Personality in organization behavior Introduction Personality is the study of the person, that is, the complete human individual who has a behavior whose characteristics circulate within cognition and emotional, which majorly evolve in environmental and biological factors. In this piece, our objective is to focus on the various aspects of personality, exploring how to employ it in our everyday activities practically. The work is explained in three main categories: personality dimensions, organization behaviors theory, and conclusion. Personality dimensions In this sub-topic, it has been subdivided into various subheading which explains it further Openness opennes is countered as the awareness of a person that has achieved in different sectors. This is well explained in the scenario of people who tend to be more highlighted in many things, various fields and, at the same time, are more willing to embrace new stuff like fresh ideas. People who highly experienced in this trait are more likely to seek out unique experiences, and they tend to seek new adventures, creative endeavors, and expertise in different fields. These kinds of people are really on high…

Advanced Personal Taxation Section A Part 1: Isabelle’s Tax Liability for the Tax Year 2019/2020. Gross Profit                                                                     = 8404 x 10 = 84,040 Add Rent income 10% of 84040                                                          = 8404 Total Income                                                                                                                 = 92,444 Less: Depreciation 8% of 84040                                                                     = 6723 Wages and Salaries 10% of 84040                                                         = 8404 Rent and other expenses 30% of 84040                                                 = 25212 Utility Cost 12% of 84040                                                                     = 10085 Printing and Stationery 5% of 84040                                                    = 4202 Monitoring Expenses 7% of 84040                                                        = 5883            = 60,509 Net Profit                                                                                                                       = 31,935 Less Necessary and ordinary expenses Membership fee                                                                                          = 1,200 Motor Expenses                                                                                           =1,400          =2,600 Net Income                                                                                                                        29,335 Taxable income by June 2019 29335 x 92.35%                                                            = 27,091 Additional Revenues in 2020 Dividends                                                  = 9,000 Interest accrued                                        = 4,000 Rent Income Premium                             = 60,000 Taxable income for 2020                        = 60,000                                                       = 133,000 Total Taxable Income for 2019/2020                                                                           = 160,091 Social Security Tax Payable (12.4% of 132,900)                   =16,480 Less Prepaid social security                                                      (5000) Net Social Security Tax Payable                                           = 11,480 Medicare Tax Payable (2.9% of 160,091)                             = 4,643 Add late payment Interest                                                            500 Total Tax Liability…

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Class Name Due Date Question 6 Cacioppo, John T., and Richard E. Petty. “The need for cognition.” Journal of personality and social psychology 42.1 (1982): 116 .Hypothesis testing Linear regression analysis, ANOVA (analysis of variance) Pearson correlation. Article on Judgment About Chance. Mean Mode Range Variance Standard deviation Question 7 A financial auditor prepares financial reports for a large organization and even government departments. An auditor will need to have a high need for cognition for them to increase the confidence level of the financial statements that they make. They need to detect potential fraud, assessment of risk if they make mistakes during the preparation of financial documents, bias, and the business risk involved. They are also required to offer expert opinions on what should be done in a firm. In order to make the correct judgment, auditors need to use the need for cognition. Individuals who possess a high need for cognition enjoy their thinking and also tend to think about their own thoughts, which is known as meta-cognition (Johansen and Magda 6). This leads…

A Programmer’s Guide to Online Personal Branding This article is about creating a personal online brand, which I think it’s a powerful method of making one’s business known to a broad audience. The world today has changed drastically, and the internet has largely taken over the traditional platforms of advertisement such as billboards, television, etc. When it comes to online branding, programmers are not an exception. Programmers need to maintain active multiple online profiles in platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and GitHub. I have learned a lot about GitHub in this article, and I think I will use it to post my codes in a bid to develop my online personal brand. Soft and Interpersonal Skills for Developers What It Takes To Be an Ethical Programming Professional These two articles provide the qualities skills of a professional developer. One of the core interpersonal skills of a developer is the ability to communicate effectively. I found the discussion about building on interpersonal skills very helpful since most are the times we as software developers put more emphasis on developing our…

Personal Reflection;Understanding Sustainability The course has been an integral learning point in increasing knowledge of sustainability. I have learned the overall meaning of sustainability within the business context, and the different approaches used to explain sustainability. I have learned that sustainability on the ability of a business to meets its present needs compromising on its future needs. Within the ecological understanding, it is perceived as the overall endpoint of all human efforts that can be measured and explained in scientific terms. Sustainable development, on the other hand, encompasses all the activities and entities undertake to ensure they do not hurt the environment. CSR is, therefore, all the economic and social benefits that a business offers the society to meet its overall objective of sustainability. There is conflict, however, behind the ideas of CSR. The idea behind CSR, however, conflicts with business because business is all about making money. CSR, on the other hand, is all about giving back a portion of the money the business has made to the community. This defeats the purpose of business. Some argue that CSR…

Personality Test             A personality test refers to the assessment method for the personality constructs making a human being. Personality tests are crucial in giving great insight into the true nature of an individual. The definition of personality is obtained from the ability of an individual to interact with the world and the people around them. Personality is also defined according to the way an individual can bounce back after tragic events maybe due to relationship problems or feelings. I recently undertook two personality tests; “who am I” test and a persona bubble online to assess my personality. “Who am I” is a visual DNA test that gives a lot of fun and is useful in assessing the personality of an individual. The test helps in knowing more about oneself and can help one to live a life that is free from unnecessary friction and full of happiness. Although the test is capable of uncovering qualities that an individual is unhappy with, information is given concerning the things that need to be changed. The questions asked in the test are…

The personal response paper Dr. Michel Aaij ENG 2530/2600 Response papers The personal response paper is to be at least two full pages, double spaced, stapled, 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1” margins. In this paper, you will respond to a text we’ve read in class and analyze that response. Mind you, this response need to go well beyond “I liked it” or “I didn’t like it”–and certainly do not write something like “I believe that Oedipus was not a nice guy.” “I believe” is a statement that usually does not give any belief; usually it just masks a semianalytical statement. In fact, here’s what I want you to do. In the first paragraph, you will situate the text–discuss its paper (time and place), its author (if known; if not known, discuss), its place in (literary) history, and its possible intent. End that first paragraph with an argumentative thesis, a thesis that makes a point about your response.[unique_solution] Then, in the body, respond by evaluating your reading of the text–you may like it, you may disagree with its message while…

Psychology of Personality Operant Conditioning Introduction B.F. Skinner is regarded as the father of Operant Conditioning (McLeod, 2018), who based his work on Edward L. Thorndike’s Law of Effect. Skinner championed the laboratory study on the Law of Effect and applied it to the study of human condition and its attendant problems (Bolles, 1979). Skinner argued that most behavior is controlled by its consequences; he invented an apparatus for observing effects of consequences, advocates a technology of behavior control and believed that everyday views about the cause of behavior were an obstacle to its true understanding. (Piotrowski, 2005, p. 711) Skinner starts out by underlining the distinction between Classical and Instrumental conditioning. In Classical Conditioning, is animals behavior is elicited by the CS; the salivation appears to be set off from outside, thus justifying the reflex analogy to some extent. But in Instrumental Conditioning, the organism appears to be less at the mercy of external stimulation.  Its reactions seem to come from within, as if they were what we normally call voluntary. The best way to describe such instrumental reactions…

Personal Reflection The report I received about the signature themes after the completion of my Clifton strengths assessment indicated the significant talents of my personality. The most prominent aspects of my personality were recorded to be the focus, context, competition, include and futuristic. The assessment report will be beneficial to me for directing my future orientation. The assessment result has helped me in understanding my strengths and behaviours. The first and most prominent quality of my personality is the focus. Focus is an essential talent that is must for every individual who wants to achieve something in life. Focus enables a persona to make goals on monthly, yearly and even on a daily basis to achieve the desired goals in the designated time frame. The quality is a part of my personality as I am very motivated to achieve my goals, and when that does not happen, I often get frustrated and impatient. When I am working in groups, it is my nature to help others and keep them motivated to achieve the goals. I think this talent will be…

My Personal Code of Ethics Personal ethics plays a significant role in the successes and failures of a person’s life in this contemporary world. A personal code of ethics is necessary because it expresses who I am and the beliefs that I hold. One of the most essential wishes I have is that my behavior and personality define my code of ethics without having to give someone to read it from a written document. Family, school, religion, and the friends I interact with are the key aspects that act as guiding blocks to my personal code of ethics. My list of ethics is long, but below are my top most essential codes that come first. My ethical responsibility to my family is to be respectful to my elders and the people around me. In my family, I was taught to speak my mind at all times and consider airing my views in a respectful manner that does not upset others. It is also my aim to show respect through caring for the needs of other people around me.. My responsibility…

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