What is the ideal future? Apple’s unique vision is guided by the success made by the Iphone in the market. The preliminary findings indicate that the company is ready to follow the Iphone example. The fact that it has hired the top engineers in the industry shows that this option is top of the table for the company. Currently, the Iphone has altered the Smartphone market (Apple.com, 2020). The company sales have overtaken the original industry players while pushing some out of the market. Despite the premium pricing model, everyone desires to have an apple product. The Iphone model proves that with enough research and the creation of a unique product. There is a ready market.  Based on the Iphone model, the company has a solid ground to invest in research (Apple.com, 2020). The approach will also help determine the weakness of the current players and leverage on them. With such a move, it is possible to bring in a superb product on the market. The second option that the company has is the use of contract manufacturers. They are…

Can Ringneck Snakes Be Pets?                                       A picture of ringneck snake bright color chin Did you know ringneck snakes have a fair share in the exotic pet trade market? Maybe because of their stunning beauty and temperance. And that is why this article is going to discuss every tiny detail about ringneck snakes. And if you are a beginner snake keeper, ringneck serpents are the best. But keep reading as we the most exciting facts about ringneck snakes, frequently asked questions, and how to care for them. Before we even dive deeper, let me give you a breakdown of the topics we are going to discuss for easy navigation. Ringneck snake fun facts Are ringneck snakes suitable for beginners? Ringneck snake lifespan in captivity Ringneck snake full grown size Ringneck snake bite Ringneck snake habitat Ringneck snake health and behavior Ringneck snake diet Ringneck snakes reproduction Ringneck snake for sale These are the major topics that we are going to explain in detail to you. Keep reading! Ringnecks snakes are present throughout the United States. They are slender, beautiful…

Summary: Does the Chimpanzee Have a Theory of Mind? 30 years later. Years after Premack and Woodruff’s seminal paper, Does the Chimpanzee have a theory of mind?  Josep Call and Michael Tomasello attempt to answer the 30-year old question. In their review, Call and Tomasello observe that substantial amounts of new evidence confirm that chimpanzees do have a theory of mind. In particular, considerable evidence proves that the chimpanzees can comprehend not only the goals and intentions of others but also their perceptions and knowledge. However, they note that there are studies that suggest otherwise. For instance, there is no substantial evidence that shows chimpanzees can understand false beliefs. Hence, the answer is not conclusive, yes. According to the scholars, chimpanzees ought to be able to understand and predict the actions of the other for a functional competition and cooperation to exist.  One way to do it accomplish is by observing others and making predictions derived from “behavioral rules.” In this way, it is possible to predict what happens next if a highly similar situation occurs. However, the better alternative…


Troy Scott

Troy Scott Troy Scott, is a managing director with Redwood Tax Specialists (RTS) and a business advocate. He specializes in creating tax obligation resolutions for the ultra-rich and high net worth business owners as well as serving business owners in areas of bottom-line net profit, to educate them in financial matters. His passion for tax reductions emerges from his experience as a business owner, which has taught him first-hand that without a strategic approach to taxes, and without the knowledge of the taxes due or one owes, the business owner is always on the losing edge. His experience serving in the navy, where was honorably discharged after ten years of service, instilled in him praiseworthy discipline and a strong work ethic, the same as it planted in him a fiery instinct of protecting his nation as well as people. RTS shares the same values as Troy, and this made it easy for him to partner with them. RTS desires to help business owners reduce their income taxes using strategies not found on the main street. Its commitment to creating a…

Sociological Implications of the Film The film The Mask You Live In explores how men and boys struggle to dominate society as they convey America’s constricted description of masculinity. To avoid representing femininity, boys have to suppress their emotions to look masculine. In American culture, boys are supposed to be unemotional and robust; those who express emotions are considered weak and vulnerable in society. Men feel desperate, having nowhere to turn to if they wish to talk about issues affecting them due to lack of communication. Girls, on the other hand, are encouraged to talk about their emotions and feelings. Boys are expected to engage themselves in sports activities, unlike girls, which limits their abilities to participate in other activities like arts. Race, masculine stereotypes and gender socialization have negative sociological implications on both male and female genders. As a male gender, I have been conditioned to be hyper-masculine, dominant, and athletic. This is primarily to remove any sense of femininity from my personality. Boys are not allowed to show emotions or cry in public since it is considered as…

Belief in God Religion Different people tend to have diverse reasons for their religious beliefs.  People can either have ultimate or proximate causes of faith in God.  This difference has created a snag, thus the need for assessing the issue and coming up with a detailed conclusion on why different people have different beliefs. Five people were interviewed in the market place. They all did not mind being asked about their personal religious beliefs. This interview made it possible to inquire as much information as possible. They were all asked the same questions. However, the data was broad and different, as they all came from different religious settings. The interview responses of each interviewee were as follows. First interviewee Do you believe in God? Response: Yes What are your reasons? Response: It is an obvious thing to believe in God Most if not everybody on earth is religious Having faith and trusting in God is a good thing There are archaeological discoveries and pieces of evidence that God exists God makes s/he feel useful It is terrible to be an…

Analysis of Conflict Styles In chapter five of the coursebook by Joyce(2018), the focus shifts to conflict styles that are primarily manifested by a vast majority of people in times of conflict. To begin with, conflict styles refer to structured responses and behavioral tendencies observed in most people during times of conflict. The choice of a conflict style exhibited by an individual is developed through a person’s experiences in life, family background, and the unique individual characteristics that define a person (Hamilton,2011). It is observed that by the time an individual attains adulthood, he/she has attained a particular conflict style orientation and displays a level of consistency regarding the choice of style. The hallmark of this paper is to undertake an in-depth discussion on the conflict styles and their implications on relationships and personality. To achieve this, this paper will broadly focus on Serrano (2012) model of five conflict styles. Accommodating is a conflict style whose principle is utmost selflessness. The rationale of this style is a call for the sacrifice of one’s own needs and desires while giving prominence…

Answers to discussion questions According to the study, several pressures exist around sexting. Some of the central forces are generated through; cultural practices, technological affordances, social networking sites, race, and class. These factors have led to sexting, which is experienced in boys and girls. These forms of pressure not only affect teenagers, but they disrupt overall gender norms based on their daily technological-based mediated relationships. Social media sites have developed the construction of visual cyber-subjectivities that obtains its meaning by embedding itself in a more digitally public network. Another factor is gender dynamics existing on social networking sites. Sources argue out that the architecture of these cites encourages bodily and visual objections, which lead to sexting. Similarly, the authors claim there is the existence of double standards in sexting. The main reason as to why authors declare this particular norm is because, despite the sexting phenomenon affecting both boys and girls, girls are at a higher risk. Authors believe that girls are subjected to more chances of exploitation through sexual double standards of the old-age. Another ideology depicted is the…

Description of Project The proposed project targets to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of child-life services in three local hospitals as a prevention measure to child neglect. The project will cater to both inpatients and outpatients under the recruited hospitals. According to the developmental-ecological theory, risk factors that contribute to child neglect are linked to parent-child, family, and societal aspects. The program will, henceforth, be family-centered to address the psychosocial needs of the pediatric patients and their families. The proposed program requires the hiring of certified child life specialists (CCLS) for each of the three hospitals. The CCLS job description will include; presenting evidence-based information when liaising with other professions during treatment, plan medical coping strategies, and offer therapeutic services across the care continuum. For an effective intervention, the program intends to recruit the child-life specialist at a ratio of 1 to 15 patients. The CCLS are to operate at the emergency visit departments and the perioperative area. They will work with infants, critically-ill children, oncology patients, and radiology patients. In each hospital, the CCLS will be reporting to a…

Class difference: Arundhati Roy’s novel The God of Small Things, female’s dominance is a common issue which is articulated in the book by every group. Roy writes about the troubling social problems that face Indian community; after the caste system eliminated in India, she wrote The God of Small Things but depicted why the caste system was banned, but India still ran. Roy brought up to see the weaknesses in the Indian community, and as a result, he wrote a novel with a message showing the issues that occur and go unnoted. Roy carries a note through the main subject of gender identity that all individuals should be equivalent, and no caste system or gender discrimination should build a community that does not exist around equality and opportunities, despite the person’s caste or gender is. Gender is a necessary task for the personalities in The God of Small Things and occurs merely as a social institution that defines them. The villains ‘true gender manufactured since the characters in the novel would be cast out of the Indian community if they behaved in a…

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