Satire in the “The Adventures of Huckleberry” Satire is defined as a technique used by writers in literature to criticize or expose foolishness. It uses elements such as irony, humor, exaggeration, sarcasm as well as ridicule. Satire is used for the purpose of entertainment and a lot to bring a certain matter to attention that requires change. It is used to advocate against certain evil things in society, such as corruption, abuses, and vices, as well as giving leads to solutions. Mark Twain is one of the most popular satirists in the world, as this is evident in his book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. There are numerous illustrations of satire in his novel. In this novel, he uses satire as a mechanism to express his opinion, ideas, and disappointments on nature, racism, slavery society, and many other challenges facing America during that time (Edley, 2017). Satire is, therefore, an appropriate technique to figuratively address society as a way of bringing political, social, and economic change in society. In Mark Twain`s novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are many…

Gandhi criticized on Western Civilization Western colonialism brought about violence. Gandhi criticized a lot that the critical essence of Western Civilization was based on the pursuit of a better mundane life. In a society where people’s main target is to achieve the upper level of physical well-being, they would measure any of their progress in terms of money even if they might not be aware of this action (but other times they would be conscious of it). Although measuring the progress in terms of money was somehow objective and quantitative, not everything in this world was able to be estimated, measured, or evaluated by cash. In other words, money could not be the only or even the most critical method of measuring, and better worldly life did not represent everything. Some of the more important things, in Gandhi’s opinions, were morality and religion. If we go deeper and find out how British people made progress in their pursuit of wealth, we could find out that their elevation in physical well-being was based on the fact that laborers were “enslaved.” They…

Oroonoko Cultural Alterity             Alterity refers to a state of diversity between different groups. Thus, cultural alterity is a cross-cultural phenomenon of otherness between a set of individuals. Aphra Bern’s book, Oroonoko, is set within a place of aesthetic dynamics. As of 1688, when the author published the historical novel, Suriname was a British colony that thrived because of the availability of cheap labour from the slaves. Therefore, Bern uses this setting to elaborate on the state of Western civilization and how it collided with the African perspectives of civility. The British used imperialism to advance their economic and political interests at the expense of people from other cultures. For instance, the Africans were primarily captured or brought as slaves by the white men, and they had to abandon their cultural values and fit into the standards of the western nations. This paper argues that the cultural alterity as expounded in Oroonoko is centred around the effects of slavery and colonialism on the non-western civilizations. The female voice adopted by the author to narrate the events that occurred in Surinam…

Fall Prevention Protocol Falls among patients occur in most healthcare facilities. The majority of patients that find themselves victims of these falls hurt themselves, leading to long-lasting and serious harm, increased hospital bills, and prolonged stay in the facility. The aging population tends to raise rates and incidents of falls since factors such as age are uncontrollable. Healthcare facilities and healthcare professionals, such as nurses, can utilize several techniques to minimize the rate of falls in hospitals and enhance the patient’s safety, satisfaction, and outcome (El-Khoury, Cassou, Charles, & Dargent-Molina, 2013). In this paper, the focus is on evaluating fall prevention policy and its application by nurses in their practice. The paper also involves reviewing, evaluating, and examining nursing practice with the aim of identifying some of the possible ways of improving patient safety, satisfaction and outcomes while also preventing the increase in associated high hospital bills, as well as delivering effective and safe patient care. Nursing Practice Policy The fall prevention protocol and invention policy includes detailed guidelines useful in the identification of at-risk patients through a provision of…

Personal Philosophy of Coaching Sport is an essential aspect of society, and sporting activities have been identified to have numerous benefits in the social setting.  Besides fostering good body health as well as physique, sporting activities also facilitate proper mental function ability. Sporting activities have also been identified to be a source of employment where professional athletes have been determined to be making a living by taking part in sporting activities. Sporting activities have also permeated in the educational sector, where scholarships are also being provided to students who exhibit prowess in sports and their academic activities as well. It is, therefore, possible to see the critical role that sports activities play in society at large. This is a sector that has been identified to have a significant impact on society and requires to be facilitated as well as developed in the best ways possible. However, in any given social activity, it is necessary to develop an effective as well as an efficient management system that will see to it that the various stakeholders in the sports sector are provided…

Argumentative essay- The need for personal activism The societal hierarchy structure is a system that can be traced back to existence from time to history. The most common mode of social stratification can be identified in the division between the ruling class and the subjects. The ruling class can be determined to be the bosses while the subjects are the worker bees who are charged with the task of ensuring that the needs and the wants of the minority few members of the ruling class are met. Democracy is a form of governance in which the people believe to have a voice and that they are in full control of the system and the regimes under which they are governed through the possession of a vote. The people, therefore, elect their “leaders” based on merit as well as their capability to represent their interests in higher governmental tiers. This system of leadership consequently led to the development of the political fueled politics where the most convincing activist takes the day if they manage to convince a majority of the voters…

Prisoner’s Dilemma The 21st century is plagued by numerous events that are considered injustices and forms of intimidation to the masses. Most of the world’s middle eastern countries and Asia are among the states responsible for the vice of freedom of speech violations. Most journalists jailed in these countries are as a result of getting intimidated into refraining from unveiling certain sensitive information about political figures or government dealings. It has gotten reported that some journalists that have gotten murdered over such controversial terms while incarcerated pending trial. Such a case is that of Jamal Khashoggi, who allegedly got tortured and killed in the Saudi Arabia consulate in Turkey, Istanbul. The heinous act got carried out by a 15-member team sourced from Saudi Arabia. Criminal behavior is nurtured by the notion that said acts are inconsequential and have no adverse effects. Overreliance on illicit behavior and illegal activities to support daily needs in life over time become a part of an individual or associated group. The subtle difference between law-abiding citizens and criminals and gang members does not lie with…

Historically Under-Represented Group Investigation The LGBTQ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (Giwa, & Greensmith, 2012). This community understands and welcomes people of all sexual orientations with open arms.  Close to 42% of its members feel unwelcome in society.  The community they created is a soft place to land for those struggling with their differences, while also promoting equal rights for these individuals.  “Throughout 150 years of homosexual social movements, leaders and organizers struggled to address the very different concerns and identity issues of gay men, women identifying as lesbians, and others identifying as gender variant or nonbinary,” (Morris, 2019, p. 5).  This community has made strides to be treated equally, and as of June 2015, the United States permitted gay marriage. However, cultural acceptance has been a challenge. This paper seeks to experience and analyze the beauty of the LGBTQ community at the Hotter Than July Sunday Brunch on July 28, 2019, in Detroit, MI. Reflection of Experience The brunch had a successful turnout. It was a phenomenal learning experience.  There were people of every…

History, Evolution, and Species of Sea turtles Introduction I can give a lot of information about sea turtles, but because of time limits, I will give to you the basic part of the Information from my previous research.  Sea turtles fall in the large category of sea reptiles and class crustacean. Their large body size and shape with powerful flippers allow them to easily navigate through water when swimming despite the great depth of the ocean. However, you should note that as soon as the male turtles emerge from the eggs on the shore, they never appear again unlike the females which come on a regular basis to lay eggs. In this research, I did a thorough analysis of the sea turtles’ family and came up with tangible information concerning the history, evolution and the different species of turtles that are in existence on earth today. Turtles History I will start by looking at the fossils of ancient turtles which are dated back 215 million years ago (Carr, 2014). Interestingly, these fossils were discovered in Germany during a transitional period…

UC Personal Insight Questions UC2. Every person has a creative side, and it can be expressed in many ways: problem solving, original and innovative thinking, and artistically, to name a few. Describe how you express your creative side. Tabula rasa. I stare at a blank slate. A blank wall in my bedroom, and I wonder, what can I do to this wall to make it unique. I have painted and changed my room through every stage of my life. Every time I change my room, I return to the tabula rasa. Staring at this wall makes me ponder the next steps of my future. How can I combine my best character traits -creativity and altruism- into a major and a future career? Creativity is the predecessor to my future career in medicine and my reason for success. I am very creative in the way that I find new solutions. For example, I know that the prescribed path to medical school is any type of science, especially biology. For me, following this narrow path, could potentially make me narrow minded-something I…

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