Douglass’ life From the lectures and the lectures, it is evident that Douglass was struggling to free himself from slavery both physically and mentally. Douglass has decided to educate himself and free himself from slavery, which was rampant in the USA. Douglass resolves to retaliate towards Covey’s inhumanity. Covey was an oppressor, and Douglass was always opposed to him. Slaves were subjected to severe punishments, such as being beaten and then shot dead when they defied the orders of the plantation overseers (Douglas, 1845). Douglass’ life is not as harsh as those of the other slaves because he did not serve fields; instead, he served as a household slave. Despite this fact, Douglass initiated various resolutions to resolve the slave menace in America. He begins to educate his fellow slaves about slavery, an act that immensely contributed to the end of slavery in America. From the lectures and the materials provided, certain things are evident. Douglas shows how the masters were slaveholders were able to perpetuate their slaves by keeping them ignorant, and that is why he started educating them…

Positivism and Interpretivism   Epistemology is the assumptions humans make on the nature of knowledge. Positivism and interpretivism are epistemological positions adopted by researchers. Positivism relies on the scientific investigation, which is based on quantitative methods which include surveys, questionnaires official statistics and analysis. Stace (1944) gave priority to positivism; the statement means how to verify itself, which is significant. It is intended the verification is straight and complete. It demonstrates that verification and consideration are the basis of positivism (Stace, 1944). Interpretivism is part and parcel of epistemology as its general focus in social research is to gain a more in-depth insight of people to get an empathetic understanding of why they act in a particular manner. Interpretivism is similar to positivism, whereas it should be considered about the behaviour factor of human being, and research methods would include participant observation and unstructured interviews. Bryman (2016) showed his view that positivism, which is a part of epistemology, should apply the same methods and approaches like those of natural science to study social world while interpretivism goes against ‘scientific sociology’…

The paper will critique an issue I dislike on better never to have been using different reproaches positioned in existentialism   Both existentialism and antinatalism are philosophical movements that address human existence from a different perspective. However, existentialism explicitly addresses the question of “the least scandalous and the most austere” of teaching intended for philosophers and technician while Antinatalism advocates for never to be born or the harm of camming into existence. Benatar (1997, p.345) raises the issue that it is wrong to assume that bringing future people into reality will on balance be reasonable and generally beneficial. He claims that always being brought into existence is a harm. However, Sartre elucidates people dwell in quietism of despair and regards contemplation as a luxury. And the common denominator of existentialism is the belief that for human existence comes before essence (Sartre, 1946, p.2). Different philosophies are employees on the existence of humankind, and from the communist, in particular, the author terms them as bourgeois philosophy. Humans are accused of having emphasized that what causes public disgrace or shame to be…

Ottessa Moshfegh Ottessa Moshfegh is a brilliant and incredibly talented novelist who has written so many of what are known today as literary masterpieces. Her works have become subject to compulsive scrutiny and reviewing because of her preferred style of narration and use of the language as a tool to put across her message. Eileen is a perfect example of her contemporary style of writing that people continue to marvel about. It is a captivating story that takes the audience on a whirlwind journey of the life of the protagonist, who is a woman living in the early sixties. Eileen Dunlop is a 75-year-old who narrates how she navigates the world in her twenties, a time with limited freedom and rights for women. Criticisms of the literary masterpiece do not come as a surprise considering the novel won several nominations and awards. Sandra Newman describes the book as courageous. According to her, Eileen is a rather dull character whose suppressed nature does not allow her to participate in other people’s lives. The portrayal of Eileen as a bleak and oddly…

Monsters and the Moral Imagination review The article “Monsters and the Moral Imagination” by Stephen Asma is about the role played by monsters in the human imagination. By presenting horror films released in 2009, the year of article publication, and 2010 in the introduction, the author connects with the audience. In the article, the author makes a convincing argument of the role of monsters in human imagination by proving fitting examples but fails to convince the audience that monsters are on the rise and makes logical fallacies in the process including post hoc, non sequitur, and strawman. The introductory and closing statements of the article contain post hoc fallacies “People can’t seem to get enough of vampires lately, and zombies have a new lease of life” (Asma B11). The author attributes the rise of monster culture to people’s fascination with them but fails to provide any evidence to the claim (Miller & Miller 1). In the following statement, the author talks about the release of “usual” movies while the audience expected an unusual occurrence following the claim. In the last…

Letter from a Birmingham jail             The reading concerns a man who has spent some time “martin Luther king” in prison and demonstration of the essential wrongness that penetrate through humanity. Trying to find out if there are laws that are there to protect people, anyway, who are the people that are being protected by the law? Luther got an understanding that the rules of the society may not necessarily be real laws or either what he regarded as God’s laws, and he had the knowledge that they required to be fought and be changed for the wellbeing of humankind (Martin Luther King).     The speaker is seen explaining himself why he is in Birmingham from the ties between his organization and the host on a program “non-violent direct action,” but in addition to that was on matters of justice. Where the speaker explained as the apostle carried the gospel to all corners of the world the same case to them, they had landed in Birmingham to compel on the doctrine of justice (Martin Luther King) the speaker explains to…

The digital age The digital age is witnessing rapid advancements, and with the advent of cloud storage, internet, and smartphones, people are increasingly becoming dependant on technology. Although technology has made things convenient for people, it is vital to note that it has negative implications as well. Modern technology has messed everything, including the health and lifestyle of people. There has been an increase in the rate of depression, eyestrain, insomnia, and anxiety. Technology has affected the communication skills of human beings. Moreover, increasing the use of technological tools such as social media and video games has given rise to addictive behavioral patterns, particularly among young men and women. One of the probable causes is the need for instant gratification. Technology has created a means by which people can escape from reality. Therefore, the issues and concerns can be mitigated by creating awareness in the society. Training programs can be effective while preventing excess usage of technology. Our society is now ingrained with technological tools. In our daily lives, it is becoming increasingly evident that technological tools are a brilliant…

Combatting Sexual Cybercrime in the Age of Technological Advancement Globalization has brought significant changes in the world where there have been significant developments across different industries. The changes in technology and innovation have created a considerable influence on the lives of humanity.  Thus the increased focus on innovation has led to the development of more sophisticated techniques. These developments have led to the emerging of new forms of crime that involve computers and networks (Cheng, Chan, & Chau, 18). Cybercrime has been a significant issue over the internet, which utilizes speed, convenience, anonymity, and vulnerability of individuals and organizations to cause serious harm. There is a very high rate of cybercrimes currently based on the shift in human interaction and relations, which are highly defined computers and the internet. There are different types of cybercrime which target different setting, although it is essential to understand that all the different types of cybercrimes are detrimental to individual wellbeing. Turkey is of the countries in Europe that have embraced technology, which is influencing the level of performance and individual interaction. Social relationships…

Freedom of Speech in the Cultural Revolution America in the ’60s And 70’s “The Counterculture that was established within the United States along with the late 1960s, that lasted to a period approximated from 1964 and 1972, which coincided with America’s involvement in Vietnam. The youths involved in the Cultural Revolution disagreed with and rejected the cultural standards of their parents, mainly regarding racial segregation, materialism, women’s rights, the Vietnam War, and the sexual mores. The revolution saw the country divide into. Under the reflection of some of the Americans on ideals of free speech world peace as well as equality, others view reflected on self-indulgent or unpatriotic assault of America’s moral setting. Ideals and interests Communitarian experiments, sexual liberation, unconventional appearance, drugs, and music were the distinguishing characteristics that defined the Cultural Revolution, with most of the members comprising of the young Americans, whites, and the middle class. The hippies developed the largest group of Cultural Revolution within the United States, reaching its peak during 1967, known as the summer love where youth protested in Haight-Ashbury (Braunstein). The lifestyle…

MARY ROWLAND’S NARRATIVE OF CAPTIVITY AND RESTORATION Question #1             Rowlandson recounts several events of her captivity in a dynamic and homely style by combining direct and straightforward expressions. Conversely, Rowlandson’s style appears more elevated as she employed some metaphors and quotations, which further conveys her meaning. Question #2             Rowlandson sees American Indians as savages, thus feeling hostile towards them. Yet, she also sees kindness and understanding in them. Rowlandson saw the American Indians as hostile people due to the lack of care to her children and her denial of adequate food for her family and friends. Hence, she could not hesitate to call them “Heathen” and “Beast” (Rowlandson,2013, p 258). On the other hand, she sees American Indians act of kindness through their hospitality, which is seen when King Phillip gives her some water for washing hands, blankets, and food supplies. Question #3              The identity of Rowlandson played a fundamental role against her alleged lowliness and humanity of the Native Americans. In this case, Rowlandson never considered herself as an American. This is because she thought relating…

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