Reflection on Early Civilization Compare how different societies dealt with those outside their borders Since ancient civilization, societies had always strived to limit the people who could access their towns and cities. Borders in early societies such as Mesopotamia shows that early civilization valued walls more than ever before. The role of the walls was to enhance security and also demarcate political territory. The people outside the society were considered strangers and even a danger to the people inside the walls. People who did not live within the walls were considered Barbarians such as the Mongols, the Huns, and the Goths. These vicious groups inspired early civilization to focus on wall building and strengthening as a full-time occupation because it meant the survival of the Kingdoms and empires. In early civilization, only the Roman Empire was open to immigration. In fact, the Roman Empire’s control of borders and immigration is more similar to the boundaries of the modern age. Border security was highly protected, and as a result, the empire readily labeled those outside its walls as excluded. In some…

History: Christianity in the Roman Empire It was not long before Christianity started spreading even though it began in Jerusalem with just a handful of followers. The Christian cause had penetrated through much of the Roman Empire as the 1st century came to an end. As a result, political authorities reflected on the emerging faith. During the 4th century, Christianity was accepted as the formal faith of the Roman Empire. Various aspects contributed to the rise of Christianity in the region. First is the ease of travel to neighboring territories. Technological advances in Rome allowed people to develop a dependable road network all over the Empire. Christian missionaries such as Apostle Paul were able to utilize the advanced transport system to distribute the word of the faith and to establish new churches. These Roman roads made it simple for missionaries to move and that mobility enabled innovative concepts to spread rapidly throughout the Empire. Second is the peace that prevailed in Rome during the first century when Christianity was gaining its roots. The strong capacity of the Roman army to…

Frances Farmer will have her Revenge on Seattle by Nirvana Pop is an acronym for popular. Popular music or pop music as commonly referred to dates back to the 1950s. Pop was incorporated in the community through religion, and it was majorly associated with fashion. Pop was popular in wedding ceremonies, and its existence is traceable to the biblical era. Despite the advancement of Pop culture over the past few years, it has maintained its cultural features of entertaining and educating through cultural products and media such as television, music, dance, arts, radio, films, cyberculture literature, among other artistic products. For years, pop culture has generally been recognized as a set of practices, beliefs, and objects practiced by society. Such methods are informing of the later named features such as music, arts, literature, films, among many others. Pop music is one such practice. It is a pop-cultural feature that has been ongoing for many years and one of the main contributors to the various themes of life. This paper addresses a source analysis of the song “Frances Farmer will have…

South Sudan Civil War South Sudan is the youngest independent country, the independence that they have struggled for almost 50 years, coupled with civil wars. A struggle for freedom, freedom from exploitation, discrimination, abuse, and slavery not only on religious but also racial grounds. After attaining independence in 2011 as a kleptocracy, South Sudan did not last long before plunging into civil war again in 2013. In this paper, I will focus on south Sudan’s civil war, then analyze the reasons for the conflicts. I will relate to the civil war on three different conflict theories and political ideologies. I will focus on realism, liberal institutionalism, and armed conflict theories and how they are being impacted by either liberalism, socialism, and conservatism.  South Sudan has gone through several civil wars with periods of peace in between served as a best-case study to shed light on how conflict theories played a role in the civil wars. Armed conflict focusing on the need for conflict to sort oppressing issues of a people South Sudan has gone through almost four decades of violent…

Onboarding Software Solution and It’s Impeccable Benefits URL: Keywords: user onboarding software One of the biggest criteria of people today is ‘time.’ When you are taking your business online, you need to upgrade your online interface and products to a level, so it functions quick and swift. A substantial percentage of users today lack the span of attention or patience. There are a thousand portals on similar products and services today. It is imperative that you are unique and keep your story and information crisp. In case it is overly complicated, be sure that your audience will lose interest and swipe away. This is precisely where on boarding technology comes to action! So What Exactly is User on Boarding? User on boarding is basically the process of helping users walk through your business products swiftly. This is very beneficial for users who are new to your online space. The user onboarding software is often considered as an introductory leeway for transforming news users into long-term customers. If a user can know, understand and connect to your product, they will…

 Social Problem Statement Problem Statement Climate change with specificity to global warming has resulted in uneven distribution of freshwater fish which has consequential effects on the sustainability of fishing economies with particular effect on the livelihood of communities that depend on fishing. Deconstruct the Problem The fishing industry is designated as one of the most profitable industries in the world due to the demand for aqua-based products. The industry has wide support on the economies of countries that rely on fishing for revenue earnings as well as foreign exchange earnings (Wilson et al., 2018). Concurrently, it supports families and communities who exclusively or indirectly depend on the harvest to sustain livelihoods. However, in the recent past, issues concerning climate change with respect to global warming have shifted the balance. This is attributable to the rising temperatures both in water and air, which considerably alter the oceanographic conditions of the habitat. For example, scientists indicate that extreme weather conditions affect freshwater fish. Due to the specificity of the habitat conditions, most of the fish are either succumbing to the increasing and…

social, ethnic issues in South Korea that are issues related to how women are treated, religious matters, and issues affecting foreigners that are refugees and immigrants Social rights are rights such as the right of a person to an adequate standard of living, affordable education, food and housing, satisfactory health services, and security based on respect, not sanctions (Asbjorn, Krause, and Rosas,1995). South Korea is a democratic nation that respects civil and political liberties but established unreasonable restrictions on freedom of speech, association, and assembly. This has led to discrimination in various social groups across the country. These groups include homosexuals, transgender peoples, bisexuals, women, people living with HIV, racial, foreigners such as refugees and migrants (Neary, 2004). This essay is analyzing social, ethnic issues in South Korea that are issues related to how women are treated, religious matters, and issues affecting foreigners that are refugees and immigrants. Racism is a widespread social problem in South Korea. In the 2000s, there was an increase in the number of immigrants to South Korea (Seol, 119). This increased more expressions of racism.…

History  of  Slavery The term slavery, as defined by the Slavery Convention of 1926, was termed as the state or condition whereby an individual has partial or full authority over another person’s legal rights as a human being. A slave is an individual under such rulings (Allain, and Hickey, 2012). During the initial times of slavery, there were diverse elements that came into play, including the power of military, racist activities, beneficiaries of religion, and scarce labor in home countries. Many countries in the past took part in slave activities, including Africa, Britain, America, Brazil, and Portugal. In America, slavery began at a slow pace in the 17th century but later gained momentum during the 18th century. As leaders realized they required adequate labor on their farms, they recruited Africans to work on their farms due to their strong body structure and their high demand in the slave market. Children were subject to every type of known slavery, including sexual harassment. In the south, slaves who had an agreement to work for a specified period earned their “freedom” by working…

Edward Snowden hero or traitor project Abstract Edward Snowden is well known for making one of the biggest leaks in the world’s history. Snowden was an employee of the National Security Agency (NSA), where he discovered that there was a surveillance program that the government conducted on its citizens without their consent. Working together with journalists from The Guardian and the Washington Post, they leaked the information about the surveillance program to the world, exposing the secret government operation. This paper will try and find out the benefits that came with the leak by Snowden. Introduction In June 2013, the journalists who worked together with Snowden from the Washington Post and The Guardian started realizing articles on the mass surveillance program by the government known as PRISM, which unveiled the government’s secret. These articles revealed information about PRISM and how the NSA conducted it. To legitimize the reports done by the journalists, Snowden, on June 9th, 2013, appeared in a video interview with The Guardian and revealed his identity to the world (Alhinnawi et al. 2015). Through this, Snowden was…

Secession and the Civil War In the aspect of the United States of America, secession principally referred to the voluntary pulling out of one or more states from the Union that made up the United States; but loosely meant leaving the territory to establish a separate region or new state. Dis-unionists represented the southern states, most of them. They were the sect that never wanted to be associated with the Union. These created the Northern and Southern member state region and a worrying faction within the United States. The civil war soon followed the secession threat that faced the US. These key events point to the struggle of making America. Motivation and threats to leave the union, or the discussions justifying the move, represent a crucial feature in America’s politics since its inception. Some argue that secession was a real concern of constitutional right while other as from natural of revolution. However, the seceded states were defeated during the Civil War between the two factions. This paper seeks to investigate the central focus points on why secession and civil war…

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