Confucianism In Modern China “The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life”- Confucius Confucianism has played a significant role in actively shaping the Chinese society and culture. It had flourished in Chinese society for a long time until the 19th century when its popularity was dwindled by communism. By definition, Confucianism is a way of life that abides by the teachings of Confucius (551-479 BCE). Confucian ideas and teachings are considered to be quite integral in Chinese society as they touch on every domain of human concern. The practice of Confucianism was well spread in the ancient Chinese society and was even considered to be a form of primordial religion at some point in history. This was because Confucianism was practised by the whole Chinese society starting from the Chinese royalty to the commoners. The acceptance and endorsement of Confucian thought by Chinese nobility and leading intellectuals led to its widespread integration in Chinese culture. This aided the propagation of the practice across centuries to…
Personal branding Personal branding is defined as a demonstration of your knowledge and skills in a particular professional field. Personal branding is a digital online platform that allows people to manage their lives and build their career branding. The activity provides a chance for the individual to show the audience the capabilities. One of the benefit s of personal branding is that it inputs trust as it makes people feel comfortable while working. Personal branding is said to create clear and genuine intensions that foster trust and attract the networking community. Personal branding is important in building connections in areas of specialty and various professional fields. One reputation is created through personal branding; it provides individuals with exposure events like speaking events (McCabe, 2017, pg. 85). Through these events, individuals can be able to collect low-cost cards resulting in massive connections. Credibility is enhanced through personal branding in which a person establishes a reputation through the area of specialty. Through personal branding, opportunities are created, which include networking opportunities, partnerships, promotions, and job interviews. One of the identified social media…
Tips for Preventing Erection Problems Erectile problems affect people as they age. Wide varieties of factors cause erection dysfunction. Most of these factors are within your control. Here are the main tips that will help you to be a legend in bed for a long time. You should quit smoking cigarettes. People who smoke tend to have heart diseases that can lead to erectile dysfunction. Smoking will significantly increase your risk of the disease. If you are a smoker, you should consider quitting today. Quitting is not something that you can do in one day. If you take ten cigarettes, tomorrow, smoke nine, using illegal drugs may also cause erection problems. These drugs may alter your feeling, and you may not end up having an interest in sexual activities. You should consult the medical practitioner if you think you need help with drug abuse. To prevent the occurrence of erectile dysfunction, ensure that you eat a healthy diet. What you eat significantly determines how you are going to perform in the bed. You should avoid that have…
Personality -centered theories Prejudice is the tendency of individuals to feel and think in a negative way about members belonging to other groups. Prejudice itself is an attitude or a feeling. There are several theories that explain prejudice. Prejudice theories are divided into two major categories, namely; the personality centered theories which are usually psychological in nature and culture-based theories usually sociological in nature. Personality -centered theories. Both frustration-aggression theory and the authoritarian personality theories are under the personality-centered theories. A psychologist is known as john dollard attributed to the Frustration-Aggression theory. This theory is also known as ‘displacement’ theoty,’ scapegoat’ theory or even ‘kick the Dog Syndrome’.Dollard gives six beliefs which attribute to prejudice.The six are needs,frustration,aggression,displacement,weak victims,and rationalization. All human beings have needs which could be biological such as hunger and sleep or socially induced needs such as proper housing and well paying jobs.Its not obvious that human beings needs are all satisfied.Sometimes our needs get blocked and as a result,we get frustrated.Frustration automatically leads to aggression.Once an individual gets frustrated,theuyey become angry and following is aggressive acts…
Personal Experience during Interview Feeling before and after the interview If there is any moment that one feels pressure to have a good impression is during a job interview. An interview is a do-or-die session that can be very difficult to handle even for seasoned professionals. However, some who are well-prepared for it can find the course interesting and can easily answer the questions posed by the interviewers. Even to us in the engineering field, job interviews can be fascinating if we put emphasis on adequate preparations. The level of preparation usually determines the interviewee’s feelings before and after the interview. The common emotions depicted by interviewees are anxiety, sadness, fear, anger and joy. In the interview I had, I was a bit uneasy a few moments before the interview. The calmness that I had was overtaken by anxious thoughts that nearly ruined my chances of performing well. I wanted to become very impressive to the interviewers in order to secure the job that I was very keen and passionate about. It was really a defining moment in my life,…
My Personal Leadership Style and Philosophy Leadership theory has been an active topic of discussion. There are different theories, classifications, and definitions of leadership in the contemporary world. Amazingly, all these theories and definitions are still valid. What is of importance is the fact that every new element of knowledge regarding leadership builds on the old ones to establish its basis. When the class started, I identified transformational leadership as my leadership style. Here, I viewed this approach as one that would require me to strive to be self-motivated and energetic with a student-centered educational atmosphere. In essence, transformational leaders look forward to an inclusive environment where the leader’s objective is to enhance his team to participate in achieving the overall organizational goal collectively. This allows for excellence in achievement throughout your school, including teachers and students. Going through the course and assessing and evaluating my leadership styles deeper, I have learned that I am a transformational-servant leader. According to Montuori & Donnelly (2018), transformative leadership can be described as a participatory process propelled by collaborative creativity and transformation that…
How To Prepare For The Coronavirus And Ways To Prevent Catching It Coronavirus has become a major pandemic in a short time, infecting lots of people all over the world. What’s scary about this virus is that there is currently no medication that can treat it effectively. So, it is vital that you know what you should or shouldn’t do to help you be on the safe side. Here, we look at what Coronavirus is, what to do if it gets to your country, and crucial steps to take if you notice any symptoms. So, read on to find out. So, what is Coronavirus? Coronavirus is a new sickness that mostly affects your respiratory system causing mild to severe effects. So, Coronavirus causes symptoms like coughs, fever, sore throat, runny nose, and even breathing difficulties in severe cases. How the Coronavirus spreads The Coronavirus is still very new, even to medical experts, as they are also trying to understand how it might be spread from person to person. However, similar viruses are usually spread through…
Interpersonal Relationships in Advanced Registered Nurses An interpersonal relationship is highly essential in ensuring that health services create the proper core in the health system. The fact that nurses are the first responders to patients, there is the need to ensure that there is a proper internal personal relationship to ensure that the outcomes are commendable. Reduced the number of errors made in providing medical services. With the interpersonal relationship, the communication gap will be lowered. Hence, the prescriptions made benefit the patient optimum Interpersonal relationship bridges the difference between the patients and the nurses; a joint commission ensures that there is no delay in the delivery of services. Inefficient in health care are reduced through the interpersonal Education Collaborative (IPEC). This is because of the interpersonal relationship between the practitioners and the patients; treatments are made faster. The delay in communication more often is a frustration to the patients. Interprofessional teams in Nursing can be created and collaborated with nursing roles to perform the functions in the best ways. Collaborations can be created through the removal of barriers that…
Modern European History A particular thematic concern characterizes every historical period; among some of the most prevalent themes in history include; war such as the first and second world wars, drought, famine, disease outbreaks e.g., the Black Death among other occurrences in history. European history in the dates ranging between 1500 and 1914 was also characterized by various circumstances which included; division, reaction, identity as well as unification. The above themes took place at different times, where a particular specific topic characterized each period. For instance, concerning the issue of division, could be viewed in the religious wars that occurred between Christians and non-Christians (Fitzpatrick & Gellately, 1996). On the other hand, the division was observed in the political sphere where events such as the French revolution as well as the glorious revolution were all characterized by the theme of rebellion. Identity was also exhibited in movements such as nationalism and unification could be seen in nations such as Germany and Italy coming together to achieve a common goal. All these are thematic concerns that were witnessed in modern Europe…
The military history of America Introduction The military history of America dates back to the revolutionary war, where the Americans fought Great Britain for independence in the years 1775-1783. Since then, America has fought several wars. Due to the way the military tactics and approaches have evolved, there is a notable difference between the wars since the Korean War and the previous Wars. At this time, there was much enlightenment and technological invention, which led to another dimension of approaching war altogether. For example, the invention of jets engine in the 1940 led to a different approach in battles as America realized a new strength in the use of jets to fight. This tactic was not used in the previous wars, something that was enforcement to the military. Due to earlier Wars that America was involved in and the experiences, they had already realized that mere human resources were not enough to win the battles. They realized they needed other necessities like enough weapons, food, and finances during the wars. This period also saw a change in the rifles that…