The Role of the Divine on Humanity Introduction There are many gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh including, Shamash, the sun god who gifted Gilgamesh with profound beauty, Enlil, the god of wind and the storm, and Anu, the God of Uruk. Divine creators in the Epic provide Gilgamesh with beauty, courage, and extraordinary strength. However, Gilgamesh turns out to be more god than man, “Two-thirds they made him god, and one-third man.” However, since the creation of the gods in the Epic of Gilgamesh turns out to be part god and partly divine, it creates a distinction between them and the Hebrews. According to the Hebrews, God is a supreme being, supernatural, and no human can be partly God. Hebrews are monotheistic and believe only in one God. The old testament denotes the beliefs of the Hebrews. However, the Epic of Gilgamesh elaborates Middle-eastern beliefs. The role of divinity in the Epic of Gilgamesh Gods explicitly control the world in the Epic of Gilgamesh. The existence of many gods is related to natural circumstances. For example, Shamash is the…

 Hobbes’s understanding of humanity According to Hobbes’s understanding of humanity, people are selfish creatures at their hearts. They would be in a constant state of struggle with one another if one individual were in a condition of nature (without the existence of the government). At this point, the life of a human is solitary, weak, filthy, bruising, and short. The English Civil War that lasted between 1642 and 1649, resulted in King Charles I’s decapitation establishing Hobbes’s views of human nature (McKay, p.157). He found the ensuing Chaotic Era of Interregnum from 1649 to 1660 to be so close to that original state of life that human beings could achieve. According to Hobbes’s pessimistic view of human nature, he thought that absolute monarchy was the only form of government powerful enough to control humanity’s cruel impulses. While Hobbes believed in the theory of social contract and felt that the people had no right to rebel. On the other hand, Locke’s theory of mind is often listed as the root of modern identity and selves. It prominently featured in the work…

Space of appearance Human beings rely on socialization to complete their emotional and materialistic welfare. Wendt analogy of “space of appearance” suggests that catastrophes and changes in the culture only separate human beings. However, it is sensational to overlook the social distances created by disasters in society. Covid-19, as a global disaster, has contributed to a shutdown in most of the human socialization facilities hence limiting interaction through social distancing protocols. Such life-saving measures ruin social ties in humanity. Loss of contact to social capital through disaster causes amid unrest in the emotional welfare of an individual. A ripple effect is experienced in social, political, and economic activities, which heavily rely on human interaction. From Wendt’s analysis, loss of contact with friends and other human beings indeed contributes to adverse living conditions characterized by uncertainty and emotional downturn. In the United States, routine activities that facilitated human interactions have been suspended, thus disintegrating the social ties across the Americans. As stated by Arendt, “the body politic of people is destroyed” is determined in the current global woes on coronavirus disease.…

The Existence of God The ability to undergo cognitive orientation and the capacity to think made the ancient philosophers pose imperative questions on the existence of God. Arguably, this is an area of debate that encompasses the area of religious philosophy. The area is riddled with many questions such as: Why humans live, the question of free will and whether God exists or not. Different cultures and societies have raised their answers to some of the pertinent question as above and they have become an important basis for their religious beliefs and livelihoods. The existence of God is a discipline encompassed in areas such as epistemology, ontology and the value-based systems (Evans, 2014). In such realization, the contexts that encompass the existence of God are multifaceted. Such contexts are separate following a variety of axes and exhibiting different types of orthogonal classifications. The Concepts of theism and atheism are directed to the belief of God or non-belief (Evans, 2014). Theism is founded on the belief of the existence of one Supreme Being called God. Atheism on the other ands takes…

THE ART OF DELEGATION CHAPTER 13 THE ART OF DELEGATION: -“It’s not my job.”-   Wisdom demands of us to focus on those things that matter most to us and for the betterment o of humanity. That has been the central theme in this book, “to keep the main thing the main thing” as Covey would put it in his” First things First book.” To a matured character, keeping focus and aligning your life around the main things may not be the problem. To some other individuals, aligning their lives around the most important priorities is the main problem. The ART of delegation demands that we master our sound philosophy in life and develop a culture that enables us to do that which matters most. Delegation is an art that requires perfecting as we ascend to our highest self. If you are to have dominion and to command respect at your craft, putting the hours to training, perfecting and producing your best is critical to how you turn out in the industry. This kind of commitment may be possible only…

Patch Adams Introduction Patch Adams is a film about Dr. Hunter Adams, who believes that the medical profession should embrace more humanistic traits like compassion, joy, and hope to treat patients. Humanism, as advanced by Maslow, states that people achieve their full potential by moving from basic needs to seeking self-actualization (Taormina, and Gao, 2013). Dr. Adams aims at changing the traditional mindset of medicine by using comedy, humor, and compassion to lift up their spirits of patients and give them a new lease of hope. One of the outstanding traits of the film is the use of names to drive the main theme of the film. In this paper, I discuss how the film uses names to achieve its thematic relevance. The use of names as a thematic tool in Patch Adams One of the ways the film effectively uses names is when Mendelsohn nicknames Dr. Hunter “Patch” (YouTube [Video], n.d.). The word patch means mending and strengthening. In the film, Patch is a person who brings laughter and joy and a person who instills hope for his patients. This…

Aquinas’s Proofs of the Existence of God                 Thomas Aquinas was widely remarkable scholasticism, philosopher, and Thomism Catholic priest to have ever existed. Aquinas was a Roman Catholic Church theologian and a doctor of religious whose philosophical proofs of the reality of God (1225-1274) is greatly remembered for its contributions in reconciling faith and presenting a comprehensive theological system. Arguably to up to today, hard to find any rival whose work beats Aquinas’s in influence and breadth?  Other than illuminating Christian doctrine, the greatest inspiration for his work was shaped by his theological writing. Hence, I agree with Aquinas’s argument concerning the existence of God, which is persuasive. The in-depth, voluminous Aquinas’s work depicts his imminent philosophical skills in discovering Gods’ nature and majorly protecting Christian canons. To satisfactorily comprehend Aquinas’s theology, we are obliged to first factor the twofold manner of knowing God. These involve reason and sacred teachings.  Firstly, it gives an account of the reason that reveals God on philosophical presumed success to exhibit specific facts about God’s nature and being (Burrell, 2016). The sacred teachings exhaustively…

Ethical Dilemmas in Advertising Introduction The link between ethical dilemmas and professional conduct is not a new concept in any sector of employment in the modern world. This statement is even more true when the advertising profession is observed through an ethical lens. This effect of ethical dilemmas in the advertising industry has been profound in the culture of the human species since the invention of media. Individuals in the advertising profession have faced numerous situations where positive outcomes for certain parties meant definite harm for others. The interactions between clients, advertisers, the media, and society leaves a specific impact on the culture of every individual involved. This impact is most often dictated by the party that contributes the most material or information in the interaction (Martínez-Martínez, Aguado, & Boeykens, 2017). Since advertisers’ job is to convince the audience on a specific point of view or concept, the role of influencing opinions and culture falls to them, in most cases. This paper discusses the ethical dilemmas that exist in the advertising industry. This concept is analyzed using the utilitarianism, a theory…

Role of Forgiveness within Conflicts   Chapter ten of the coursebook by (Wilmot & Hocker,2013) shifts the focus to the role of forgiveness within situations of conflicts. There is no unanimity on the standard definition of conflict; this is due to the complexity associated with the concept of forgiveness. (McCullough et al.,2000)defines forgiveness as the deliberate decision to limit negative thoughts and unpleasant behavior such as anger, aggression directed towards a perceived or real offender, or a hurtful situation and to begin a reasonable understanding of the offender and the offense committed. Similarly,(McCullough et al.,2000) opines that forgiveness is associated with the capacity of the heart to release its hold onto the pains and transgressions of the past and free itself to go on. It is thus instructive that forgiveness involves freeing oneself from rage, motivation for vengeance towards those who have committed acts of harm on one, those whom you love, and also those you identify with. To forgive means a stop to feelings of anger and resentfulness towards one for their flaws, mistakes, and offenses. This paper will…

The Universe Next Door by James W. Sire The human race exhibit diverse perspectives. We hold different views based on religious fronts such as Christianity, Islam, Theism, and deism. In The Universe Next Door, James W. Sire examines diverse world views to assist his readers to live harmoniously with their neighbors. Sire, explains the impact of nine world views on the lives of his readers and humanity at large. The author provides a framework for surveying Christian views of opposing the world’s opinions and also their own. We should not only be sensitive to other people’s world views but also recognize our own. We should understand the reasons behind our world views, for instance. Religion unites different people with a belief in the Ten Commandments. Christians believe in similar values and conduct enshrined in the bible. Often, Christians express confidence in lifestyle lived by the prophets and disciples and aspire to navigate through daily hassles with a clear   head. Also, the readers should be able to compare their beliefs with the opposing sides’ beliefs and practices. The author outlays…

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