Interview with the Latino Every ethnic group has its unique ways and beliefs that make them distinct and outstanding from other communities and ethnic groups. In the US, several communities have moved and settled there due to different reasons. The following paper is an essay on the findings from m an interview with a Latino from Southern America. Thee Latinos are one of the communities that live in the present-day United States of America. This community encompasses immigrants from South American countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Equador, Bolivia, and Columbia, among others. Their original homeland was Southern America. The Latinos moved to the US through Immigration that saw most of their ancestral fathers move upwards to the US in search of better opportunities to sustain their families. Most immigrants from Latin America were farmers, and that has been their primary activity. However, through diversification, some Latinos ventured into business and trade once they settled in the US. The Latinos have strict norms that govern their interactions and relationships within the family context. The males are in charge of the…

 slave trade Slavery is precisely the ownership of human beings. Under legal terms, it then means that the human being is a property. Slavery denies human beings the fundamental rights they are supposed to enjoy. The history of slavery takes back to the early 16th century spreading through to the 17th and 18th centuries lasting even to the 19th century. During the period, the ancient civilizations and societies kidnapped Africans and took them to other foreign countries where they were forced into slavery. During the time, the enslaved people were seen as commodities of exchange. In countries such as America, the slaves were a source of cheap labor in the coffee and cotton plantations, among other roles. The activities of the slave trade beginning from the transatlantic slave trade were booming trading activity with most of the African war captives and prisoners of war being significant victims. Several reasons were given by those in support of the slave trade activities, whereas those opposed to the activities also quoting various purposes to back their arguments. This essay paper aims at not…

Islamic Center of Worship Place of worship refers to a consecrated space or designed structure where a group of people or individuals performs the religious duties, devotions, and veneration. Various names are used to refer to the places of worship used by multiple religions; for instance, Temples, mosques, synagogues, and churches are all structures established as places of worship for different faiths. The religious architecture articulates the aesthetic choices, technological and economic capacity, as well as the religious beliefs of the people that created the structure. During my fieldwork, I visited the Islamic place of worship, referred to as the mosque (the Islamic Center of America). The mosque is positioned in the Dearborn, Michigan, Islamic Center of America is the biggest mosque in North America. The Islamic Center of America was established in 1962; the founder of the mosque was known as the Muhammed Jawad Chirri. The essay is going to incorporate a detailed discussion about the Islamic Center of America. The Islamic Center of America contained some peculiar features; some of the features that characterized it includes the following;…

Zombie Dnd – History & Relationships Zombies are bodies awakened through dark and evil magic. Dnd 5e Zombie is an assimilated shape that can be added to any human being that has a skeletal method (stated to hereafter as the base mortal). Unlike the shamble, mindless examples of 5e Zombies, lord zombies remember their character and memories. The lord’s mind warped with jealousy and passion for the things it left unfulfilled in life. Zombie Dnd – History & Relationships Provided that, there have been humanoids, they have been dying. The dead D&D Zombie sometimes increases, though, either by a necromancer bringing them back, enchanted energies released into the field, or some other consequence carrying corpses that once came back to life. Previously they do not have a community or society and generally try to survive on whoever lived in the nation before. Nevertheless, many zombie D&D is known to travel together in teams, either to use the brains of sensible humans or to defend themselves from those in the form of hunting packs that call them demons. D&D 5e Zombie…

A New Western History 2013-2014 Introduction   The existence of the Western frontier has altered the course of the United States. It was the creation of states west of the thirteen original colonies that led to the establishment of democracy as our system of government. The “west” shaped and distinguished the character of our citizens, rugged individualism and optimism. Frederick Jackson Turner, said the frontier was the meeting place between civilization and savagery, it provided an outlet for social discontent, placing free land in hands reach of anyone willing to take a risk. In this assignment we will examine the introduction to the book, Legacy of Conquest by Patricia Limerick. Limerick reinvigorated the study of Western history, which seemed to be considered a dead genre. I chose only the introduction of the book because it fully sums up the creation of New Western history and gives a historiography of Western history.   What is Historiography?   Historians do not always agree on the interpretations of historical events. In fact, the job of the historian is one of perpetual arguments over…

A personal reflection Here is where you will submit Assignment One, your personal reflection on the theme of deception, ″woke″ or ″cancel″ culture, trends in social media, or any other arguable topic you might want to develop in Assignments Two and Three. You may write about our main course theme, which is deception, or any of the other suggested topics, or a topic of your choice. Assignment One is an exploratory essay, but keep in mind that you will be taking a position on an arguable topic for your next two assignments. For this first assignment, review Norton chapters “Writing as Inquiry” and “Reflections.” Think of this essay not as an end in itself, but as preliminary thinking about your research throughout this term. Your personal reflection should be no longer than 1000 words.[unique_solution] ″woke″ or ″cancel″ culture, trends in social media, or any other arguable topic you might want to develop in Assignments Two and Three. You may write about our main course theme, which is deception, or any of the other suggested topics, or a topic of your…

History of Photography Introduction Photography has had its lifetime of changes, and we have not seen the end it. The early cameras are what we now know today as the pinhole camera, a darkened box with a pinhole that lets light in, making an inverted image of the object it is taking a picture. As time passed, the camera changed and evolved to be the camera we see in our smartphones today.   The evolution of Photography Joseph Niepce gave birth to the principles of photography with his development of light surface for use in the camera. However, the Niepce camera took eight hours of exposure time to produce a picture. This made it impossible to take images of most objects, especially moving ones. The famous picture View from the Window at Gras was blurry due to the long exposure period that compromised the picture clarity. A solution to the problem was solved by Louis Daguerre, who invented the daguerreotype in 1839. This technique reduced the exposure time, resulting in better clarity. The 1837 picture The Artist’s studio was shot…

My Personal Development             People need personal development to grow as human beings. The measure of time one invests on personal development helps in the creation of one’s happiness and quality relationship with others. People who do not invest time to develop their personality can never grow According to Ken Blanchard’s theory of leadership, four stages of personal development exist in our society. The theory is designed to assist one to get motivated based on ones desire to become more confident with women. Similar to Ken Blanchard’s theory, I have decided to make my personal life change by finding a book, which has acted as one of my eye opener. Being a enthusiastic beginner, the culture of reading the book has given me some courage to overcome my shyness with women by having the best pick-up lines as I converse with my fellow women. As part of my personal development, I have already become one of the best disillusioned learner whereby after trying to pursue the goals and realizing how hard it is going to be because my approach to…

Project planning for the Sky scanner on the creation of online awareness             Sky scanner is expected to increase the public perception of its well-being and the services it offers in the vacation arena and the ability it has in providing up to standard services to its client. This is achieved by the sky scanner traveling agency has created a platform both through the media and online platforms in creating a sensation of their existence and the affordability as well as realizing the satisfaction of their clients. To evaluate the performance of the online advertisement effect, the agency is therefore required to check the clients’ feedback. This is defined by several customers’ input in the establishment of the providence of the company. Establishment of the customer negotiation on the pricing of the services with the current pricing that has been provided in the advertisement. Through the consideration of the customers’ expectations, the agency stands in a position to meet the expectations of the customers with the same time increasing customer preference and taste. The objective that the company has set…

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