Political History of Europe and the Middle East             The Jewish Question on political emancipation has received considerable critiques by the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) and Europe. The Jews’ emancipation underscores the difference between the acceptance and legal empowerment of the Jew in the French Liberated continental Europe.[1] The Jewish mainly contested on patriotic conduct which indicates conflicting visions of these community and its leaders. Jewish elites like “Club des Intimes” postulated that common good gets served when one works to save the community’s public face at all costs. Besides, the Jews posited that the lack of national self-confidence and self-respect of unity and political initiative implicates national renaissance. The French, on the other hand, indicated the national religion of the Jews, Judaism, does not undermine the civic responsibility and morality expected of Jewish citizens. Colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa considerably impacted the political affiliations of the Jewish. The development of science and arts’ branches in the wake of European expansion transformed how the Europeans viewed the Jews, and hence the enlightenment that all individuals…

How the incentives defect the prisoner’s dilemma The game at which every player holds a strategic dominant, and each contributes to the play, is Prisoner’s dilemma. If every player has a sufficient payoff would be smaller than the dominant strategy. For instance, an example of a prisoner’s dilemma is Military arms because, in any fight, both fighters often lose the battle. Although a single side may claim victory, losses are experienced, such as destruction, deaths, and other societal harms to the assets. Examples of negative externalities Negative externality happens when the industrial action harms other people, while positive externality occurs when people are being helped when industrial action takes place. Two examples of negative externalities; Water pollution and air pollution In negative externalities, a government can internalize, force the producer through taxation of products when the price is spilled over by the production, and the tax could consequently increase the manufacturing of the product’s price. It is due to more significant the appraisal the better because it displays the actual expenditure incurred during the production, and this will reduce the…

World War 1 was an iconic historical conflict World War 1 was an iconic historical conflict that started in 1914 and ended in 1918. It was the first international war of such an extensive capacity as it included states from different continents such as Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, France, Italy, Japan, the United States, Romania, Austria-Hungary, and Britain. The Serbian nationalist Garvillo Princip was the principal perpetrator of World War 1, as the conflict began with the murder of the prince of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinand.   Although different people made significant contributions to the eruption of World War 1, the primary blame should go the militant Serbian nationalist, Garvillo Princip. His actions triggered increased tension between the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Serbia, which caused a ripple effect on other states involved in the conflict. Garvillo Princip was the assassin who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife on June 28, 1914, at the Sarajevo Bosnia. The death of Ferdinand led to the declaration of war against Serbia that was the primary reason for World War 1. The Serbian government…

Enhancement of personal safety for nurses in hospitals Introduction This paper proposes changes that can be done on the nursing fraternity to ensure that nurses are safe as they honor their duties daily. A thorough analysis of the current condition will be followed by recommendations on how the discussed policy change can be implemented through the application of both bottom-up and top-down approaches. The paper also elaborates on its practicality, relevance as well as the probable financial implications. Policy Proposal This policy will enhance the level of safety for nurses in hospital facilities. These parties form an integral part of the success of both the facilities as well as patient experiences. The policy proposal will ensure that the healthcare workers are guaranteed of enhanced safety as they go about their daily operations. Cases of lack of safety at the workplace can be reduced by the respective organizations having elaborate plans on how the lapses can be filled. A1. Public Policy Issue The dangers that come with nursing operations is a potential risk to their health in the long term. Some…

Citizenship Essays: Wendell Berry A Citizen’s Response Section 1: The Royal ‘We’ In examining the concept of patriotism in matters of terrorism and peace, Berry (2003) utilizes the phrase royal ‘we’ to discuss the perspective of the National Security Strategy. Berry singles out the reference of ‘we’ in the thesis of the report, which reiterates the commitment of the American government to employ preventive measures through acts of war. The ambiguity of the pronoun, in this context, warrants the author’s question since it is not clear whether it refers to the actions of the state in the representation of the wishes of the American people or a few signatories. Particularly, Berry examines the position of the Strategy’s author, noting past acts of secrecy sanctioned by the government without the knowledge of the electorate. I this view, he calls it the royal ‘we’ because it primarily represents the top elite, in this case, the president who can implement an individualistic response to terrorism, while undermining the premise of democracy, which requires that the public be involved in crucial deliberations affecting the…

Why is it essential to hire an experienced personal injury lawyer? With the development in the legal service sector, civilians are now receiving beneficial holistic services in some or the other way. Individuals who get critically affected in an accident have the opportunity to file complaints and get the compensated amount and proper justice. It takes a lot of money to conduct comprehensive medical treatment of the injured individual. In such cases, taking adequate assistance from a reliable and experienced personal injury lawyer can provide you with the compensated amount and as well as justice. There are several benefits that one can get by hiring a proficient attorney who has years of experience in dealing with personal injury cases. Top advantages of hiring a personal injury attorney You will not have to worry about the procedure Filing an insurance claim for personal injury takes a lot of time and effort. The process can be overwhelming and tedious for injured individuals to execute effectively. Hence, it is ideal for getting in touch with a reputable and experienced Asheville personal injury guide…

Top Reasons Why You Should Consider Using a Construction Estimating Software Technology has affected how the business operates today, and the construction industry is not left behind. There has been the development of software that is used in project estimations. This software is developed to estimate the cost of a project. So are you considering using construction estimating software? Well, here are some of the reasons why you should consider using estimating software in your construction projects. Speed One of the main reasons you should use construction estimating & management software is the speed. Computers are fast compared to humans when it comes to doing any form of calculations. Good estimating software is the one that can help you save time during the estimations process. All you have to do with the software is input all the necessary details and let it do the computations. Improved Project Management Another reason why you should consider using estimation software is to enhance the management of a project. It makes it easy for your team to align their project operations effectively. With estimating software, it…

What are the most potential advantages of using procurement software? With the advancement in computer technology, operating systems, hardware, and software have undergone a massive evolution. Big organizations are making optimum use of updated tools and techniques to maintain higher standards and manage efficiently. Procurement software is aiding the companies to automate the purchasing facilities effectively. It becomes easier to keep a keen eye on the overall expenses of an organization by making optimum use of the software. In today’s time, to maintain efficiency and transparency, apart from the big ones, companies that are small in size and scale are also leveraging electronic procurement software. Top benefits of using procurement software Cost reduction Procurement software plays a significant role in eliminating the expenses for paper and the storage boxes to keep hard documents. By leveraging the software, the entire procedure becomes completely digital and aids a company to save a considerable amount of money. The procurement system efficiently reduces the manual effort and eliminates the method of investigating to look for any disputes. The advanced software also aids in resolving…

an emerging threat Fileless malware: a survey and research challenges The article examined was written by Sushil Kumar Sudhakar and was titled ‘an emerging threat Fileless malware: a survey and research challenges.‘ The author examines how cybersecurity threats have evolved over time with the evolution of countermeasures. The new threat that cybersecurity faces is fileless malware. The unique thing about fileless malware is the lack of executables which foster to carry-out the activities of the threats, and it does not utilize file system (Sudhakar, 2020). Due to the lack of file systems, contemporary detection systems that are signature-based are hence ineffective. A fileless malware attack is catastrophic to any computer system due to its ability to evade any anti-virus protection implemented. Security practitioners hence have to utilize forensic tools in the fight against fileless malware. Example of detection techniques against fileless malware include detection that is rule-based, detection that monitors a system’s behavior, and detection through a process of learning the behavior of attack. A security practitioner is an individual that is involved in the provision of security information and…

The History of the Old South The Old South was a region in America known by its history and culture. The culture of the Old South was from the slave trade, which was the main driving factor of the Old South’s economy. Some of the states in the South were North and South Carolina, Virginia, Delaware, Georgia, and Maryland. The South depended mainly on agriculture and therefore relied heavily on slave labor (Merritt, 2017). The economy relies heavily on Sugar cane, cotton, and tobacco grown in the South. The heavy dependence on agriculture meant the legalizing of slavery for them to find cheap labor. Most of the slaves had traveled from Europe searching for a better livelihood, and in exchange for their basic needs, they worked as slaves. The society comprised of the wealthy landowners, the elite who owned a few slaves, and the landless whites (Merritt, 2017). The black slaves were the majority by 1790 before the Civil war in 1861. The Old South was different as compared to other regions in the States. The South had long growing…

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