SELECT AN EXAMPLE OF MARGINALIZATION THAT YOU HAVE ENCOUNTERED WITNESSED OR EXPERIENCED PERSONALLY IN A COMMUNITY TO WHICH YOU BELONG DETERMINE WHO WOULD BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENDING THE MARGINALIZATION IN THE COMMUNITY Background: We have discussed/will discuss two seriously different types of letters: ones you may need to send in an academic setting and the inspiring, compelling work of Martin Luther King Jr. in Letter from Birmingham Jail. You will now create your own letters. Task: Select an example of marginalization that you have encountered, witnessed, or experienced personally in a community to which you belong. Determine who would be responsible for ending the marginalization in the community. Craft your letter to this audience explaining why the marginalization must end and how to end it. You absolutely must choose a specific and defined audience and gear the material toward this person or group of people. Format: The letter must follow an academic format containing an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. You should use formal salutations and closings for the letter. Introduction: The introduction must provide context to the issue…

The Path to Success and Personal Fulfilment Introduction Success is deliberate. Success comes about when you decide to go after what you want by creating a plan and following through. A plan is a roadmap to the results. One thing most people overlook is that they decide what they want. You want success, go for it. There’s no other way around. This means that you get to determine your path to success because the decision primarily is on you. You are one decision away from being where you want to be. Now, having said that, what is success, really? How would you define it? Success primarily has no absolute definition. It is subjective. For instance, what constitutes a successful year? The answer for this, depends on your definition of success. Growing up, I equated success to the amount of money one has and the power that comes with it. That primarily framed my definition of success. However, as I grew older, my definition of success has changed. Success in my opinion is a very personal thing. You see, what drives…

theory of personality STEP 1: Select one theory of personality from the following list: Biological Contributions (This is in your textbook as Behavioral and Molecular Genetics) Five-Factor Model of Personality Humanistic Model Social Cognitive Perspective (see Crash Course Video, Episode #22) STEP 2: Write a 200-400 word post on the theory of personality you have chosen and why it makes the most sense to you. Provide an accurate and detailed desсrіption of the approach you select. Compare your choice to the other theories. Name and briefly critique the other theories, how are they different or similar to the theory of your choice? Base your answer on the reading or videos, or you may find additional information in the UMGC library or online. Be sure to cite all sources, including your Saylor (2015) textbook. STEP 3: After you have posted your initial post, return to the discussion to comment on at least two other posts. Your comments should be at least 75 words or more and help facilitate the conversation. You can kindly agree or disagree with other responses, comment on…

Applied Personality Project Summary and Analysis The BBC program produced a podcast on The Life Scientific titled “Peter Fonagy on a Revolution in Mental Health Care. Anna Buckley’s production follows the life of Peter Fonagy and his journey, research, and experience in psychology and psychoanalysis. Fonagy’s research has transformed treatment interventions for thousands of patients with severe mental health disorders. The Podcast released on January 28, 2020, talks about the early childhood of Peter Fonagy as a teenager who experienced challenges in education, was bullied, and thought of how to commit suicide. Therapy saved him, and he later studies clinical psychology and psychoanalysis. The ability to understand an individual’s mental status and the perspectives of feelings and thought-forms the foundation of treating mental health problems. According to Fonagy, the human need to be understood forms the core of human existence about emotions and feelings to help in the mentalization experience. More specifically, the borderline personality disorder represents an example of the mental health issue that requires the intervention of a psychoanalyst to control and treat the symptoms of the condition.…

 personal claim about our novel, Frankenstein Assignment: For this midterm assignment, you will be writing an essay of approximately 1,000 words that incorporates one critical source and makes a personal claim about our novel, Frankenstein. Your tasks are as follows:   Task Example Consider a topic that interests you from the novel. This could be a literary element (setting, narrative, symbolism, etc.) or could be a more general theme or topic that has caught your attention. “I am interested in the topic of the symbolism of the monster in this novel.” Develop a personal claim (thesis statement) about the topic you have chosen. “The monster can be read as a symbol of the way society discriminates against those who cannot defend themselves.” Find one critical source (journal article or book chapter) that you can use to support, refine, explore, or apply to your claim. The source may discuss the novel specifically, but does not have to. You do NOT need to use the whole article!! Only use sections or excerpts that are relevant to your argument.   *See “Ways to…

 personal statement about why I want to study international relations I need a personal statement about why I want to study international relations. I need to answer the following questions: What attracted you to the programme you are applying for? What do you hope to do after graduation? What have you done that shows your interest in this subject area? Do you have experience studying the subject area before? What skills do you have that makes you suitable for the programme? Tell us about any relevant work experience, voluntary work or personal projects. Tell us more about yourself – your goals, hobbies and achievements. How will these make you a great fit for the programme? About me: I grew up bilingual( French and German) and always loved learning new languages. I love to travel and discover new places in the world. I love cultures. I am interested in politics since I have attended a model UN event when I was in 9th Grade. I want to learn more about the relations and conflicts between countries. [unique_solution]I am a hardworking person…

Personal Perception Marry Shelley’s Novel, perception plays a crucial part in ogres’ icy demise. The story is not only affected by accurately how the residents perceive the giant but even the readers’ discernment. Though Frankenstein in Mary’s is a fictitious nightmare novel, however, it highlights numerous social puzzles that are also contemporary in our humanity two centuries after the book was published. This reality indicates Shelley’s extraordinary intellectual capability to detect the conduct of society. Mary Shelley didn’t describe the mortal of Frankenstein as being a monster. Still, Shelley showed precisely how our community responds when it sees something distinctive. Instead of hitching good in persons, society emphasizes on the immoral trait of a person’s unique things. Each human is born with a nature of justice and blimey, but different character traits of mature people have some replication of their culture. In the perception of every person, society may be classified into two groups. One set of persons includes strangers, and the other set comprised of colleagues, friends, household, and familiar individuals. People from both of these groups influence the…

Factors to Consider While Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer   When you have an injury, you need to find a representation of a personal injury lawyer who is most dispensable at your disposal. A reputable injury lawyer will help you to have the right amount of compensation for injuries. However, choosing the right personal injury lawyer can be daunting due to their increased existence in the market. However, this article contains stipulated tips to come up with the best.   First, you need to check the experience of the attorney as well as his/her area of focus. Different lawyers render different services. Consider selecting a lawyer whose sphere if practice is in personal injury. Also, check the number of years a lawyer has been into the business. For instance, the minimum number of years should be five. Additionally, check the online reviews to see what the previous clients have to say about a particular lawyer. Besides, choose a lawyer who is willing to give you the contacts of the past clients. In case you know them, seek to find them…

How to apply for a personal loan A personal loan is the money you borrow for just any use. It could include paying a medical bill, a vacation, purchase of a new appliance, or a student loan. You are required to pay the loan back with interest, over time. The interest rate might vary depending on where you intend to borrow from. Most personal loans are usually not backed up by collateral. That means they are unsecured because they use your credit as a measure instead of using assets such as a car or your house. But it is not rare for loans to be secured sometimes. How does one qualify for a personal loan? Decide on the amount of money that you require – the money that you intend to borrow should be based on the expense you are attempting to pay for and your income. If you borrow little money, that would still leave you with some other financial needs. On the other hand, if you borrow a lot of money, you may have trouble paying it back.…

The psychodynamics of personality pathology Imagine that you are a teacher. Define the concepts of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and use them to describe how you would encourage students to learn lecture and text material. Intrinsic motivation refers to the personal interest in the pursuance of a particular topic, “learning for masteries’ sake.” Such persons find a specific subject enjoyable, and they learn it because of their natural desire to achieve a mastery of it. On the other hand, extrinsic motivations refer to the desire to pursue a subject for reasons not personal to the individual, such as approval from instructors and parents, grades, and rewards (Noels et al., 25). These persons learn particular materials not out of their desire but because it will lead to good grades, well-paying jobs in such a field, or praise from parents– all these are external rewards. Thus, to encourage students to learn lecture and text material, I would establish a student-centered classroom. Students who take part in their learning will be more intrinsically motivated. Learning should be an active activity where students have…

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