Compare and Contrast: Personal Liability Exposure The proprietor in a sole proprietorship business entity is the owner of the business and solely responsible for all its operations and management. The proprietor bears unlimited personal liability for the business losses and given the fact that the business has been sued for breach of contract, the owner will be liable. Since the sole proprietorship business has incurred a loss as a result of the lawsuit and would suffer a catastrophe, the proprietor/owner will be personally liable and will use personal assets to cater for the suit. Similarly, in a General Partnership, the general partner has the decision-making authority and unlimited liability in case of partnership debt or losses.   A partnership business may also add a limited partner, forming a Limited Partnership (LP). Limited partners have limited liability and do not take active role in the management, operation and decision-making processes of the business. The partners’ liability in Limited Partnership is limited to their contributions or amount of their investment in the business. In a Corporation, business operates as a legal entity…

  The Advantage of Getting Trained Under Personal Trainer Heckmondwike   Joining a gym in the motion of the crowd to become fitter and healthier is not always good. In enthusiasm, people join but later on, it becomes difficult to keep it going regularly. There can be many reasons for the same, but you can skip the idea of hitting the gym and still get in shape by hiring a personal trainer. Our Personal Trainer Heckmondwike will not let you face any difficulty that will deter you from achieving your fitness goal.   We have got the best trainers in Heckmondwike. They make the entire training session fun-filled and result oriented. We provide you with the most qualified personal trainer Heckmondwike who promises to make you fit. Our trainers have the complete knowledge of the body, diet, exercise plans, etc. to keep you fit. Besides, they are always available at the location prescribed by their clients, so that you do not miss any of your workout sessions.   The change which you wish to see in your body shall be…

  Personal development essay Personal development is self-growth of the person. The therapy involves the overall development of the person in all aspects, which includes a person’s feeling on themselves and the effectiveness of living. The therapy helps the person develop positive life skills and develop healthy life esteem. The training helps to look your inner self in-depth and improve necessary skills needed for a quality life that wins a self-admiration. If you believe you or a loved one would benefit from therapy, is a great choice. To learn more about BetterHelp’s therapists and what they can offer, click here. ADHD is known as attention deficit, and hyperactivity disorder mostly affects in childhood and continues to adult age. As the diseases are asymptomatic, few people may detect in childhood and few may diagnose in the later stages of life. Many kids with ADHD outgrow it, yet 60% of people have it as adults. Irrespective of the stage of life which ADHD is diagnosed, behaviour therapy is an effective treatment for ADHD. The treatment procedure can help in improving a…

race disability and thin-fat in addition to a personal reflection Introduction A collaborative consultation teacher should learn the skills of understanding their inner self as well as interacting with others. This paper provided a test that allows the participants to reflect express their cultural identities. The IAT test to be discussed includes race disability and thin-fat in addition to a personal reflection related to the results produced. The results relating to race reveals that I have a moderate automatic preference for whites over blacks. I must say that the results depict my personality towards individuals originating from African and European because I tend to be slightly warm towards Europeans compared to Africans. On its part, the disability results confirm that I prefer interacting more with abled as compared to disables concerning the answers I provided during the identification of signs. Besides, the weight IAT enlightens that I tend to be slightly cold towards thin persons, which is opposite to what I provided during the test. Precisely, I recoded to be moderately warm towards thin individuals. I fully concur with the…

PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE Irrespective of the extensive knowledge and experience that people have concerning the effects of alcohol abuse that later lead to alcoholism, the topic continues to be underestimated. For instance, in comparison to the attention given to the opioid misuse and the health and public repercussions that they have, alcoholism continues to side-lined irrespective of its effects being much lethal than those of the former. On the same note, while other substance use disorders attract maximum attention in national conversations not only in the US but also at a global scale, alcohol abuse continues to be normalized; thus, it’s mostly left out in such forums and discussions. Having been raised by an alcoholic father and thus gaining first-hand experience on the effects of alcoholism not only to the addict himself but to the whole family and also a keen observation on how it has often been overlooked, this topic is personal to me. Based on my childhood experience ranging from psychological and emotional unrest, shame, and financial constraints, it’s only humane and logical for me to be highly invested…

Personal branding Personal branding is defined as a demonstration of your knowledge and skills in a particular professional field. Personal branding is a digital online platform that allows people to manage their lives and build their career branding. The activity provides a chance for the individual to show the audience the capabilities. One of the benefit s of personal branding is that it inputs trust as it makes people feel comfortable while working. Personal branding is said to create clear and genuine intensions that foster trust and attract the networking community. Personal branding is important in building connections in areas of specialty and various professional fields. One reputation is created through personal branding; it provides individuals with exposure events like speaking events (McCabe, 2017, pg. 85). Through these events, individuals can be able to collect low-cost cards resulting in massive connections. Credibility is enhanced through personal branding in which a person establishes a reputation through the area of specialty. Through personal branding, opportunities are created, which include networking opportunities, partnerships, promotions, and job interviews. One of the identified social media…

Personality -centered theories Prejudice is the tendency of individuals to feel and think in a negative way about members belonging to other groups. Prejudice itself is an attitude or a feeling. There are several theories that explain prejudice. Prejudice theories are divided into two major categories, namely; the personality centered theories which are usually psychological in nature and culture-based theories usually sociological in nature. Personality -centered theories. Both frustration-aggression theory and the authoritarian personality theories are under the personality-centered theories. A psychologist is known as john dollard attributed to the Frustration-Aggression theory. This theory is also known as ‘displacement’ theoty,’ scapegoat’ theory or even ‘kick the Dog Syndrome’.Dollard gives six beliefs which attribute to prejudice.The six are needs,frustration,aggression,displacement,weak victims,and rationalization. All human beings have needs which could be biological such as hunger and sleep or socially induced needs such as proper housing and well paying jobs.Its not obvious that human beings needs are all satisfied.Sometimes our needs get blocked and as a result,we get frustrated.Frustration automatically leads to aggression.Once an individual gets frustrated,theuyey become angry and following is aggressive acts…

Personal Experience during Interview Feeling before and after the interview If there is any moment that one feels pressure to have a good impression is during a job interview. An interview is a do-or-die session that can be very difficult to handle even for seasoned professionals. However, some who are well-prepared for it can find the course interesting and can easily answer the questions posed by the interviewers. Even to us in the engineering field, job interviews can be fascinating if we put emphasis on adequate preparations. The level of preparation usually determines the interviewee’s feelings before and after the interview. The common emotions depicted by interviewees are anxiety, sadness, fear, anger and joy. In the interview I had, I was a bit uneasy a few moments before the interview. The calmness that I had was overtaken by anxious thoughts that nearly ruined my chances of performing well. I wanted to become very impressive to the interviewers in order to secure the job that I was very keen and passionate about. It was really a defining moment in my life,…

My Personal Leadership Style and Philosophy Leadership theory has been an active topic of discussion. There are different theories, classifications, and definitions of leadership in the contemporary world. Amazingly, all these theories and definitions are still valid. What is of importance is the fact that every new element of knowledge regarding leadership builds on the old ones to establish its basis. When the class started, I identified transformational leadership as my leadership style. Here, I viewed this approach as one that would require me to strive to be self-motivated and energetic with a student-centered educational atmosphere. In essence, transformational leaders look forward to an inclusive environment where the leader’s objective is to enhance his team to participate in achieving the overall organizational goal collectively. This allows for excellence in achievement throughout your school, including teachers and students. Going through the course and assessing and evaluating my leadership styles deeper, I have learned that I am a transformational-servant leader. According to Montuori & Donnelly (2018), transformative leadership can be described as a participatory process propelled by collaborative creativity and transformation that…

Interpersonal Relationships in Advanced Registered Nurses An interpersonal relationship is highly essential in ensuring that health services create the proper core in the health system. The fact that nurses are the first responders to patients, there is the need to ensure that there is a proper internal personal relationship to ensure that the outcomes are commendable. Reduced the number of errors made in providing medical services. With the interpersonal relationship, the communication gap will be lowered. Hence, the prescriptions made benefit the patient optimum Interpersonal relationship bridges the difference between the patients and the nurses; a joint commission ensures that there is no delay in the delivery of services. Inefficient in health care are reduced through the interpersonal Education Collaborative (IPEC). This is because of the interpersonal relationship between the practitioners and the patients; treatments are made faster. The delay in communication more often is a frustration to the patients. Interprofessional teams in Nursing can be created and collaborated with nursing roles to perform the functions in the best ways. Collaborations can be created through the removal of barriers that…

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