Module Title: Managing Quality in Hospitality, Tourism, and Events           Introduction:             Today’s economic environment is characterized by fierce competition, creation of wealth, which has resulted in poor customer service and ownership of services as well as quality goods. Successful companies embrace competitive advantage by ensuring excellent customer services and quality products; hence, being able to adapt to consumer preferences (Prakash, et al., 2019). The travel and tourism sector is one of the most competitive industries, and poor customer service can profoundly negatively affect an organization, such as continuous losses and complaints from the customer of the Travel firm TUI group. Being part of the hospitality sector, Travel firm TUI group needs to understand that customer service is the key to a successful business in this industry. The company lacks good customer service, and their products are relatively weak which is one of the main contributing factors to the company’s losses. Besides, the case study indicates that there is poor communication between the company and customers because, as one customer said in her feedback, it takes…

Effects of negative affectivity and attitude persuading events on work fulfilment Hypothesis Negative affectivity, mood-inducing activities and their interactions Methodology The participants were employees of a medium-sized hospital with an average age of 37 years, 45 of them being women and 37 were men (Butcher & Roberson, 1995). Two sessions of mood-inducing events and no mood-inducing events were created, and these individual subjects assigned. On the mood induction session, subjects upon arrival were given cookies, drink and wrapped gift and then given questionnaires to fill. On the session with no induction events, the subjects were given the polls to fill. The research was done for two days which were separated from each other by three weeks to avoid negative feedback from control subjects once they hear of cookies, drinks and an enveloped gift. The adverse attitude was determined by “Tailor Manifest Anxiety Scale” while work fulfilment was established by the Faces Scale. Major Results Negative affectivity was found to be associated with negatively occupation fulfilment. Optimistic work fulfilment was high in positive mood-inducing activities compared to the non-mood persuading conditions…

Discussion in detail of personal response Lessons learned from me The experience enabled me to learn various ethical responsibilities of the management within an organization on a personal level. The lectures allowed me to recognize the moral dimension of every aspect of business life and my relationship with my own life. Through the discussion of approaches to ethic, it enabled me to improve my collective ethical performance. My transformative ability to investigate a variety of activities with integrity and value-centered was explored during the lesson. The learning-enabled my realize ethics is a personal and confidential issue within my conscience. This enabled me to describe any wrongdoing as an independent activity with no relation to the disobedient employees. The thought helped me learn how to bear the responsibilities of individual employee misdeeds without prejudgment. Moreover, I learned that personal ethics are not related to business management. Essential lessons from what was learned During the class, I learned that unethical practices take a considerable effect on businesses by destroying reputations and harming employee morale. Ethical values improve the behavior of employees, thus…

French and Industrial Revolutions Change and Effects on Civilization French Revolution is the revolutionary movement that was experienced in France in the year 1787 and 1799 by the people who were against the monarchy. The wealthy individuals in the country were aspiring to rule the people by excluding the middle class in political positions, acquire the rights of land ownership, which made the people revolt. Ordinary individuals too started participating in the revolt as they were aware of the political situation in the country, French participation during the American Revolution had almost led the government to be declared bankrupt. Also, the monarchy rule which existed in France was unable to adapt to the societal and political issues that the people wanted. The First Industrial Revolution began earlier than the French Revolution after 1750 in Great Britain, who were after a more industrial society. This was a period with new aspects in various industrial sectors such as sources of new energy, an increase of machinery used to reduce human labor in production. The population increase in the country created a demand…

Global Warming Explained.             Human beings, by virtue of nature, are prone to focus on immediate threats. Climate change, on the other hand, is a continuous long term process caused mainly by human’s way of life as they pursue their various socio­-economic activities. Global warming is a persistent increase in the world’s average temperature. The rising temperature is primarily attributed to the greenhouse effects that are caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Discreetly analyzing measures taken to curb the ever continuous climate change experienced in the globe over the various decades, there exists little the world has done to curb climate change. Individuals’ profit-driven motives make it difficult to enhance the various measures taming climate change. Global warming thus remains a nightmare that requires immediate attention so as to salvage the future. The effects of global warming are severe. According to MacMillan, scientists have agreed that the ever-rising temperature as a result of global warming is the primary cause of frequent droughts, heavy rainfall, and powerful hurricanes that are frequently experienced around the globe. MacMillan…

The shaping of Amir life by larger forces of Afghanistan history and culture The Kite Runner book is attractive due to diversity if its characters who spent most of their childhood in Afghanistan but have different experiences, virtues, and views. The environment shapes the characters’ lives they live in, cultural beliefs surrounding them, and political or economic forces. I picked to analyze how Afghanistan’s history and cultural forces shape Amir’s life. In the novel, Amir is the narrator, protagonist, Pashtun, and Sunni Muslim. As Amir grows, his life is shaped by the environment that surrounds him, specifically in both Afghanistan and California. Amir is a complex character that why readers pay attention to his actions and how he describes them. Many of Amir’s opinions are developed by people who surround him, whereby the most notable are Baba and Assef. Fathers play vital roles in the lives of their children because their opinion is both valued and respected and looked upon by their children in most circumstances. Amir’s attitudes towards his self-sense are negatively shaped by his father (Baba) since when…

Are you aware of all the essential things about the VOIP telephone systems? The advancement of technology and science has given us different kinds of innovations that help to make our life easier and more comfortable than earlier times. The discovery and the use of the VOIP systems have helped many business firms to conduct telephonic communications using the Internet Protocol without any hassles. The VOIP telephone system is one of the most utilized telecommunication systems in the market. This system allows one to conduct work from home video conferencing Kenya, calling any domestic and internal numbers without any complications. But are we all aware of all the intricate details of these systems available in the market? It is relevant to now the essential details of any systems that we tend to use every day for business or personal uses. Therefore, here are some of the interesting facts about the VOIP systems available in the market: Working Principle The VOIP system functions using the technology that helps to convert the voice into the digital data, thereby sending them through the Internet…

Google to come up with an emergency calling feature on Nest Aware New updates are about to be launched in the Google Home app for offering better support to the Nest devices. The app is all set to offer emergency calling functions on the smart speakers. Jane Wong mentioned on Twitter that there is a setting that is still buried deep within the Google Home app and is yet to go live for use. The latest setting aims to help the owners of Google Nest to enter the address that is used for calling the emergency services like 911. The past records show that Google has always kept unexpected emergency contacts blocked because of the Assistant speakers, but all that is about to be changed with the latest Nest Awareness plans. Going by the reports, the latest plans aim to offer additional support for new features, as well as reduce the price of supporting the Nest cameras in the home. And, the feature of calling emergency services is one of those new features. If a display or speaker picks up…

a 12 week periodised plan including meso and micro cycles for both your resistance training and your conditioning programs you are required to prepare a 12 week periodised plan for a soccer player, including meso and micro cycles for both your resistance training and your conditioning programs. This outline MUST occur during the pre-season phase of your athletes yearly plan. You will also need to include weekly loadings and volumes for your resistance and conditioning programs. The purpose of this task is to: 1. Assess your ability to adequately develop a medium term periodised plan for a specific athlete client 2. Determine and adequately outline loading and volumes for meso/micro cycles which meets the goals of your client and meets the demands of their chosen sport Instructions This 12 week outline MUST occur during the pre-season phase of your athletes yearly plan. As part of your plan, you must include a general and specific prep phase as well as a pre-competition phase and indicate which capacity your athlete is working on (i.e. strength, power, aerobic bae, speed etc.). Your weekly…

Scientific Study of Personality Introduction Personality psychology is one of the many branches in the field of psychology that analyzes personality variations among individuals. It is, therefore, a scientific study whose objective is to d denote how human beings are different due to forces known as psychological forces (Baumert, Schmitt & Perugini, 2019). Personality psychology is critical as it helps psychologists to determine as well as treating those with specific illnesses and helping them in the end to overcome such problems. The goal of this essay is to provide an overview of the definition of psychology, the different methods used to study personality and their advantages and disadvantages. An Overview Definition of Personality Generally, personality is defined as the long-standing traits and patterns that tend to propel a persons’ consistency in thinking, feelings as well as their behavioural features. Therefore, it is a set of behaviours emotional patterns and cognitions which have evolved from environmental or biological patterns (Uher, 2017). In Psychology, however, in as much as the terms are almost the same, personality according to psychologists are divided into…

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