, transportation, health and sanitation, consumption of goods and services, and recreation The cost of living in Paris is relatively higher than most cities in the world. For instance, one needs around $5000. To maintain the same standard in Hong Kong, an individual needs $4500. The price is an assumption that one rents in both cities. The calculation has been grounded on rent index and net earnings to obtain the living cost. Paris has a moderate temperature year-round. And the best time to visit the city is in spring. The temperature runs high in July. The average temperature recorded for Paris fall between 21degrees Celsius and 26 degrees Celsius. January is the coldest month in Paris recording 5 degrees Celsius. May has recorded to be the wettest month, and the average rainfall in Paris is 26 mm. The average percentage of the sky that is wholly covered by clouds is associated with seasonal variation throughout the year. The clear section of the year starts from May in Paris,…

Why Preventative Maintenance Is Essential For Your HVAC System One of the best things that you can do to ensure that your heating and cooling system are healthy is having a regular HVAC preventative maintenance. You can aim at doing it at least twice a year, once before the summer and one before the winter season. During this exercise, a technician will check your unit and make any adjustments. Here are the reasons why you should carry out preventative maintenance of your HVAC system. Save Energy There are a lot of things that can happen on your HVAC system over time that can prevent it from performing effectively. When an inspection is carried out on your unit, the technician will ensure that they are operating correctly, thus reducing the energy used. Save Money Most HVAC system issues start small and are hard to notice at first. They gradually change into worse over time until the family members, residents, and visitors can feel the effects of the problem.  Luckily, the cost of HVAC system maintenance is easy and cost-effective. Since maintenance…

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