Personal Response and Research Essay Select one work that we have read in class (short story, play, or poem) this semester that has particularly appealed to you, either because of its subject matter, theme, location, characters, or other aspect. Briefly summarize it and then explain why it appeals to you. As part of your explanation, look for information about the author and the conditions under which the work was created. Include information about the author and the general response to the work in addition to your own response. In your essay you should discuss the following topics in this order: 1 The work you want to write about (title, author), including a brief summary/description of the work 2 Background of the author, including the reason that the work was written (if known) 3 The general reception that the work has had[unique_solution] 4 Your response to the work (this will probably be the longest section of the paper) The essay will be four to five pages long. Be sure the follow standard organizational pattern: introduction (including purpose statement and blueprint statement); body (there…

Personal statement. One of my achievements is that of being a role model for my child, and this is despite the fact that I am a single mother. I have been able to inspire my child always to work hard, and this is seen in his efforts in school. The other achievement that I have been able to attain is closely follow on my kid’s progress in school. In this case, I visited my child’s school and had a conversation with teachers about his performance. What I was able to achieve, in this regard, was to see my child get the best grades. However, the performance can also be attributed to my input, and this is despite the fact that I have been able to face disability in coaching the kid in the evening after school. I did not have anyone to support me in this, and this is by the virtue that I was a single parent. On the other hand, I have been able to be part of various activities. One of these is being a counsellor to…

Personal Interview Essay Example College Essay MT: Personal Interview Essay Example College Essay MD: The essential interview preparation tips; how to write a compelling personal statement and cover letter that will make you stand out at the Interview. H1: Interview Preparation Tips for College Students College students encounter many problems when structuring essays on various topics. Interviews play a significant role in a student’s success after completing their college studies. A personal statement is a precise paragraph at the beginning of a CV with a word count of 200-250. Personal accounts are used by applicants to summarize their educational background, skills, and experiences. Most employees use the personal statement to consider their preferred candidate for the vacancy without going through the entire CV. Below are the standard requirements for a personal statement: It should have at least 200 words Academic background Relevant work experiences Skills and specialization H2: How to Prepare for the Actual Interview Interview essays give students a significant platform for practicing before they go for a sitting interview with their ideal employer. However, some students forget these…

Personal Philosophy of Nursing             Beyond the influence of my uncle who is a successful and experienced nurse, I realized after repeated self-assessment tests that I love bringing happiness to families and individuals. I always have an urge to comfort and support people who are suffering physically, emotionally and psychologically. I always yearn to get opportunities to save lives. I chose the nursing profession since it provides me with the opportunity to fulfill the above interests and responsibilities. This paper contains my nursing philosophy. Core and Focus of Nursing In my view, the core of nursing is to combine and apply all the necessary knowledge, techniques, and skills in the promotion of health and overall wellbeing of individuals, groups, and communities. The focus of nursing is to provide patients with the highest possible quality of care. The core of nursing is demonstrated through research, the establishment of channels and facilities for care and treatment of patients, and a combination of knowledge from different disciplines that are eventually applied in the process of improving and maintaining good health. The focus is…

The Personal Injury Attorney Law Firm – (Car Accidents) Defective Car Door Latch There are many ways a vehicle occupant can get injured in a car. Following an accident, the doors of a vehicle are supposed to protect the occupants from getting out of the car and getting more injured. If door latches are not working well, they often fly open following an impact. This, as a result, will lead to occupants being ejected from the vehicle and causing them to get more significant injuries. When one buys a car, they trust that the auto engineers were careful enough to ensure that every component in the vehicle works well. When these components are poorly designed or defective, they can fail when they are needed most to function. During an investigation into the cause of an accident, the cause of injuries suffered is also taken into account. Some injuries can be enhanced when the car door latch is defective, causing the accident victim to be thrown out of the car. Injuries, as a result, can be more significant than if the…

what makes personality development course worth to take The personality of an individual refers to his/her overall appearance, attitude, mindset, and behavior. Positive behavior and thought can help in getting the best out of you. Personality development is the process of self-transformation to improve the quality of life and self-discipline. For anyone who wants to climb the ladder, getting a change in self is essential. One cannot change by self. There is a requirement of assistance who can bring the change in you. This is when you need a personality development course in Gurgaon comes to the role. Trainers giving personality development training will examine your overall personality and find where you lack. Let us now check what makes personality development course worth to take- Helps to Groom up self- One of the benefits of undergoing a personality development course is to groom yourself. It is always advised not to copy others, but be yourself. Setting up an example is one of the best ways to change your personality. Whether you are gearing up for a new job or want…

What are the most commonly asked questions about personal loans? Are you tired of waiting for the approval of the loans from the respective banks in your locality? Taking up a personal or business loan is a tricky task. But most hassles are faced as you wait for the approval of the loans by the banks. Hence, in many cases, people like to refer to the services of the private moneylenders available in the market for procuring such loans. Although the private ones do ask for a higher rate of interest as compared to the banks offering the same amount of loan, yet the availability of no credit check loans makes it more lucrative for the public as compared to the ones given by the banks. But, are you aware of all the details of getting such loans in the market?. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about no credit check loans and other kinds of loans available in the market, for your reference: How to use a personal loan? A personal loan can be used for several…

Personal Response to Play and Social Interaction in Middle childhood The research on Play and Social Interaction in Middle childhood by both Doris Bergen and Doris Pronin Fomberg indicates that play is vital in achieving the required optimum development of children, especially during their middle childhood years. The author says that it is unfortunate that play has been minimally addressed despite the existence of abundant research showing that it supports emotional, social, physical and cognitive developments in young children. The authors indicate that, in the ages of twelve it is when most adults elaborate and give joyous accounts and many believe it is at that time when they developed hobbies, social skills, and career decisions all which dictate their adult life experiences. However, signs are not good nowadays, considering children’s playtime is shrinking either at home and in school by being lost to other activities such as music and dance, among other activities with defined rules. Thus, the authors feel that there is a need for play in middle school to be reemphasized by educators, especially those who understand its…

Professional and Personal Background Introduction A competent professional and personal background are essential for success in a career area of focus. I am a proactive, very sociable person with excellent communication and presentation skills. I am a laid back audit professional with a background in banking and finance supported by postgraduate qualifications in audit and financial management and banking and finance. Discussion In professional context work, the experience is fundamental for developing an individual’s career line. For that matter, I have interned at Banco de Bilbao, where I enjoyed working developing my skills in financial advisory within the context of wealth management for the most fundamental bank customers. It was on graduating out of the University of Zaragoza. I also worked in the role of senior auditor, whereby I enhanced my social skills and audit capabilities during which I had an experience working abroad in Amsterdam in an international project. I valued that time because it gave me the exposure to work in my current role as a senior associate at PwC in Spain. The two accounting and audit organizations…

Personality 2 Article Review O’Neill, T., and Allen, J. N. (2011). Personality and the prediction of team performance. European Journal of Personality, 25(1):31-42. DOI: Summary The research looks at the impact of personalities at the team level on the performance of the team. Explores the impact of personalities on team success, and the findings indicate that Conscientiousness is indeed the most significant indicator of the Big Five personality variables. The authors tested the criteria for the accuracy of Consciousness characteristics to decide if anyone’s function is especially indicative of team success. O’Neill and Allen analyze the standards relevance of the other Major 5 personality characteristics in addition to the Conscientiousness. Research results suggest that Consciousness and its aspects were predictive of team success. Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Agreeability did not predict team success, while Openness had a moderate negative correlation to team results. Team members with exceptionally high openness ratings to encounters frequently search for fresh and unusual experiences. Conscientiousness, however, is known to be advantageous in small minority environments for the growth of mutual trust and teamwork, as conscientious people are considered to…

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